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Friday, December 17, 2010

A Letter To The Editor

Looking forward to some analysis of this story in the daily times today.   Did SBY just hand over the firehouse to a developer for next to nothing?  Were they duped?


Anonymous said...

It wouldn't be the first time gillis tried to get property or approvals through misleading tactics!

Anonymous said...

As much as I hate that Gillis got the Firehouse for a steal, it was the City's ineptitude that didn't advertise properly, didn't follow up properly, and ignored a prior higher bid.

Anonymous said...

How about Gillis's farce of a letter to the editor were he is supposedly appologizing to UMES for any "unintential" misrepresentation of their position.

Anonymous said...

11:35, the Brushmiller boy had a lower bid. Albero offered a higher amount, but didn't enter the bid process because Comegys the Mouth said he'd never sell him anything.

The Gillises did a dance about UMES being a partner and it was bull.

And yes, the City is incompetent as heck. Pamela the Red should have been able to answer Cohen's question right on the spot.

If they didn't advertise the river property and sold it, it's illegal as heck. That City Hall needs a good sweeping and Ireton should go too if he defends this Heck. The oath he took is meaningless to him?

Hate that Joe doesn't allow cussing. Some words aughta be allowed. Heck doesn't cut it.

Anonymous said...

12:19 PM

There were numerous times I said in the past that I would love to see Barrie Tilghman leave the Government Office Building in handcuffs. Now I would love to see Jim Ireton leave the Government Office Building in Handcuffs.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone ever answer Terry Cohen's question about the firehouse ads?

Probably not, but wondering anyway.

Anonymous said...

bait and switch. I find it odd that UMES knew little about their supposed involvement in gillis' plan despite UMES being mentioned everytime the project was brought up in the paper and then oddly a week after the sale UMES claims they never said they were in. Why didn't they speak up before when the negotiations were going on??? I think gillis swindled the city and there were several people in on it.

Anonymous said...

Hum this makes me think!!! Brushmiller and Gillis's are friends. Brushmillers idea was only $60,000.00 and Palmer was $100,000.00. Why not conspire together, one puts in a low bid and makes the other look high. So happens the low one backs out. Makes it look like the only one left is the one we take. Palmer get the fire house, the 2 plots of waterfront property. Maybe buys the Attorneys next to it and the empty lot next to them. Now has Fire house, 4 waterfront lots, a parking garage for customers, a walk way from garage to their fire house, then to Brads waterfront bar and grill. What a sweet deal for the Gillis's. Makes you think who is screwing who here!!! In the end the tax payers get it and the Gillis's get richer!!!