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Friday, July 30, 2010

Ehrlich Touts Flush Tax In Baltimore Visit

Former Gov. Robert Ehrlich touted the "flush tax" passed during his tenure to fund sewage treatment plant upgrades, promised more "big ideas" and criticized current Gov. Martin O'Malley for using the fund for other purposes during a campaign stop Wednesday at a blue-collar stronghold in his former congressional district.

The former governor and congressman said his administration also shuffled funds around to balance the budget, but called the bay restoration fund one of the most important dedicated sources of revenue in the state "and it is something that we would think long and hard about taking dollars out of."

Mr. Ehrlich noted the fund was praised by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation when it passed, and foundation spokesman Tom Zolper confirmed before the event that the organization has supported the fund. On the use of the funds, Jenn Aiosa, the foundation's Maryland senior scientist, said state lawmakers have been told the fund will need about $500 million more to fund plant upgrades, and the $155 million that has been transferred is to be returned and is not expected to prevent any plants from being upgraded.

"Whether the transfer was made or not, we would still have a deficit," Ms. Aiosa said.

However, she warned that "if any effort is made to make that shift permanent, we will raise a ruckus."

A recent poll showed Mr. O'Malley and Mr. Ehrlich in a tight race for the State House, with the economy on top of voters' minds. While the environment trailed far behind on the list of concerns for poll respondents, neither side is willing to concede anything in such a tight race.

More here


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the Flush tax is part of the reason that Ehrlich got flushed......He shouldn't be reminding us about something that we didn't like him doing in the first place

Anonymous said...

Funny - Bob taxed us....then Marty ran off with the money in addition to taxing us more by raising the sales tax.

I don't think we want either of these two.....

Anonymous said...

I sure am glad that flush tax money was used for sewage treatment plant upgrades. How much of the $80 million for the Salisbury plant upgrade, THAT DOESN'T WORK, came from that fund? I want a refund!

Anonymous said...

For those us here on the easternshore - if you factor in the flush tax along with the State Property Tax assessment increase under Ehrlich - then one will soon realize why Brian Murphy is our only choice.

Ehrlich has lost his grounding as a Republican candidate. He just will not 'walk the walk'.

It is crucial for information like this to get out about Ehrlich. He is a RINO - and ought not be supported by conservative democrots or republicans.

Anonymous said...

The Chesapeake Foundation is nothing but a Left Wing run nut house. It could be a great thing if you get the wacko's out of it. Unfortunately the nut jobs have more time on their hands then the people that actually work for a living.

Anonymous said...

If Ehrlich would have exempted rural voters from the "flush tax" he would still be in off

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with post 11:11 and 1:01.

Ehrlich preaches fiscal conservatism - but when it comes right down to the nitty gritty he increased;

1. State property assessments the highest ever - (Directed through Bd. of Public works)

2. Invoked flush tax.

3. Highest utility rate ever recorded under Ehrlich - (72% increase)

4. Highest tag increase ever - across the whole spectrum of vehicle classes.

Need I mention more! The guy just doesn't have it together. He is a very confused man.

I think Murphy is Maryland's best chance for survival.