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Monday, August 02, 2010

Arizona Sheriff: ‘Our Own Government Has Become Our Enemy’

Pinal County (Ariz.) Sheriff Paul Babeu is hopping mad at the federal government.

Babeu told that rather than help law enforcement in Arizona stop the hundreds of thousands of people who come into the United States illegally, the federal government is targeting the state and its law enforcement personnel.

“What’s very troubling is the fact that at a time when we in law enforcement and our state need help from the federal government, instead of sending help they put up billboard-size signs warning our citizens to stay out of the desert in my county because of dangerous drug and human smuggling and weapons and bandits and all these other things and then, behind that, they drag us into court with the ACLU,” Babeu said.

The sheriff was referring to the law suits filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and the U.S. Department of Justice challenging the state’s new immigration law.

“So who has partnered with the ACLU?” Babeu said in a telephone interview with “It’s the president and (Attorney General) Eric Holder himself. And that’s simply outrageous.”

“Our own government has become our enemy and is taking us to court at a time when we need help,” Babeu said.

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Anonymous said...

The Obama regime is the enemy of freedom in America !

Anonymous said...

He's going to end up locked up in his own jail. What an idiot.

Anonymous said...

He is the smartest and most efficient Sheriff in the country . His people love him and the tax payers are thankful for all the money he saves them .

lmclain said...

I suppose that all the Obama supporters, despite this being RECORDED ON FILM, will denounce it as a "Fox News" diatribe by right wing haters. If this was done by a Republican, he would be on all the news stations and newspapers. obama is doing his best to find ANYONE in his family or circle of radical friends who could lend him some credibilty with the armed forces by actually having served in ANY military capacity at all. He treat everyone like they are idiots, says whatever he wants and then does the opposite because there is no media backlash for his outrageous lies and efforts to cripple and dismantle our economy and country. Borrow trillions of dollars we can NEVER hope to pay back?? Leave our borders open to criminals and Middle Eastern people sneaking into our country (for what purpose?)?? Promising "transparency" but spending millions to hide and obscure very possible detail about his background (who seals their college records after becoming President??)? A lying loser. A poser. An incompetent trainee for the most powerful position on the planet. That he even has ANY supporters is a stunning exposure of the lack of critical thinking skills of millions of Americans.

lmclain said...

It is no longer "radicals" and "crazy right wingers" and "gun nuts" saying that our government is not working for the people any more. Its quite obvious that what he says is the unvarnished just hurts when he says it...Some people still were (and still do) praising Stalin even after he killed 20 million people. Mao sent millions to die in "re-education camps" and millions of Chinese (and others, unbelievably) said he was doing a GREAT JOB! Some people, no matter what is said or done by their revered & adored leader, will refuse to admit what is so obvious to everyone else....the actual truth. I think Obama could starting imprisoning his critics and there would be people who would cheer and say "they deserve it!!" and commend him for doing an absolutely wonderful job!!

Anonymous said...

The government IS the enemy and has been for a long time. The kenyan has just exposed it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
He's going to end up locked up in his own jail. What an idiot.

12:45 PM

Wrong answer you dumb liberal criminal!!