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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Remind You Of Anyone?


Anonymous said...

Shanie Shields , best part about all these lard butts , they will have a very short life because they are blimped out.

Anonymous said...

They could start by taking the electric wheelchair carts away from them in stores. The elderly and physically handicapped with legit medical conditions that limit walking need those carts not the chubrocks that are too lazy to walk!

Anonymous said...

"They could start by taking the electric wheelchair carts away from them in stores"

Try Disney World where they have become a menace. All that's required is $70/day rental and you get to the front of all the lines.

Anonymous said...

on black friday i was at walmart and there was a lady sitting on her walmart issued scooter/wheelchair thing, hawking over a doll baby that she was so scared someone was going to take from her. she was yelling down the asile to the people who were shopping with her, trying to get their attention. When they didnt hear her, she simply got up and walked down the asile to them. made me so dang mad! a walmart employee removed the scooter thing she had just left in the middle of the asile. when she returned she was upset that the scooter was taken away and wondering why others standing around didnt tell the employee she was using that. for the next hour i had to hear about how she was tired and wished she still had that scooter to sit on. Give me a break! i wanted to slap her with the stupid baby doll she wanted. ps. the only thing wrong with her....she was fat. not handicapped.

Anonymous said...

Thats the first thing that crossed my mind shanie. She cant even sit at the table during the council meetings, she lays over the table.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is a law that Handicap spaces be made at every business, and depending on the number or size of business determines the amount of parking.

The do not have to be in front of the store...

ADA, is a bunch of Lawyers that had a great ideal, problem is like EVERYTHING in america. We over evaluate everything. there are people who need teh ADA, but now having ADD and being FAT makes you handicapped. Hell everyone in the US has somet type of Handicap problem Look at Jim Ireton, obviously he has to be mentally challenged.

If the fat people were made to walk, it would help them. If they could not use food stamps on crap, it would help keep weight down. If we did not give everyone who whines whatever they want, free college, free food for people who can work. They would not be where they are.

USA - Our Country proud history, destroyed by liberal, greedy, lawyers and lasy worthless people.

Anonymous said...

How do you say a JT from the other side of the tracks LOL

Anonymous said...

You people are just mean. You should be ashamed of yourselves.