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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Why the Same-Sex Marriage Experiment Will Not Work

Stop for a moment.  Take a deep breath.  Think hard.  What are your views on same-sex marriage?

It doesn’t matter what they are.  You should read this article by Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family.

Daly’s piece is well thought out and logically argued.  If you oppose same-sex unions, you will leave better prepared to argue your point of view.  If you support same-sex marriage, you will be well placed to argue your views if you are able to honestly counter Daily’s logic.

The title is that of Daly’s article.  It does not necessarily represent the views of the author of this post or of – Ed.


dan said...

Here is the only counter argument anyone needs: I do not care who gets married, and I don't care who they marry. It does not affect my personal life in any way.

Anonymous said...

Dan you just exposed yourself as a short sighted selfish unable to see the big picture fat lazy American.

dan said...


Anonymous said...

You're talking about two people making a marriage commitment to each other. The way society is today, many women just get "knocked up" and play house for awhile with "baby daddy" until trifling baby daddy has had enough, leaving baby mama and her WIC card to go on, and leaving us with the financial burden to pay for it. While this has gone on in the black community for a very long time, it's now quite prevalent in the white community. My point is that not many straight people believe in the institution of marriage anymore, so if two gay people want to legally commit to each other, why not? You won't see gay couples with WIC cards or welfare.

Anonymous said...

You just exposed yourself as a short sighted selfish unable to see the big picture fat lazy American.

Drew said...

7:47 8:54 You have no valid point so just insult people? People against gay marriage just gab at straws in the wind.

dan said...

Drew - 8:54 was making fun of 7:47. It's funny.

Anonymous said...

8:52, you are an idiot who either can't read data or just decided to make up his own.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused as to how does one stand on "conservative principles" of small gov. and nonintrusion on human rights, yet support banning two consenting adults from enjoying a lifestyle that has no effect on the general public

Anonymous said...

Drew, you may not care but I do! It is being crammed down our throat that it is normal behavior when I BELIEVE it is not.

All you have to do is look at pictures from the gay pride parade in San Fran and see
how depraved this lifestyle really is.

Anonymous said...

The divorce lawyers are going to get rich off of who gets custody of the cat.

LadyLiddy said...

Unfortunately, if the country was full on ONLY Christian's, you defense would stand up. This country is built on liberty for the individual. You are asking the whole to give up a right based on the beliefs of only some. I would not choose same-sex marriage for myself, but I refuse to be bold enough to think that I know what is best for anyone else. I see no harm in two people who are in love wanting their commitment to be legally binding with all the rights that go with that. Guess my Christianity is a little to progressive for many on this blog.

Anonymous said...

what purpose does it serve? there are only two things. first, a tax break for the couple. simple enough, cut the marriage credit. secondly, to make them happy. who said the US needs to make everyone happy? if just being together doesnt make them happy, i doubt a small piece of paper from the circuit court will do the trick. if the US was in the business of making people happy, give me money!

Anonymous said...

Progressive Christianity or making up your own rules that contradict the bible? Dangerous.

Anonymous said...

I see no logic in his argument. I see him comparing apples to oranges and then declaring that he has grapes.

There's only one argument against gay marriage: You hate gays and want to impose your morality upon them. Every other argument is just fluff with that kernel of truth hidden inside.

Alex said...

9:43 because jesus told them.

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of people have trouble with 2 men or 2 women being MARRIED. They have no problem with them having all the same rights as male/female couple but to call it a marriage is where the problem begins. Marriage comes from the bible, the same bible that tells us its wrong for 2 of the same sex to be together.

Anonymous said...

Just another example of destroying the moral fabric of the country. We are basically rudderless and gay marriage support proves that. Seems that the only argument for Gay marriage is to point out the poor behavior of some heterosexuals. Anarchy is the lefts goal.

Anonymous said...

The man was just saying if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything. We have such permissive society anymore as long as they have some beer the world is all right in stead of being good stewards of the country. A land without rules is more oppressive.

Anonymous said...

Homosexuality is a mental disorder.

Anonymous said...

2:21 We know Dan proved that.

Anonymous said...

They can have all of the rights, priveleges, and problems...just don't call it marriage. Marriage is a religious joining - I don't know of any religion that 'supports' homosexuality - they may tolerate it but not support it!