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Friday, August 06, 2010

GOP Site Slams Dems With No Town Halls Planned

Republicans accusing vulnerable House Democrats of avoiding town hall-style meetings during the summer recess have created a new website calling them out on it.

The National Republican Congressional Committee site is set to launch Friday and shows a list of scheduled town halls that 70 of the chamber's 255 Democratic members have so far declined and encourages visitors to contact them.

"Congress [members] are refusing to face the American people when they return to their districts," say Republicans on the site, called Where Are the Dems?. "Instead, they are running for cover. To date, few vulnerable Democrat members of Congress have committed to engage their constituents face to face this August."

All 435 House seats are in the November elections.

Exactly how many of the chamber's 255 Democratic members are vulnerable depends upon who is doing analysis. The nonpartisan Cook Political Report lists 66 Democrats and seven of the chamber's 178 Republicans as vulnerable.

Among the Democrats on the list and largely considered vulnerable are first-term Rep. Frank Kratovil of Maryland, as well as frequently targeted Reps. Carol Shea-Porter of New Hampshire and Larry Kissell of North Carolina.

More here


Anonymous said...

Of course they will avoid town hall meetings! Why would they want to face the people after the tyrrany they have created?

Our elected officials do not serve us (the people). They serve the people who get them elected. The EL-ders (rich corporate interests) get the congressmen EL-ected.

Anonymous said...

It's time for Kratovil to find another line of work. He failed us as a congressman. Instead of trying to change congress, he got right on board with Obama and Pelosi and voted with them on all of there tax and spend bills.

Anonymous said...

Kratovil had no choice.

Some people do not understand the POWER in Washington DC. This isn't high school class elections. This is real POWER. These folks have been embedded for decades of power. They will not allow an outsider to come in and "make change".

He either got on board or he would have been culled. Take your pick. He chose to survive the trip into the belly of the beast.

Anonymous said...

10:39 You are right,but now we must vote Kratovil out of office these politicians must learn they work for us, we must vote them out when they cave in to the likes of SCUM Pelosi and Reid

Anonymous said...

They're skeerd !

Anonymous said...

Harris would not have been as weak.