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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

General McChrystal’s Burning Contempt For The Puppet Obama

The farce that is the war in Afghanistan is coming apart at the seams. General Stanley McChrystal’s sharp comments about Obama, Biden, and the administration published by Rolling Stone are not so much about disrespect, as the script-reading corporate media talking heads would have it, but rather about a policy in disarray in Afghanistan.

Obama the wunderbar teleprompter reader (and little else) is instructed to push the completely untenable prospect that the United States can win the so-called war in Afghanistan, a country often referred to as the graveyard of empires. The British, the Russians, Alexander the Great, and Genghis Khan either fell to the Afghans or made painful concessions. The British suffered one of their greatest military defeats in the Khyber. 16,500 British soldiers and civilians, retreating after defeat in Kabul, were slaughtered by the Afghans. One person was spared to tell the story.

The establishment knows it cannot “win” in Afghanistan and the claim the U.S. military is there to defeat the Taliban and al-Qaeda is nothing but transparent propaganda.

Afghanistan is a black hole sucking up men and machinery for the sake of death merchant profiteers. It is valuable real estate to be held — not conquered — real estate where opium grows for the sake of CIA off-the-books operating capital funding covert wars against enemies of the global elite. The fantastic profits earned from opium also flood the coffers of the masters of the casino economy on Wall Street. As Catherine Austin Fiits has documented, without this influx of laundered underground and illicit money Wall Street would have collapsed long ago.

After the so-called Afghanistan assessment was supposedly leaked to the CIA’s favorite newspaper last year — the report recommended in Pentagon-speak securing the population, aiding in providing good governance, building and mentoring the Afghan security forces — McChrystal threatened to resign if he was not provided with resources to accomplish the mission.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

yea that would be treason, resign

Anonymous said...

Just remember, it wasn't Obama who started these was Bush.
They were started with no long term strategies in place so now they've been inherited by another President.
I don't care much for Obama either but even if McCain had won the presidency, he would be struggling over there too!
You don't run your mouth about the top dog in command, I don't care who it is but especially about the President in such fashion to aid our enemies!!

Anonymous said...

Almost 10 years wasted on this war. Everyone was ra ra lets go over there and show how powerful the US, is blast them and be done. Did not work out so well.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post Joe!

I admire the way you find the most telling articles on the internet and then bring them to us every day.

Truly admirable.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

This article details how the war is intended to last virtually forever. Any General worth his salt would resign.

Resign firts. Then go public with the atrocity that this war has become.

The General isn't doing that.

Anonymous said...

This is about war profiteering. Plain and simple.

Good article

Anonymous said...

This war is a fake war. We are not in danger any longer. The Taliban or Al CIAduh' have been attacked.

There is no reason to continue spending our money and the soldiers' lives in that country.

Get out. Stop the war profiteering.

Anonymous said...

Obama brought this on himself he deserves it, Obama does everything half-assed

Anonymous said...

what the hell are you guys talking about. The same ones up here speaking against the war are the same ones who were all for it when a republican was in office. Now all of a sudden, this war is so terrible.

You dummies actually want to argue that terrorists will not regroup the minute we pull out if the government and security infrastructure are not present? You guys actually think that the terrorists have said, "well I'm tired of fighting now, I'll leave the U.S. alone"? Unlike the US, they lack Fox news and Rush Limbaugh so their attention span just happens to be a bit longer than the 24 hour news cycle.

Anonymous said...

The terrorists hate us because of the way we've treated many groups around the world.
That will not change having thousands of our soldiers over there on THEIR turf fighting them.
I'm sick of our soldiers dying over there for WHAT?! Because Bush and Chaney thought it would be a good idea.
War Mongers, that's what I call them and many Republicans who went along with it!
Bring our soldiers home!

Anonymous said...

Many of us realize the terrorist threat has been exaggerated if not totally fabricated by this illegal and immoral American government.

The CIA are terrorists. Dropping bombs on civillians and cluster bombs on children is terrorism.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

The war was started by the Muslims you idiots ! Bush 41 repelled them from Kuwait then Clinton bombed them for 8 years and Bush 43 took Iraq and finally put these evil bastards on the defensive . And all the while the democrat congress paid for it ! I hope the good general runs against Obama he will whip him !

Anonymous said...

12:04 and :08 have officially left the reservation. How do you exagerate over 3000 civilian lives lost on 9/11? Although terrorism hasn't stopped (will it ever?) our boys are making it damn hard for them to set up and plot ways to hit us here at home. Atleast over there the terrorists are mainly killing their own people and not us.

Funny that I as an Independent who voted for Obama has to explain this to this crowd.


Anonymous said...

12:04 The terrorists hate us because we are not Muslim...educate yourself on what the koran says to do to non believers...they do not care how we treat other non Muslim "groups"

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt that 3000+ died on Sept 11 - an important illuminati date involving the number 9 which represents 6+6+6 and the number 11 which represents the number of years in the sun spot cycle. It was a ritual sacrifice.

However, if you wish to discuss the subject intelligently you will soon learn that Islam is not and never has been associated with Numerology. Numerology is Occult in nature, it is Jewish. It is an extension of Enochian Majik. It is the secret communique of witches involved in high level Freemasonry.

911 was a ritual sacrifice of the Illuminati - a Jewish satanic occult which is ancient.

Al Queda is a creation of the CIA. Osama Bin Laden (codename: Tim Osmond) is CIA. He was armed and trained by the CIA when they fought against the Soviet attempts to gain control of the poppies in Afghanistan. The ISI (Pakistani intelligence) also funded the Mujahadeen - Bin Laden's CIA-backed group.

Yes, 911 was an inside job. The wars are a part of the Israeli effort to exterminate the Muslims population which is 1/3 of the world. Amerika is a Jewish state.

I don't expect you to accept this information. But others will read it and recognize the truth. They will begin to do the research. They will educate themselves. And for them, the truth will set their minds free from the enslavement of Kabala-inspired media.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

How dare you use the word treason about anyone other than Obama !

Anonymous said...

McChrystal for President on next election... Atleast he was not afraid to stand up to the Muslim Ignorant Immigrant...

OBAMA - No one respects you and you should just dissapear.

Alex said...

1:24 I had no idea you could get online at Sheppard Pratt. Thank you for that info...

Anonymous said...

You have showed your ignorance. They have been at war for 5,000 years. Bush didn't start the war you dummy.

Anonymous said...

1:24 is just another Jew hating Muslim...

Anonymous said...

They hate us for our freedoms

Anonymous said...

All of us know that the Jews will someday provide us with our Messiah. Then all will be well.

At that time there will be established the kingdom of god here on earth. All the nations will be blessed. The powerful sword of our Messiah will cut down our enemies and quicken the dead.

come quickly oh lord

Unknown said...

It is my understanding that the Rolling Stone article reports statements made by 3rd parties about what McChrystal "said" and that there is no specific statement by McChrystal made to the magazine about Obama or anyone else. Were those "reports" accurate? Nobody really knows. Has McChrystal swore to his inner circle about his frustration with Washington? Probably, but it is all he said, she said at this point. Obama took the opinion (not word) of a couple of wacko reporters about McChrystal's official relationship with Washington. This smells very much like Obama calling the Boston cop stupid without first reviewing the facts.

Well, it's starting. Hoyer is already shouting "the war is lost" and the reason is that Obama just made one of the most serious errors in his Presidency (as if the Gulf situation isn't bad enough). He's good at firing people but short of solving problems: GM firing, BP firing, McChrystal firing....

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of the General standing up for what he believes whould be done to fix this problem. He is the one eating/living/breathing it, he should know the best. I think the president took the wussy way out. Change will happen thanks to the fired general.