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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

White House Starts Attacks On Oil Companies

The White House has joined congressional Democrats in targeting oil companies with criticism for nearly $4 per gallon gas.

President Obama lashed out at oil companies — and the tax breaks they get from the government — for a second consecutive day on Thursday and again in Saturday's address.

“Four billion dollars of your money are going to these companies at a time when they’re making record profits and you’re paying near record prices at the pump,” the president said at a Nevada town hall. “It has to stop.”

Obama also announced a Justice Department task force that will probe whether speculators and traders are to blame for the high prices. A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Friday criticized the effort as an attempt to deflect attention from White House and Democratic opposition to increased drilling in the United States.

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Real Broke said...

Obama DeValued our Dollar and that is why with signing orders not to drill in the USA...

Anonymous said...

the gov't has been giving the oil companies this money for years. yes it is time to stop. the speculators are a big part of the problem, they are guessing on supply & demand for a year from now & that does not help the situation.

Anonymous said...

There has to be a reason that gas is now almost $4 a gallon other then problems with countires in the middle east. How is it that just a few years ago you could get gas for $2 a gallon and that was high? There has to be something illegal going on I believe.

Anonymous said...

Republicans never want to hear anything regarding going after the oil companies or any other utility company!
I'm tired of companies getting breaks while they rape us with their high prices at the same time!
They get my tax dollars AND part of what's left of my paycheck.
Talk about double dipping!

ranger3325 said...

what you haters are choosing to ignore is that the state and federal goverments get MORE per gallon of gas than the "evil" oil companies are getting and they do it by putting up nothing