Is this what the citizens of Wicomico County want? I mean, what the heck is going on around here. You've got one guy claiming to be a republican, backed and supported by all democrats and now we've got a County Council race where this Libatarian who has a degree in religous science claiming he wants to represent YOU on the County Council.
Man, Obama has certainly brought out the BS artists and wing nuts. I did an article back in July of last year on this guy and believe it or not the photo went world wide. It even made the Huffington Post. Even the DNC got involved by stealing the image to use it for ad campaigns HERE. Our original article was HERE that gained 122 comments. I personally wasn't happy with the way this guy carried himself. What if Frank Kratovil's kids and Wife had come along, like they do to so many of his events.
Nevertheless, even Jonathan Taylor has claimed he wants to run for office, Tom McGuire and his other half Nikki ran for Mayor and Council in Delmar and now we've got this guy who believes hanging someone in effigy is the answer to District two. Oh well, its your vote Folks. Let the games begin.
Oh, take a wild guess who's supporting this guy. McGuire and Taylor.
And I thought I was the nut. Its a circus out there.
The guy is nutty. Eveni f you like the Tea Party, you have to admit that this guy is truly a wacko!
Hey Joe what's your degree in bullshit?
Good people are afraid to run because of the scrutiny they are forced to endure. Who knows what Taylor or McGuire will write or say about you and/or your family? Who needs the headache? It is for precisely these reasons that good people should run and be involved- to drown out the crazies.
Also, public office is really a thankless job. That is why I felt the need to praise the people in Delmar for doing that handicap ramp. Some of our leaders really do care and do a good job, but we just don't appreciate it. As an example: when is the last time you (meaning anyone reading this) drove down a nice smooth road and thought "I should call someone and thank them"? It never happens.
I know, the argument is "that's their job" and I agree to an extent, but taking time out to tell a GOOD elected official that you appreciate their work and are glad they went through the gauntlet of the media, isn't difficult and is laudable.
To good people reading this, not only do we want you to run for office, we need you to run for office!
I agree with Ron Brawls comment, but I will add that if you want to thank someone for a job well done, try and find out who really is responsible for it happening. (Delmar)
Just who we need to represent us. WTF?
It's Libertarian.
This guy needs to wipe that smile off his face and repent. Is this behavior what he learned in his religion classes for that degree? I don't know him nor do I care too after realizing this is the what he is all about. Go back to where you came from Mikey.
What a wacko
I'd vote for Mickey Mouse before I vote for any of the incumbents this year!
What in the hell is Ron talking about? good people running office.
Political Office was never meant for good and decent people it has always been a occupation for lying, thieving,unethical parasites, the King of them all is our worthless President.
Is it me or is the image of this guy hanging Kratovil (or anyone else for that matter) offensive?
You hit the nail on the head!
I think your attitude is great , I like your comment
Tough nut to crack , running against Stevie!
What a jerk-off !
Check out some of Stevie's votes...she doesn't rubber stamp everything like some. She actually uses her brain. Hard concept for some to accept I know.
YEAH! H E double hockey sticks LL YEAH!!! 3:18,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and by the way ron,if taylor or mcguire or whoever else isnt bashing the persons running,then you can be pretty sure that JOE! is
Hell , we use to play hangmans noose in grade school. Surprising what children learn at an early age.
3:18, you're right and you're wrong. We should have decent honest people in office. I love Debbie Campbell, Stevie Prettyman, Joe Holloway, Terry Cohen and even though I don't agree with him all the time Dave MacLeod because he is a decent man.
I don't agree with any these folks 100% of the time and have told some of them so on occasion. I have been treated respectfully by all every time.
That's all I ask. Give me a real listening to and vote with a good mind. I think everyone I named has a good mind as well as a good heart.
As for most everyone else, I feel like you.
Calpino has the right idea. Cap and trade anyone?
Don't reelect anyone under any circumstances.
Cap & trade is not local. Get a grip on local issues. This guy is too far out in the o zone.
RC is off base with this guy. She shouldn't be representing the AFP as the end all with all of this. She is only one voice. Shut her up,please. She also gives all blondes what they deserve. Love the blonde jokes. Julie, get a life, now, and get the hell out of policits. You don't know what the issues are and you don't know what you are talking about. You ramble on and on and we are sick of it. Concide to Albero, he knows the game.
4:49 I immediately found the picture w/the noose very offensive! I think it is in very poor taste and scary. What kind of message does this send to children or teens?
Excuse me 10:32 you must be confused. I haven't offered an opinion on Calpino running for office, ever actually. I mentioned he was running for council and reported it on my blog Thursday, as I saw it on the libertarian web site and that was all. I don't know where you get off autonomously making things up and saying crap like that but you really need to get your facts straight.
I don't know about you all, but that little display is terrible and would make me never vote for the person they're for. DISGUSTING
I think this guy just made one mistake cut him some slack
3:42p I wouldn't call this a mistake. It's a reflection of his thinking and his actions to get his point across no matter at what cost to his victim. The Congressman(and his family) didn't deserve this. This guy needs to realize HE
is accountable for his actions and his actions will come back to bite him.Can't wait until November to vote against him.
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