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Tuesday, November 02, 2010


No matter the outcome today, there’s already a big loser in this election cycle – the local T-P crowd who thought that they could usurp the electorate by whining about taxes and spending but offering no solutions or even a serious proposal. Like, can you say "Julie Brewington" (and what has Ms. Wannabe been doing since her embarrassing debacle in the primary)?

With leaders like her and her husband no serious candidate was lured aboard their ship of fools, and their coterie of candidates – Mr. & Ms. B., Chris Lewis and Calpino the absurd – have either been eliminated or will be today.

The electorate has a remarkable ability to detect a sham, and having been duped by Obama two years ago, is not about to let that happen again. By trying to foist upon us candidates who have no knowledge of local or state government but simply want to run it "their way," the Tea Party has effectively neutered itself in Wicomico County. New leadership (assuming it would not be a carbon copy of the current) might not be enough.

In essence, they blew it! But, in the next election cycle we probably will have to endure "Julie, the Sequel."


Anonymous said...

I don't think it's a matter of the Tea party loosing. But the fact that the goverment is not representing the people.Tea party or not we need to take back our goverment.I'm a registerd Dem but I won't be voting that way this time.

Anonymous said...

The TEA party is much bigger than a couple of locals you happen to dislike.Don't let the trees block your view of the forest.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of people who believe in the ideals that AFP holds up. Those ideals are not new, they've just been ignored for too long. Limited government, individual responsibility, fiscal restraint, protection of the Constitution and the belief that the Constitution means what it says, not what some leftist judge, or legislator wants to interpret it to mean, were the ideals of our founding fathers. There are plenty of candidates still in the race who hold these beliefs, too. In Wicomico County, for instance, they include Matt Holloway, Bob Culver, Joe Holloway, Stevie Prettyman and Gail Bartkovich. John Cannon got knocked out in the primary, but you can bet he's not lost interest in politics and he'll run for office again. It's not unusual for people to get elected, run for another office, loose, run again and win. In our history Abraham Lincoln ran for office many times and lost. He kept trying and became one of our greatest Presidents.

Anonymous said...

The local "leaders" have poisoned the well IMHO.

Anonymous said...

Working within the system is difficult for lots of people to learn. We have a system of government that is unique and while there are those who are trying to contaminate it by creating a permanent majority in one party,we have to work hard to preserve it. And fix it when people try to break it. The "local leaders" need to improve their skills, or others need to come forth. It's good that some are.
There is a woman from the East Side who ran for the House and did not make in through the primary. But Mrs. Kenny is a fine, upstanding, honorable and smart woman. I hope she tries again. She would fit in the group 11:33 mentioned and I don't think she has run for office before. Who ever heard of David MacLeod before he ran for office 4 years ago? He got elected and has done a good job.

Anonymous said...

1:51 -

Although I voted against Mr. MacLeod, I respect him and Ms. Kenny. The post is not directed at them, but rather at the wing-nuts who run the local T Party, who have run it into the ground with their BS.

Anonymous said...

The Tea Party has been an interesting third demension to this years election. It's just sad that are county had the least politically educated, social skills lacking, whats in it for me people. That, by the way just happen to be married. Brewingtons, the next time you want to elevate your social status, take an etiquete class, please do not run for politics

Anonymous said...

Julie left the AFP, not the Tea party. Just so you know there is a vibrant Tea party here that is emerging in the wake of the dying corporate establishment run AFP in ALL counties in Maryland.