White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, WND has learned, lived rent-free in Washington, D.C., for years, thanks in part to a friend under contract with oil giant BP.
While the White House approaches "day 50" of the environmental disaster caused by an explosion on BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig, unable yet to stop the flowing crude in the Gulf, several media sources have questioned the administration's efforts to regulate BP prior to the incident.
WND's research further raises the question of whether the White House was compromised by Emanuel's financial ties to the company.
Emanuel lived for five years rent-free in an apartment owned by Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., and her husband, Stanley Greenberg, whose consulting firm was a prime architect in BP's efforts to recast itself as a "green" corporation and recipient of hundreds of thousands of dollars awarded through a committee chaired by Emanuel.
Of course it did, thats what its all about, there.
Lock his ass up.
This administration stinks worse than spilled crude.
You run this story, but nothing about Haliburton and it's ties to this whole thing.
Rahm Emmanuel is the reason it didn't get regulated enough? I thought the free market was supposed to solve everything, and regulation was bad.
"You run this story, but nothing about Haliburton and it's ties to this whole thing"
Regardless of who had contracts related to this drilling accident, the Obama administration mishandled oversight and safety assurance that could have prevented the current disaster. Never mind that they are still pointing fingers. Just be glad that Bush handled Katrina, not Obama.
How about the fact that Obama(who only hit the national scene after his 2004 Democratic national convention speech), has recieved more BP political donations then ANY other US politician in the past 20 years?!?! Nobody is mentioning that fact either....
Can you smell the facism?
Facism is the merger of the corporations with the government.
We live in a Facist Dicatatorship. We may merely vote for a choice between the 2 candidates who are presented to us by the corporations who run our lives.
12:01...the regulators did a great job didn't they? Just like they did with Fannie and freddie.What people like you cannot fathom is that we pay a very high rate of federal taxes for a bloated government that consistently fails to achieve what it is paid to do.
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