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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Muslim Brotherhood 'Declares War' on U.S.

Five years before the 9/11 attacks, al-Qaida declared war on America, the West, Christians and Jews – and virtually no one noticed.

Now, a longtime observer of Islam is warning that a "war declaration" of potentially much greater significance has been made.

The Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Badi, who was elected only months ago, has "endorsed anti-American Jihad and pretty much every element in the al-Qaida ideology book," writes Barry Rubin, author and director of the Global Research in International Affairs Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs Journal.

The Brotherhood – the dominant Islamic organization in the West that has spawned most of the major Muslim terrorist groups, including al-Qaida, along with the biggest "mainstream" organizations – is giving the signal that it is "ready to move from the era of propaganda and base-building to one of revolutionary action," says Rubin.

In a sermon published Sept. 30 titled "How Islam Confronts the Oppression and Tyranny [against the Muslims]," Badi said waging jihad against both of these infidels, Israel and the U.S., is a commandment of Allah that cannot be disregarded.

The remarks were delivered in a weekly sermon, published Sept. 30 on the Muslim Brotherhood's website and translated into English by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Governments trying to stop their people from fighting the United States, he said, "are disregarding Allah's commandment to wage jihad for His sake with [their] money and [their] lives, so that Allah's word will reign supreme" over all non-Muslims.

Rubin concludes: "Let it be said that in September 2010, the Muslim Brotherhood, a group with 100 times more activists than al-Qaida, issued its declaration of war."

He calls the sermon "one of those obscure Middle East events of the utmost significance that is ignored by the Western mass media, especially because they happen in Arabic, not English; by Western governments, because they don't fit their policies; and by experts, because they don't mesh with their preconceptions."
More here


Anonymous said...

Bring it on , we need to get rid of these terrorist once and for all.

Anonymous said...

I could have swore war was declared with the original bombing of the WTC in the 1990's. This is news now?

Anonymous said...

Read again 10:50..... this is a WESTERN organization - which means right here, in our own backyard. If you think radical Islam isn't here, you're crazy. They are here as students and citizens. They value Sharia law over citizenship / nationalism. Wake up folks! War is imminent on our soil.

Anonymous said...

who cares if they are east or west. It's still terrorists trying to strike at us just as they have been trying (and sometimes succeeding). War is on and judging by the perceived body counts, we are winning.

Anonymous said...

I say bring it on ... This whole thing is getting really old. If you don't like the US, then do something about it and see what happens. If we'd stop fighting political wars, and fight them like we used too, we wouldn't have people questioning us. But not we are viewed as weak by most of the Middle East because we fight politically correct wars ...

lmclain said...

Muslims are, by Mohammed's command, as the true messenger of the one true God, Allah, supposed to spread Islam throughout the world. To convert everyone or to kill the infidels who will not submit to the will of Allah. This is the teaching of the holy book of Islam. AND, it is totally and completely UNDENIABLE. Yet we are constantly told that this is NOT their intention. So what is it? Are they devoted to the word of the Koran? Are they Muslim or just "fake Muslim"? You KNOW the answer. Their leaders (and they AIN'T leading just a couple of freaks in New York) consistently and constantly preach the coming future of total Islamic domination. OUR leaders, meanwhile, constantly preach "tolerance", while we surrender and compromise more and more each day. Our Muslim enemies laugh and continue, unabated, to kidnap, bomb, murder and destroy EVERYONE who remotely disagrees. They are, quite obviously, also committed to "tolerance" and "peace". Buy guns and ammo, people. Being nice doesn't work with these guys. You're either Muslim or dead.