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Thursday, October 07, 2010

EPA Says Greenhouse Gas Regulations Could ‘Slow Construction Nationwide For Year s’ For Little Result

Tough new rules proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency restricting greenhouse gas emissions would reduce the global mean temperature by only 0.006 to 0.0015 of a degree Celsius by the year 2100, according to the EPA's analysis.
As a side effect, these rules would “slow construction nationwide for years,” the EPA said in a June 3 statement.
Republican members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee highlighted those findings in a report released last week.
The GOP minority report, issued last Wednesday, said a series of proposed and partially implemented new regulations on industrial boilers, greenhouse gas emitters, and ozone levels will put over 800,000 jobs at risk with little environmental benefit.
The authors cite the EPA’s own staff to show that greenhouse gas regulations, which would require major sources of CO2 (carbon dioxide) to obtain permits and limit their output, could seriously harm the economy if implemented.


Anonymous said...

just what we need; more regulations. do we understand that the enviro/whaco doesn't care about anything but saving the buzzard and the tree and to heck with people.
they go too far in everything they touch.
not saying we shouldn't be good stewards of the earth but not this way. control, control and more control. not good for anyone.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for balance of both env. and commerce. Too bad we have so many on the right who believe companies should be able to do what they want, then they complain when they cant fish, swim, or eat anything out of the Bay.

"Hey, why is my tap water on fire? Must be all that 'drill, baby, drill' activity I was shouting for.

Anonymous said...

They are going to regulate cow farts because of the methane.