Sadly, YES.
The previous council, under Louise Smith, left a large backlog of items that need to be addressed. In addition, this council has chosen to actually ask questions and discuss items rather than simply ram items through (or out)without any thought. Even councilwoman Shanie Shields is participating with some intelligent comments and observations.
Isn’t this they type of city government that Salisbury voters deserve?
Admittedly, I would love to see some of the discussion cut. Council President Terry Cohen can be even more long winded than I am. Regardless, it’s good to see some thoughtful attention paid to the city’s government. Besides, once the backlog is taken care of, work sessions should be less frequent … and shorter.
As someone who attended most of Monday’s meeting, SURE, I wish it had been shorter. However, we should cheer what appears to be a new approach to governance in Salisbury. I’m hopeful that it will be worth the extra time and effort.
I really admire Terry Cohen and know that she will do a good job as Council president. You are right, however; she does tend to get long-winded, as does Debbie Campbell. Whenever I turn on Pac-14, it's a safe bet that one or the other will have the mike. The two women can nitpick a subject to death. That may be part of the reason for the 8-hour meeting; Cohen and Campbell cannot be succinct.
Nothing personal there, G.A., but as long winded as Cohen is, you still got her topped. Seen (heard) you both in action. The work session didn't start at 3:00 either. They had a closed session first, probably that sewage plant disaster again.
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