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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kratovil Doubles Down On Failed Stimulus Agenda

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland Republican Party Chairman Audrey Scott issued the following statement in response to Congressman Kratovil’s support for House Resolution 1586 which allocates $26.1 billion in new spending:

“Today Frank Kratovil voted to double down on the Democrats’ failed ‘stimulus’ agenda. Kratovil’s latest episode of toeing the party line comes in the form of an election year bailout for teachers unions, partially financed through $10 billion in new taxes on job creators. Rather than focusing on First District job creation, Kratovil’s allegiance to Pelosi’s tax-and-spend agenda continues to hinder job growth while placing mountains of debt on future generations."


Anonymous said...

Your dam right he voted for the bill or Pelosi would kick his sorry ass all way back to the eastern shore.

Anonymous said...

These dumbocrats are in so far over their heads that they can't see daylight at this point.

Wait till November when the voters start throwing the dirt on their heads

ef said...

he is limp resolved just like every other lying spineless politician! he has got to go.

does everyone know he VOTED NO for healthcare AFTER it already passed, the demo's didnt need his vote, so he could vote no.

anyone know about that?

Anonymous said...

He still claims to be conservative, what a joke. His votes tell us what he really is, a tax and spend lib.