Wicomico County is in extreme financial distress
Furloughs, layoffs, service reductions, and/or pay reductions will be implemented
We will balance the budget, but the services our citizens have come to expect will be greatly reduced or possibly eliminated
I Don’t Like Spending Money
I’m not going to terminate my public information officer – we need him now more than ever.
Does anyone else recall the "Gang of Four" of the Chi-coms.
We've got Pollitt, Fineran, Shea and Mackes.
Like it's an election year, stupid --
"I’m not going to terminate my public information officer – we need him now more than ever."
"We need him more than ever."
OK, Ricky, WTF for?
Apparently Rick Pollitt can't do media interviews without his PIO with him. Does Fineran give him signals or what?
The 3rd floor of the County's main office building has become loaded with staff under the County Exec. regime. It's disgusting to think that it was promoted to the taxpayers as a way to cut the budget to the bones.
Why does Pollitt need a "PIO"?
At the T-Party Rally tomorrow afternoon, lets discuss this and ask Pollitt to explain why he needs a paid mouthpiece. If he's not there in person, lets call him and ask.
haha. Great picture. You can tell Pollitt is out of touch with the veins of the County. Come down Come down from your Ivory tower....
Seems like he is scared of his own shadow.
Cut what service? I get nothing from the county now.
Rick is doing a good job. You know-it-alls can spout off all you want, but not one of you will run against him, and if you do, you will get clobbered.
You guys are like a mad dog with a bone. Your leader says cry about the PIO and suddenly that's all anyone cares about. Do you honestly believe that is the problem with the budget? But lets be really clever and compare Rick to the "chairman." Joe, even if the reference made any sense, which it doesn't, I think that it is slightly above the intelligence level of most of your "faithful." What a bunch of sheep!
The county is broke, cuts must be made and must be made fairly. You dont need much intelligence to figure this out. The little man will get screwed and the higher ups wont be touched. Politics as usual.
1:03 --
The PIO is an obvious position to cut from the budget -- even if the County were not in such dire straits under Pollitt. His resistance to our suggestion is astounding, if not arrogant as well.
Nothing like an optimistic County Executive. Grunt, groan, sounds like he's over his head.
Be a man Rick, take a pay reduction too. Set the trend, don't be a follower.
The county was headed for a dire situation way before Pollitt took office. Thank your revenue cap for that, not the people whose budgets are strangled by it.
Tim, if he were optimistic, you all would complain that he didn't have a clue about the severity of the situation. It's not just Pollitt; nobody is going to please all you complainers.
Please don;t send him back to us.
The Fruitlanders
IF this county is so broke, so why not start at the top and cut some off some of those who make way too much money for what they do. This county has way too many making high salaries and do nothing for it. Remember folks this is an election year, vote out the encumbents.
9:41 I agree. Let's vote out all those Encumbents. I don't know how they got voted en en the first place. Bunch of morons. Once we get en the voting booth to vote out the encumbents, we can vote en some smart folks, like you.
I hope the smart people we vote en will hold that Board of Idumacation more iccountable. You and I did not need no fancy idumacation, why are we spending all this money to idumucate the kids today?
...but we can build a 30 million dollar library?????
Call me a complainer if you wish, it's the tax payers money that gets wasted, the money doesn't belong to the elected officials.
I agree Rick came in at a bad time, and things just got worse. Maybe we really didn't need a county executive if it caused us to dig a deeper hole.
A $30 million Library reminds me of the county wanting to replace the entire roof of the Civic Center when it only cost $30,000 to fix it.
Tim....where did you get your information in the civic center roof? The replacement was budgeted BUT the county personnel who oversee the operation did a great job in finding a repair that would extend the life of the roof for 10 years...in this instance government performed admirably.
Where did the left over money get spent? On bonuses?
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