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Friday, August 06, 2010

Article About Social Security

"The author of the article details how the Social Security System will go RED this year for the first time. The author fails however to point out that were it not for the THEFT of the Social Security Trust Fund (how can you "borrow" against a Trust Fund?) the program would have NEVER run out of money."

"Americans are being brainwashed into believing Social Security is an "entitlement - or gift" of our beautiful government. The reality is that we were FORCED to pay into the program which became a Ponzi Scheme once the Congress began "borrowing" from the Trust Fund years ago. It is impossible to borrow money from a Trust Fund, hence the term TRUST FUND, yet the gullible American Public doesn't have the intelligence to understand the criminality of our own government and therefore we remain SUBJECTS of a tyrannical government of elites."


Anonymous said...

I like your comments at the beginning. But the article provided in the link is good for everyone to read.
You continue to bring us great articles!

Anonymous said...

This hits it right on the head-- BOTH parties have been raiding the Social Security Trust Fund for decades.. it's now nothing but a drawer full of IOU's.
If it had been left alone, or even if they had stopped raiding it a few years ago when they said they were going to stop, things would be better now.
And if we let foreign immigrants (legal and otherwise) tap into SS after just a few years of working here like they're talking about, what happens then?

Orsonwells said...

Hear, Hear! I paid my money into that fund for the last 40 years and it should still be there, with interest it earned along the way. Hey, Congress! Where's MY money now????

Anonymous said...

TO 2:59 PM. I will tell you where your money is, along with mine... It's at the bottom of a septic tank where they used "they being govt" to wipe their butts with instead of using toilet paper...

lmclain said...

Our Senators and Representatives couldn't care less about our "retirement", because, just like the health care program they just shoved down out throats, THEY have exempted themselves from it. THEIR retirement program and THEIR health care system is solid gold and MUCH better than we could EVER hope to have. We are getting stong-armed to pay (under threat of fines and prison time), but they KNOW millions won't ever see a dime. At leasat with the Mafia, you have a chance at fighting back.

Anonymous said...

3:54 well said I don't know what else to add,but I think the Mafia would treat you better than our Representatives.

Anonymous said...

Our government lies to us all the time about everything.

Anonymous said...

Revolt , if this happens , if you speak anything but true english your history , no excuses. AK47's and street-sweepers.

Anonymous said...

You just said " our government lies to us" what's you gonna a do about it , quit whinning about it and do something. It's time to REVOLT.

Anonymous said...

The Eastern Shore is full of liberals , no wonder it's the $hithouse of Maryland. Bunch of friggin sissies and fruits , move to fruitland , that's why they named it. You got a gun ? Get it on!

Anonymous said...

A- me -go must go.

Anonymous said...

The American public (at least some of us) do have the intelligence to know that our government is a criminal organization, but what can we do about it? They steal it right off the top before we ever see it and if we refuse to pay, we go to jail. I would rather have the mafia shaking me down-at least they offer some protection in return for what they take.

Anonymous said...

It is even better when your family is mafiosa.