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Thursday, May 06, 2010



Anonymous said...

Congratulations Arizona for having the kahunas to do the right thing. Enforce the laws! period.
No one is against LEGAL immigration-its what made this country what it is. Illegal immigration has turned into a dangerous situation for our border states and needs to be addressed. The drain on resources is bankrupting the border states and medical systems. Don't believe the hype of the liberal left. Police are not going to be roaming restaurants asking people for their "papers". In fact, if the hysterics on the left would read, they would know that in the event of -say- a traffic stop, and the driver has a license, then the presumption of citizenship is there. It goes no farther. However, the hysterical left will lead you to believe that there will be patrols of cops rounding up people and demanding to see "papers" NOT SO!

Anonymous said...

8:35, you need to check your Constitution.

Anonymous said...

God bless Arizona ! Come on Texas get it done !

Anonymous said...


Mark said...

8:35 Just what part of the Constitution should we be checking? Have you found something in it that relates to non-citizens.

Anonymous said...

The az law simply enforces Federal statutes. If only we didn't have a moron in the white house he wouldn't rally against it. But he'll do anything to steal another vote. Chicago aka Daley style.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's me, the "Mexican-American" again that posted on the American flag shirt article.

Just wanted to say I found it kind of funny that you are talking about illegal immigration and having "kahunas" to do something.

It's "cajones," brother, and it's Spanish.

Kind of ironic, huh? BTW, my family came here legally 2 gens ago, I'm native born and I love the U.S.A. So try not to lump everybody into one pot.

Anonymous said...

to 8:42 and 1.14- this is 8;35 and I did check the constitution. It says nothing about immigration or how they get here. What is does have is the 10th amendment-that says "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." So Arizona took matters into their own hands as delegated by the constitution.
now to 1:14 congratulations for the way your family became citizens etc. I was not lumping everyone into the same pot-if anything-I was trying to point out the disservice that the illegal immigration issue has done to those whose generations entered through the hallowed halls of Ellis Island etc. About kahunas or cojones-you say tomato, I say tomatoe! thanks
so back to 8:42 what copy of your constitution does it say illegal aliens have a right to run rampant in this country without any consequence?

Will B. said...

1:42 Thankgod someone understands the truth!!!

This is America not Mexico! If you don't like the way it is here then go back home don't try to change this country into the shitty country you left behind!!!

Godd Bless AMerica and Long live the Republic!!!!

Ron Brawl said...

"Not only do we need to round them all up and deport them"...

Who is "we"? And how much will that cost? Isn't the government already close to broke? There could be up to 12 million illegal immigrants, while I agree in principal that these people should be deported, in reality I just don't think we have the money or will to do it.

Anonymous said...

Well RON if the feds won't do it the people should if the government would just get the hell out of the way !

Anonymous said...

4:08 Has the right Idea if we all do that they will leave ! Without a shot fired .