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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Meet Candidate Dave Catrino/Worcester Sheriff


Mary G. said...

Excellent! This is what we need in Worcester County. We are behind you 100% dave!

Anonymous said...

You should have asked him about his previous employment at OCPD. Why did he resign (fired)? How can he manage the money of the Sheriffs office when he cannot manage his own. It is funny his boat caught fire recently and he is having trouble receiving insurance money. It is also known that he could not pay any of his bills for the work he had done on his boat. Coincidence? I will truly be afraid what will happen to Worcester County if he becomes Sheriff.

Anonymous said...

9:29 DITO! Sorry Joe, I know the comments were all supposed to be positive after these interviews, but this candidate is not a leader by a long shot, just talk to ANY OCPD officer! Even the FOP would not consider his pleas following his dismissal! He has NO respect of the current WCSO troops, and never would............. good nite Dave, sleep well.

Anonymous said...

I have previously worked for a chief of police with the same energy level that dave has. it is my opinion that the worcester sheriffs office will see morale explode through the roof. i believe dave will lead from the street instead of administering from behind the desk. good luck dave

Anonymous said...

Said like true people afraid of a election canidate. There are people at the sheriffs office that are afraid he will win so they are posting these negative comments about dave, just like they did about mike lewis when he ran for office.

If people in the current admin weren't afraid of losing their cooshy positions they've been in for years, these comments wouldn't be here.

Bottom line is it doesn't matter why he left ocpd... people have disputes with their employers all the time and this is why we have a legal system to deal with disputes of a civil nature. It has nothing to do with his ability to be a sheriff.

I heard about the boat thing also and its also a bunch of bull people want to stur up to discredit dave. Dave has never been the subject of an official investigation over any boat issue.

Its just people afraid of progress, sweating that they are going to loose their butt molded seats. Dave is 100 percent behind the officers. I talked with him at his fundraiser and he supports an agency that allows the deputies to express our opinions in its operation. So, I support you dave.

John s. said...

All personal issues and hearsay that have nothing to do with the issues at hand.

Mudslinging by misguided persons. Thanks dave for not engaging in this type of mudslinging. We support you.

Anonymous said...

Joe, now that Dave is an advertiser, it's clear you are now holding comments that tell the truth, although not favorable for Dave. All the voters have to do is a little homework, the facts are there.

J.Albero said...

anonymous 2:15, you can kiss my A$$.

I am not going to allow a major personal attack against any candidate that has been interviewed without your using your REAL NAME. I live in Delaware, I have no horse in this/these race/s. Now grow a pair and start acting like a MAN and use your name.

Anonymous said...

It is tough to use our real name. You know what happens when you tell the truth about an officer? Retaliation!

John D. said...

State one example that you can prove with documentation locally that has resulted in retaliation from a police officer using his/her official powers against someone expressing their opinion on that officer. A documented example, not heresay...

Anonymous said...

I never knew Dave before a chance meeting at the county fair. He has the energy and sincerity to become the Mike Lewis of Wor.Cty. He took the time to talk with us about a subject near and dear to us. He contacted us afterwards to follow up on our problem. The problem I refer to is not important -- what is important is his desire to listen and have follow-up. Now that is something that most candidates won't do. HE CARES about the people.