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Tuesday, December 14, 2010


We're  "broke" and can't help our own Seniors, Homeless, Veterans,  Orphans, etc. !                                                          
This is so pathetically the last months we have provided aid to  Haiti, Chile, and Turkey.

Our retired seniors living on a fixed income receive no aid while our  government and religious organizations pour hundreds of millions of dollars and tons of food to foreign countries.                            
We have hundreds of adoptable children who are shoved aside to make room  for the adoption of foreign orphans.                                      
Why are so many American citizens, and the American government, so star struck they won't provide for our own?                                    
America: a country where we have homeless without shelter, children going  to bed without eating, elderly going without needed meds, and mentally ill without treatment yet we have a benefit for the people of Haiti on 12 TV  stations, ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents, clothes,    
bedding, doctors and medical supplies.                                    
Imagine if we gave ourselves the same support that we gave all other countries.  We feel bad for them but we also care about America and our Seniors who  developed this great country only to be forgotten.                      
It's time something was done about this!


Anonymous said...

The problem is no one wants to see the reality that surrounds them. People can look at conditions in other countries and donate while still feeling superior. However if they have to face the reality that surrounds them they have to admit that at any point in time it could be them needing that very same help.

The problem is as long as people do not face the truth of what is happening here then more people will end up living on the streets and going hungry. Ignoring the problem does not make it go away it makes it grow and spread...sort of like mold.

Anonymous said...

this has long been a burr in my saddle. the writer was 100% correct..and for the life of me i don't understand it. it is a sad mentality that goes on in our country.

Anonymous said...

"Retired seniors get no aid"? This writer is a moron. Our seniors get free government-provided medical care (Medicare) and a government-provided pension (Social Security). There are also many other government benefits they get. Heck, in Wicomico there are the "Happy Timers" which get local taxpayer support.

The amount spent in foreign aid by the government and the amount of private foreign charity is minuscule compared to the amount of government aid and the amount of private charity spent within the borders of this nation.

Anonymous said...

Its even worse.

The people of Haiti haven't been helped either!

Stop donating your hard earned money. Help someone you know instead.

Anonymous said...

but we are donating millions to the palestinian authority, the north koreans, etc. i do agree with 9:14 but this country definitely has a spending problem and this congress still doesn't get it. Billions in ethanol subsidies???

Bobby H said...

foreign aid is .6% of the annual federal budget. social security & medicare make up 32.4%

9:14 is right.

10:16... lets see some cited sources on these 'millions'