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Wednesday, June 23, 2010


JOE-here is food for thought, I know DP&L is out on strike. And I try to understand every one's rights. But I have a question with what determines a possible emergency. This morning when I awoke after last night's storm I noticed that their was a power line down across the street, in front of a neighbor's house. Now I have no electrical background to be sure but this line is hanging directly in front of the door on the front porch and is hanging quite low, how low you ask, well I'm 5'6" and I could touch it if I was standing directly under it. With children being out of school I thought it could possibly be a dangerous situation so I reported the dropped line between 8:00 am -8:30 am this morning. At 12:00 noon a female in a white city vehicle came out and took pictures of the line, but then left. It is now 1:30 pm and the line is still hanging should DPL be responding and when is someone possibly going to do something? I just don't want this to be one of those should have's, could have been prevented situations, only because their are a lot of children in this area, could they at least put a sign out CAUTION?

The house is 313 Washington, Salisbury.

UPDATE: DP&L has arrived on the scene and stated they, (our source) was correct in calling attention to this one.


Anonymous said...

the bottom line on telephone pole are usually designated for cable lines (which pose no real threat) other than dont ride you bike too fast under one. so, even though the cable line should be handle by the cable company (verizon), the poles are owned by delmarva power.
technically speaking, either way, it can be fixed by verizon or dpl. obviously, dpl would want verizon to spend the man hours on their stuff.

pretty sure thats how it goes, but im not in 'the know' though.

Anonymous said...

Delmarva Power will not touch a phone or cable line unless its in their way. Verizon and Comcast won"t touch a power line either way. It is probably a CATV line in which case it is not an emergency and they will take their own sweet time fixing it.

Unknown said...

IBEW Local 1238 is striking against DPL in Delaware and Conectiv Energy in New Jersey. DPL on the lower shore of Maryland is not on strike.

Anonymous said...

Actually the phone line is the lowest on the pole then cable and power at the highest . Most likely it's phone they are always the last to respond to low hanging lines . However if you call the cable company most times they will rehang it .

BF99 said...
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BF99 said...

You were right to phone it in -- anytime a wire is hanging low its a potential danger. It does sound like its prob phone line but still its always good to call it in just in case.

I work for DPL we are not on strike. The union down here, LU 1307 is not on strike, but the union in New Castle County, LU 1238 is.

However down here operations are normal - we are fully staffed and none of our guys have been sent up north (we can't cross their picket lines).