First, let’s give Mr. Ollinger kudos for providing a detailed platform for public reference on his campaign website: www.joeollinger.com.
His most unique position involves the process for selection of members of the Wicomico County Board of Education. At present, in most Maryland counties the members are elected, but in Wicomico and a handful of other counties they are appointed by the Governor from candidates submitted by the political parties.
Mr. Ollinger proposes different method: appointment by the County Executive – him if he is elected and the state code is amended. The latter may be the bigger “if”. He says that he will work diligently to have the General Assembly pass the necessary bill.
My initial view is that such a scheme is not appropriate or preferable to either the current one or to election of the school board, neither of which are perfect. The current gubernatorial appointment scheme can be corrupted by political shenanigans, and the election scheme makes those who seek to serve bear the burden of campaigning and raises the potential for the election of persons who are popular but lack competence.
Does the Ollinger scheme reduce those risks? I’m not convinced that it might not increase them.
So, what do you think?
It's really surprising that Mr. O wants to get into this tar bucket.
I say leave well enough alone. The gov. is isolated from local politics, but the County Exec. is in the middle of them.
An elected school board would make the group highly political and reduce the caliber of its members.
This guy must think he is running for King and not County Executive. Way to much power for one person.
Why not ELECT them? Why does he want the power? A good question to ask is whether he would want Rick to pick school board members?
The School Board should be elected. It's the only way they can be accountable to the public.
Giving the County Executive that power in reality just makes the Education System another department under him. As others have said that's just to much power for one person.
The United States was built on the principle of Checks and Balances.It should be kept that way.
Not wise, in my opinion.
Joe should drop the both education planks from his platform... they are not the County Exec's job. Focus on leadership, improving the departments and budget. Read the job description in the County Charter. These issues will distract his campaign... stick to core services; education, public safety and roads.
I'm not from around here but aren't some positions appointed by the Governor, like the superintendent? In this case, I believe it would be better to have the County Executive appoint them instead of the governor. But board members should be elected.
You can't fix stupid!
um, yes, most of his education positions are way out of the job.
While I support some of his ideal, he needs to remember that he is no CEO of wicomico county, but a public servant.
Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System ...??? request all you want, not going to happen.
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