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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Today's Survey Question

Are Speed Cameras Acceptable To You In School Zones?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes and I know by Maryland law they are supposed to be only used in school and construction zones. Unless you are in Fruitland where they use them wherever they want all over the town, no where near a school.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ye because I have a radar detector they dont bother me :)

Anonymous said...

I could live with them in school zones.

Anonymous said...

i odnt care were they put them, i dont speed :)
heck put em at every intersection and have them be speed/red light cameras, its fine with me.
people need to learn to obey the traffic laws.

Anonymous said...

No. No. No!!! It's just another way the government can pick the pockets of the taxpayers, without calling it another tax. The school zone cameras aren't about school safety, it's all about the money.
Fortunately, where ever they want to use them, the town, or county council has to approve it. The county council people I've talked to say they are opposed to the cameras.
It's a pick your pocket skeem and any body who supports using should be voted out.

J.Albero said...

You want to try and publish your comment two or three times, I deleted them alltogether.

Anonymous said...

Yes please pick the pockets of anyone who has a job, hell the local governments do nothing to create job growth on delmarva ,so take it from the few who do have a job.
communist u.s.a.

Anonymous said...

NO!!!!!I hate big goverment

Anonymous said...

id say put cameras everywhere. in public, there is no privacy.

Anonymous said...

No, Your basic right to a trial is denied. It is all about the money, and not about safety.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the drivers need to be monitored as much as the "little darlins" that bolt in front of you running across Rt. 50 or College Ave. wherever they feel like it, crossing area or not. And then they laugh at what they've done. These are the one's that need monitoring! Fine these 'darlins' for jaywalking, see how far that goes!

Anonymous said...

I can understand why people would say yes, but I have to say NO because when you give government an inch they take a mile. 10:27 indicates this is already happening.

Anonymous said...

NO! I'll tell you why - because once the government gets a foothold - they always expand the program. Today - speed cameras at schools and tomorrow - it will be Main Street. They always take a little bit each year hoping noone will ever notice.

lmclain said...

Why don't all of you "YES YES YES!!!" people jump with both feet and a BIG smile on your face right onto that slippery slope of constant electronic, faceless surveillance of the public...the first step in the process?? Get us to agree that "it's for a good cause" so that all the pious, self righteous "if you're not doing anything wrong, then don't worry' people will cheerfully march us right into the ovens. The colonists who "weren't doing anything wrong" when the British gave them a few hours to take what they could before the British troops took over their house surely resented it when their neighbors told them it was "for our own good". And I'm sure that there were millions of Germans who cheered when Hitler shut down newspapers that criticized his methods and jailed/tortured/killed the editors and reporters. Until he shut them all down. I can't believe the stupidity of so many of you lemmings. Look it up. Don't learn from history? Pay the price.

Anonymous said...

you said it 2:11, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Fruitland needs those cameras. People fly on these roads. Drivers there have no clue what the speed limit is where they are driving or if they see the signs they don't care. There are speed limits for a reason & that is safety- no matter if you're in a school zone or not. Maybe the SUV with the camera will make them pay attention. Move it around to other streets & it's fine with me.

Anonymous said...

Only if the money generated went to the school. This would be a great fundraiser instead of selling candy and wrapping paper!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do school zone cameras know when to duck for bricks, bullets, chains tied to their legs and being dragged?

2:11 has it right on the head.

Any government official that sppeds past one of these will walk scot free as the image will be blury, or lost , or something, because they are SPECIAL!

Anonymous said...

5:37 - Fruitland has enough officers to set up actual radar to address this problem. Instead, they choose to subcontract it out to a nameless, faceless company that parks a car with Illinois tags 2 miles from the closest school in the name of "safety of the kids." If you are "caught," you have no rights and no recourse for defending yourself, and - perhaps just as bad - you receive no penalty for your bad driving. It it's truly about a safety issue, do it the legal way... but, sadly, it's all about money, money, money.

Ironshire said...

Absolutely. As well as red light cameras. The law is the law. Obey public safety laws or pay the fine! Just slow down!!

Craig Theobald
Retired Police Officer

Anonymous said...

Yes ,Also to the yellow mustang at Delmar elm today ,I called and got you the ticket and to all the other your next.Slow down park with the flow and not in no parking zones.

Anonymous said...

The camera in Fruitland is a fixed fine. It's not even issued through the district court as a moving violation. And you have to be doing over 10mph of the posted speed limit to get a fine. The money from these infractions is reported as going back to the school district. If that is truly what is happening then I say yes. But I don't feel it should be anything more than that. If it can generate money to support school systems without a tax than so be it. Let the one's that are endangering our children with excessive speeding in a school zone foot the bill to support Maryland's education system.

lmclain said...

Some of you JUST DON'T GET IT. The very same people who are all for the searching of otherwise innocent citizens by the police who hope to FIND a crime, which I have previously (and rightly) called Nazi checkpoints. The same ones who go merrily along with our government taking our picture and storing it in a database (by the millions!). For what future use?? You don't even think that far ahead, do you? The same ones who sit back silently and watch the government JAIL reporters for not revealing their sources. The same ones who say "go ahead, wiretap my phone anytime---I'm not doing anything wrong". The same ones who say "yeah, I can see how the government might need, from time to time, to secretly arrest and try AMERICAN CITIZENS --- without warrant or habeas corpus rights--- and then secretly imprison them (Patriot Act). The list is now almost endless. We live, supposedly, in a FREE country, NOT a Chinese, North Korean, or Soviet Union police state. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have DIED for that concept. Some of them I knew. Quit surrendering our rights so YOU can feel SAFE. These things (the subjugation and abrogation of our freedom) doesn't happen in one fell swoop- it occurs inch by inch, day by day. And so many of you are just happily letting it proceed. SHAME!!! YOU are a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

The way I've seen most people drive, speed, and still talk on cell phones...I agree with the use of cameras. They free up the police for more important work, and hopefully slow people down. If you don't speed or run stop lights, stop signs, or drive agressively you don't have anything to worry about!

MadDad! said...

Maybe many of you missed the news last Friday when a youngster was hit by a car on Spring Ave. directly across the street from Prince Street School. Fortunately in this case, the driver WAS driving UNDER the speed limit, otherwise this little boy would have lost his life. If all of you posting comments could have been there to see AND hear a truley distraught mother, you would all change your opinions! As a parent living across the street from this school, cars just FLY down Spring Ave daily, and there is NEVER a cop in sight at dismissal. Both school administrators and many of their staff are dilligent about monitoring the kids, but they can't do a thing about the speeding cars except call the police. In fact, I have perosnally witnessed Mr. Fowler, the Principal escort students across the street in the marked crossing zone. I applaud his effots, but fear it will only be a matter of time before he, one of his staff, or a student is killed in front of that school. There is a crossing guard down at Prince and Roger street, but what good is he when all of the kids are out in front of the school? I hope that someone in authority reads this from the local police, and that they do something about it. A camera would certainly help, but we need to see police there every day at dismissal as the place is a madhouse!

Anonymous said...

the law breakers are the ones against it..flat out..if you are not speeding (as in 12 or more over) you wont get a citation...and the camera is within a half mile of a school zone..not 2 miles away...get out your measuring tape all of those who are misinformed

Anonymous said...

Sounds like lmclain is a speed camera away from packing up and moving to the midwest and starting his own militia. go get em mcveigh

lmclain said...

Put some police around the schools. That would be a very good use of our police force. Ticket the speeders like there ain't no tommorrow. Cool by me. But as one can see from other posts, there are legitimate concerns from LAW-ABIDING citizens. Again, we hear the "if someone you know was hurt/killed, you would change your mind". May I remind you AGAIN of that famous quote (now, pay attention--- there is wisdom in this..) "Those who are willing to trade security for freedom deserve neither". Keep giving up your freedoms so you can feel "safe" and "secure"....and quit ridiculing those who have a more informed knowledge of look foolish and extremely naive. A LOT like the Jews in Germany who kept saying that they should just do what the Nazi's want and it'll be okay. That was naive, too.