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Monday, June 21, 2010

States Need To Launch Criminal Investigation Into BP, Federal Government’s Role In Oil Spill

There can now be no doubt whatsoever that the BP oil spill was purposefully contrived, either through deliberate negligence or outright sabotage, and is now being used to further the Obama administration’s political agenda. Criminal investigations into the government and BP’s role in the disaster need to be launched by state authorities in Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi immediately, while local authorities also need to call emergency legislative sessions in order to take over emergency response efforts from the feds before the crisis gets much worse.

While BP CEO Tony Hayward is busy watching yacht races, Barack Obama, who took two vacations immediately after the oil spill, spends his time playing golf. If this disaster is on a par 9/11 as Obama claims then why is he fiddling while Rome burns? Every effort to find a solution to this crisis while cleaning up the mess has been lackluster and half-hearted. The federal government’s hyped rhetoric about how bad the consequences of this spill will be has not been matched with the appropriate action to combat the problem.

In hindsight, it’s becoming clear that the government has deliberately botched the response and prevented local authorities from doing their jobs, just as FEMA deliberately sabotaged the state response to Hurricane Katrina in order to make the crisis worse and create the pretext for a police state response, gun confiscation and ultimately more federal power.

Numerous reports have surfaced of locals and state authorities being prevented by BP contractors and the U.S. Coast Guard from helping to address the devastation the spill has created in the region.

“(Louisiana) Governor Bobby Jindal had ordered the state’s fleet of sixteen vacuum barges to clean up oil in the Louisiana marshes. On Wednesday, the U.S. Coast Guard intercepted the barges and ordered them to stop the cleanup. Ostensibly, the Coast Guard wanted to “inspect” the barges — but then it didn’t inspect them. It just ordered them back to dock and then did nothing,” reports Fort Liberty.

Just as happened with Katrina, BP in alliance with the feds have erected an ‘information blockade’ around the oil spill. Reporters have been harassed, threatened with arrest and prevented from accessing the affected areas. Oil spill clean up workers have been gagged from talking about their experiences. Foreign ships have been prevented from helping in the clean up process. Every effort has been made to stop the truth about the oil spill from being uncovered – almost everything we learn about the situation comes directly from BP or the federal government. This strictly enforced cover-up shows that authorities are more concerned about protecting their information lock down than actually cleaning up the spill.

GO HERE to read more and see video.


Anonymous said...

Joe, please tell me you don't believe this drivel that you choose to post.

Anonymous said...

Federal Government has not been involved , obamie has held out so far , he don't know what to do and neither does any of his advisors.
Nuke it!

Anonymous said...

They will get off with 30.billion for a disaster that could reach 300/billion in damages because they will fold, and they will do it in a British court. Buying time maybe???

Anonymous said...

contray to popular; uneducated beliefs, the "won" administration and bp are in this together up to their necks. follow the money. this is now being discussed on cnbc money and fox business. to 10:15, please get your head out of the sand and educate yourself. it's so easy to do this. there are many credible sources on the inet and tv. just take the time to do your homework. truth; what a concept.

Anonymous said...

Obama received more campaign donations from BP then any other US Politician over the past 20 years. FACT

lmclain said...

One, maybe two, of these events could be explained away as just poor judgment/decision making on the part of the most inexperienced President in the history of our nation. BUT, so many things (no-brainers, really) that haven't been done and HAVE been DELIBERATELY done, such as refusing Dutch help with this crisis and having the Coast Guard delay and interrupt critical relief efforts makes one question the TRUE reason behind these decisions.... After being castigated by conservatives AND liberals for so many blunders, one would expect Obama to have issued the "whatever it takes, right NOW" orders. But he hasn't. WHY??? Its been over 2 months and we still don't have the booms, boats, manpower and equipment in place?? WHAT??? The Three Stooges could have been doing a better job!! Obama's henchmen critized the BP CEO for yachting, but Obama was GOLFING at the same time. He (Obama) is in waaaaaay over his head in this fiasco and has no idea what his next move should be....the Gulf is doomed, as is the environment of that whole region, and as is the lives and liveliehoods of millions of citizens....consider this, too--- if you were a terrorist, would YOU think this would be a great time to do something spectacular and really damaging?? Obama would probably just break down and cry like a baby...then apologize to the Muslim nations for being such a burden to the world....God help the USA.

Anonymous said...

The event is being used as an excuse for Cap and Trade legislation.

In other words, because BP created a disaster, all of the American Citizens should pay extra taxes to the Federal Government for our energy.

How convenient. How ridiculous!

How criminal!