The human remains recovered by the Ocean City Police Department on April 28, 2010, were positively identified through DNA evidence, as that of 29-year-old missing Delaware resident Greg Forte. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner has ruled the cause and manner of death as undetermined.
Forte was last seen on February 9, 2010 at approximately 11:30 p.m. in Fenwick, Delaware. The investigation into Forte’s disappearance is being conducted by the Delaware State Police, with the assistance of the Ocean City Police.
If you have information in regards to the disappearance of Forte, please contact Delaware State Police Troop Four at 302.856.5850.
From what I heard, sounds like someone who had one too many decided to go for a swim. Anyone who's even taken a casual dip after a drink, it hits you hard.
god bless his friends and family . god be with them i know how it is loosing a friend tust me.
Must have been really toasted to swim in February. Smells of foul play to me.
it may be 4:40, it just may be,time and investigations will tell wont they!!
440 PM, I agree with you. There isn't enough booze or drugs in the world to make me jump in the ocean in February, especially in cold snow!!
And it was during a blizzard too
If you are too drunk to know better than swim in the ocean in February, you're too drunk to struggle through a blizzard without falling on your face.
His cell phone records should shed some clues. The battery was dead so he was talking to someone.
Soooo...It's not possible he left his cell phone in his car, went into the party and the battery died while in the party? Come on people!!! There are lots of possible outcomes. Give this man a break
A few things...
A local barmaid claimed that Greg like to gamble.
It has been reported that Greg was a film "director". What kind of films? A local business lost its license because some ADULT films popped up that were filmed at the business after hours. Those films ended up on internet.
No slander intended but there may be motives for foul play.
Just taking a swim sounds "fishy".
what is 440?
Told you, they will never figure this one out, its a fake gay robbery thing. Or a sick ass love triangle. Double life going on here I think. Or he was so disgusted with what he thought he should be versus what he actually was that he decided to quit, damn.
Man I hate to say it, but there are other options here. This is smooth and mother nature is working at your benifit. That aint by accident at all. Boy in a double life and it may or may not of had something to do with his death but watch what room you walk into, some of them get you killed I may be wrong but I feel it..
1023 What in the heck are you trying to say? Greg was too thin. Coke maybe?
I am saddened to hear this. I was hoping for a happy outcome even though it didn't sound good all along. I didn't know Greg Forte but he was in my thoughts and prayers after hearing his story in the news and on Face Book. At least his family now knows what happened to him and he can be put to rest and given a proper burial. I hope they find out the cause of death so his family can get some permanent closure. RIP Greg Forte. Your family and friends and students are in my thoughts and prayers. Nothing good happening in that part of DE lately.
No one would be drunk enough to go swimming during a freakin' blizzard! It does smell of foul play. I've thought that all along. If so, I hope they catch the person who did it. I know it was supposedly his friends he was partying with, but if he did leave the party w/out his shoes during the blizzard, it is possible some type of crime or accident could have happened to him at that residence such as he overdosed, died of alcohol poisoning, or was hit on the head during a fight or struggle by one of the members there and they tried to dispose of his body so no one would get into any trouble at the party?? Just a thought. It is possible someone else could have put his car keys in his car afterwards and turned the radio on and placed the hat near the beach (or dropped his hat he was wearing while carrying him to the ocean) and planted his cell phone to cover up what happened to make it APPEAR like he wandered off drunk or was abducted.
Who are any of you to even give these stupid ideas. You aren't home watching Dateline? Get over yourselves and shut your faces you fake detectives. Let the man rest in peace.
If you are not a drunk or a druggie you have no idea of what you would do in a similar situation - NEVER say never. I did not know Mr Forte so cannot say if he was either and I am not an arm chair detective. Let the police do their work and quit the speculation. I do hope Mr Forte did not suffer and his family is at peace now that Mr Forte's remains have been found. I am sad for the family with all the comments on here that are nothing more than gossip. I truly hope you guys never lose a loved one to mysterous circumstances because if you do, you can depend that the "know it alls" will be making all sorts of allegations before the facts are known.
Cold air will kill a cellphone, any battery for that matter, much quicker than being in average temps. That's why Canada had parking lots equipt with plug ins for vehicles.
Sad. His younger brother had played soccer years ago with my sons. J's father was always there and I remember him as being a very attentive Dad. My heart goes out to the family. Did not know G, hope the family can pull through in a time of crises. All the best.
All conspiracy theories and wild stories aside,I definitely think someone else did him in.
People have already said hes gay,a glamber,on drugs and God knws what else.Let the ME decide.
A lively discussion is helpful in uncovering unsolved crimes. The jeep was under cover. It was raining that night. For some reason, he got out of the Jeep with the keys still in the ignition, cell phone in the car, and the radio playing. It would appear he was waiting on something or someone since he was just sitting there with the radio playing. Given the northerly currents, his remains likely entered the Ocean at the inlet. As for his cell phone battery being dead, that could be from people ringing his phone for hours looking for him. He is reported to have purchased a quart of beer on the way to the condo which isn't enough to get blown away on.
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