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Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Delegate Mike McDermott Press Release

Republicans and Democrats alike have come together in the Maryland House of Delegates to form a new Tea Party Caucus and their message is clear. They want fiscal responsibility to return to State government in Maryland, and they are pledging to work in a bipartisan manner to fight out of control spending and higher taxes.

In the spirit of unity, the Caucus is being chaired by Delegate Mike Smigiel (R-Eastern Shore) and the Vice Chairman is Delegate Curt Anderson (D-Baltimore City). The group has had two meetings so far, and their numbers continue to grow.

“This caucus is focused on one thing”, said Delegate Mike McDermott (R-Eastern Shore), “and that is fiscal restraint”. Delegate Steve Hershey (R-Eastern Shore) agreed, “Our people are struggling and they need relief”. This is something the House Tea Party Caucus will work on as the Governor’s budget makes its way through the General Assembly.

The following delegates are currently members of the caucus:
Del. Mike Smigiel, Chairman
Del. Curt Anderson, Vice Chairman
Del. Justin Ready, 2nd Vice Chairman
Del. Mike McDermott,
Del. Jay Jacobs
Del. Charles Otto
Del. Warren Miller
Del. Susan McComas
Del. Cathy Vitale
Del. Nic Kipke
Del. Gail Bates
Del. Pat McDonough
Del. Neal Parrott
Del. Mike Hough
Del. Steven Hershey
Del. Bill Frank
Del. Don Dwyer


Ironshire said...

There can be NO DOUBT that we've finally elected a true representative for the Eastern Shore. I am PROUD to call Mike McDermott my friend and PROUD to have him as our voice in Annapolis.

Craig Theobald

Anonymous said...

Please protect us from all Criminals and make Offender Registries for Gun/ Drug / Sposual Abuse / Drunk Driver Registries as we need to know who these type of criminals are as with Sex Offenders are. Lets face it . The Sex Offender Registry as been very effective in stopping Sex Crimes RIGHT ?? So lets put the brake on all CRIME with Registries and protect the Country and stop all crime as the sex offender registry did.