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Friday, December 17, 2010

West Salisbury Little League Come Through Again For Salvation Army

Once again the West Salisbury Little League families have come through for the Red Kettle Campaign!  They will be ringing a bell tomorrow at the Food Lion on Nanticoke Road from 9 to 8 p.m.  We cannot thank them (and many others) enough for their great commitment and dedication to the success of The Salvation Army bell ringing effort.
Volunteers are still needed for next week at the Walmarts.  Please consider volunteering a couple hours of your time so that more children and families in need can have a Merry Christmas.  It isn't too late!
Thank you for your continuing support,
The Red Kettle Campaign

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to see organizations like this set an example for their kids.

I cannot believe that our community is allowing so many kettle slots to go unfilled.

With a slight twist of fate, any one of us could need the help of the Salvation Army.

In addition to the rest of us, all those who are receiving unemployment should consider volunteering for a few hours.

A little gratitude would be a nice thing.