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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

WikiLeaks: Al-Qaida Already Has Nuclear Capacity

U.S. authorities believe al-Qaida already has nuclear capacity and is ready to use it, new WikiLeaks documents detailing prisoner interrogations in Guantanamo Bay have revealed.

And during questioning, 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed threatened the terror group would unleash a “nuclear hellstorm,” Britain’s Daily Telegraph reveals.

The newspaper says “A senior al-Qaida commander claimed that the terrorist group has hidden a nuclear bomb somewhere in Europe which will be detonated if Osama bin Laden is ever caught or assassinated.

The U.S. authorities uncovered numerous attempts by al-Qaida to obtain nuclear materials and fear that terrorists have already bought uranium.

Other revelations reveal a plot to put cyanide into air-conditioning units of public buildings across the United States and to recruit ground staff at London’s Heathrow Airport to make attacks on planes easier.

Khalid’s 15-page file adds: “Detainee stated that as an enemy of the United States, he thought about the U.S. policies with which he disagreed and how he could change them. Detainee’s plan was to make U.S. citizens suffer, especially economically, which would put pressure on the U.S. government to change its policies.

"Targeting priorities were determined by initially assessing those that would have the greatest economic impact, and secondly which would awaken people politically.”
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Anonymous said...

If they have them they would have used them on Israel or Arab oil fields.

Anonymous said...

Obama said "oh goody let's divide the US attention on me and start a 4th war"...yuk yuk yuk

lmclain said...

Remember Donald Rumsfeld's chilling warning --- "It's not a matter of IF we will have a nuclear weapon detonated in the United States, but a matter of WHEN." A terrorist can walk a nuclear weapon across the Mexican border (and the Canadian border, too) almost at will. Where would they get it? Let's see, maybe North Korea? How about Pakistan? Surplus Russian weapons? Iran, who may not have them YET, but would CERTAINLY help acquire one and also help smuggle it? You cannot imagine the chaos, civil unrest, economic damage, not to mention death and destruction, if nukes were set off in say, New York, D.C, and Los Angeles, at the same time.....and the terrorist KNOW that, too. Which readily explains why the U.S government now does regular military drills in the USA focusing on civilian unrest and control/management. Thats not "tin-foil hat" or "outer-space" conspiracy theory. Thats verifiable fact.

Anonymous said...

Well of course Al CIA'duh has nuclear weapons!