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Thursday, October 07, 2010

N.Y. Seeks To Ban Sugary Drinks From Food Stamp Buys

NEW YORK -- New Yorkers on food stamps would not be allowed to spend them on sugar -sweetened drinks under an obesity-fighting proposal being floated by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Gov. David Paterson.

Bloomberg and Paterson planned to announce Thursday that they are seeking permission from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the nation's food stamp program, to add sugary drinks to the list of prohibited goods for city residents receiving assistance.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Good deal. These are also the same folks who rely heavily on public assistance for their healthcare needs.

Anonymous said...

Good. They eat better than most of us anyway. No bacon either.

Anonymous said...

good idea but oh my the complaints dont want to be no cashier now, they fought when they had to buy cereal with no fruit in it just plain cereal can imagine what will go on when they cant have sugary drinks.

Anonymous said...

10:54 lies. Please look up some facts instead of inuendo about "I saw so and so buying steak on EBT"

Anonymous said...

People on public asst should not be able to buy filet mignon, crabmeat or white bread either...

Soon the ban or a "tax" will be put on these drinks for everyone and the gobament will tell you what you can and can't drink. Slippery slope.

Anonymous said...

I like the old idea of lining up for peanut butter, beans, and cheese. If you need assistance, you can't be choosy.

Anonymous said...

10:54 you don't need facts just go to a local seafood store and watch Independence Card holders buy an array of seafood products, I hope Obama give me an Independence Card so I can buy the top quality seafood products the non working leaches purchase,by the way most of the leaches drive a nicer car, I guess I am jealous.

Anonymous said...

Really should ban it for everyone, no nutritious value at all. Why waste your money?

Anonymous said...

Drink milk

Anonymous said...

No grape soda?!

Anonymous said...


Love it. "don't need facts". Exactly how the idealogues work. And it's hilarious how you guys scream "Obama" when these programs (independence card, free cell phones) were created before any of you even heard of an Obama.
Got to love the voters; so easily swayed (fooled)

Anonymous said...

no one says the government should tell you what you can drink, but it SHOULD be able to tell you what it will BUY you to drink! If you want a coke, buck up the 2 bucks to pay for it yourself!

Anonymous said...

There is a difference between Independence cards and WIC. I am not sure where "Food Stamps" fall into play. I have seen people use independence cards to buy cigaretts, beer, and junk food at gas stations. Ps. I have followed plenty of people out of wal-mart and foodlion (who purchase part or all there food with WIC and Independence) and get in a brand new or bareley used high end car!!
There has to be a better way to keep people from taking advantage of our system. Maybe if we cut them off completely they will get off there rears and get a job. If it pays the bills I will work at McD's or Wal-Mart. Its more than I can say for most people:(

Anonymous said...

12:27 The food stamp program was first introduced so the farm surplus crop could be utilized. It was the Democrats that have turned into the monster that is today. My guess is to buy the poor man's vote.

Anonymous said...

The EBT card can also be used for Food Stamps AND Cash assistance, that's why u saw them buying beer and cigarettes because their allowed too, poor choice yes but allowed too

Anonymous said...

12:33 Is so right, when someone else is paying you have no right to question what they are willing to pay for.

Anonymous said...

you know it use to be embarassing to have to use food stamps, it was something you didnt want anyone to know. Now people go around flaunting it, so proud they dont have to do anything and the government will support them. My husband and I work 2 jobs each, their not great jobs but we get paid, and just get by, and thats after we took in a border to help defer the cost of our rent. we work our buts off so others can sit around an mooch off of our effort. im tired of it! if you need government assistance you should not get any options you should get what they give you and thats it, lowest grade cheapest crap there is thats all you should get.

Anonymous said...

I just wonder what percentage of welfare recipients do you think are abusing the system? How much do you think this abuse costs taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

2:15 Hardly anything compared to the budget. It is all just used so no one notices the really big stuff.

Chimera said...

Dont get me started.I have worked in a place that sells booze and been asked a thousand times "why you dont take Independence Cards"?They think its owed to them and they should use it anyway they please.And before the racists jump in let me just say it is not a problem confined to one race.I see alot of white women in nice cars and dressed better than me using them because they have a man in the house and they lie about it to qualify.
Last but not least,take a look at what they buy and then look at their kids.Their carts are piled high with junk and their kids are morbidly obese.Seriously,Im talking 5 yr olds who weigh 90-100 lbs and already pre-diabetic.Who then cost us a fortune in Medicaid.
It has to stop but none of our current politicians has the cojones to be the one who says "the buck stops here".

Anonymous said...

As a teenager, I worked for a small grocery store. A female came in to buy diapers with foodstamps. I told her she couldn't. She went and got the owner and he made me accept the foodstamps for her diapers. Next thing you know, it was lottery tickets and cigarettes. It wasn't long before someone anonymously reported him. Even business owners don't follow the rules if they think they are going to get a little padding from it.

Anonymous said...

I have seen alot of misuse of the Independence cards, why they call it INDEPENDENCE I don't know it would be called the free loaders card in most cases. They should all have to pass a drug test before they can claim one dime!! WIC seems to be a pretty good program. They only let you buy certain things with it. I agree with another comment that seafood should be off the list. How many people that work every day can't afford to go into a seafood market and buy shrimp, lobster or crab meat. The entire system needs to be overhauled. The married people are the ones that are suffereing in the long run. People are staying single because they can get more free money that way. They lie and say there is no one else in the household. Mean while we give them free food, healthcare blah blah blah.... and then comes tax time when they get thousands back. We had a couple that lived in our area that together made more than we did plus they got all the freebies allowed and would get 3-4k or more each year back in taxes because they were "single" yet lived together. HOGWASH! I'm sick to death of doing the right thing in life and others freeload!!!! ENOUGH ALREADY!

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Yeah finally someone is getting SMART!!!!!!! Let all of the U.S. to do this!! I am tired of busting my butt so the lazy people can live off of me!! I have NO problem with the ones who need assistance! I have a HUGH problem with the ones who don't want to work and live off of the government!!! I think if you need assistance, then you should NOT be able to buy chips, sodas, cookie and etc. These items are not necessary!!! You should only get milk, cheese and hamburger meat NOT STEAKS!!! There should also be a price limit not an amount you should receive every month!!! Also Please send a THANK YOU note to all of us who work and pay taxes!!!
Yes, I am employed so I have a right and I also VOTE and I sure in H%%% did not vote for OBAMA!!! He will be a one term president!!! Thank God America is waking up!!!
Way to go NY- I would like to keep the money I earn!!!

Anonymous said...

Lemme get this right...California wants to legalize weed and New York wants to outlaw sodas for people on foodstamps. Something just doesn't add up. Crafty foodstampers will buy lobster w/ foodstamps and sell it for cash to buy sodas.

We are a society in decline.

Anonymous said...

I am 48 years old and never had a professional manicure with the pretty painted nails. As a birthday present this past year, I was given a gift certificate to have it done for my first time. As I was looking at color's and designs, I watched as 2 young females went to the counter to pay for their's. Because I had admired their choices, because I was allowed to watch the process, I stayed at the counter to see the cost so I would know if my certificate would cover it. They both paid with cash, high fived each other and said, "I wish I had gotten my EBT card sooner! My nails were looking rough!" The cost was $10.00 more than my certificate was worth. The State needs to mandate it so that whatever you use your food stamps for, or cash for, you are required to turn in a monthly receipt to prove how you used it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is the beginning of Obama-care entering our person lives and telling us what and when we can eat. It's just the tip of the ice berg!

Anonymous said...

Glad someone noticed 3:19, while there will always be some who abuse the system, the amount of money going out is miniscule compared to all the other spending endeavors that are really driving the debt. But too many dummies on the right will eat up the red meat thrown out by the pundits and politicians. Meanwhile none of them have serious proposals to curtail debt. Simply more flag waving and "we want our country back".

Casey C. said...

Good! While they are at it, they should not allow them to buy steak, shrimp, crabs and other expensive meats a lot of people who work can only afford every once in a while. Also, they should be limited to buying store brands. Its ridiculous. I worked at Food Lion for three years and these people really used to get me fired up, especially when they pull out a wad of 20's when they have to pay for things that weren't covered AND have the gall to complain about it! Limit these people and they might get off their lazy behinds and get jobs! Granted, some people really need assistance, but here is Salisbury the abuse of the welfare system is APPALING! Good job NY!

Anonymous said...

it made a huge difference in food when I had an Independence card. No steak but to have a non pasta only meal with vegetables was not only good it was a blessing. No matter what happens people will find a way to abuse something. I was able to turn mine in when I got work and wrote a thank you note to the case worker

Anonymous said...

5:14 I know of alot of "single" women who run that game.
RE 5:54 alot of people are probably asking how you can use EBT to get nails done.Simple.When you get cash assistance from state that goes on the card and they can use it at an ATM just like a bank card to withrawl cash.Thats why they all have drugs and liquor and hairdos on the first of every month.Dont fall for the Democrats who say its "corporate welfare" rather than "welfare queens" scamming the system.Multiply the number of people on welfare by the number of kids they have and you see how out of hand it is...especially when some guys out here have 12 and 13 kids.

Jim said...

You can not buy alchohol or cigs with an independance card. It only allows for certain food items and drinks. Not sure what you refer to with an EBT card but if it is from unemployment you can buy anything.

Anonymous said...

There's a sign in a local seafood market that sells both raw and cooked seafood, that Independence Cards will only be honored on the raw seafood.
Yes and what's up with calling it an Independence Card. It's more like a Dependant Card. When there are restrictions on what you can and cannot buy using it, you are not in any sense of the word independant.
And those that think alot of folks are not using those cards to buy booze and cigarettes are living in a dream world. I've even heard of cases where people "sell" their cards for pennies on the dollar to get money for drugs, booze and cigarettes.