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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Top 5 Reasons To Attend The Salisbury TEA Party

Here are the 5 reasons why you need to attend the Salisbury TEA Party Thursday April 15th, 5pm at the Government Office Building!

5 - All politics is local. If you don't show up your invisible to your elected officials and they will continue to run around with your money and trample your liberties!

4. The State Budget - Annapolis once again passed a budget full of gimmicks, raided special funds, and short term "solutions" that puts the Tax Payer in the crosshairs for another round of new taxes!

3. Jobs Job Jobs - Once again Annapolis did not pass any long term solutions or provide free market solutions that work to help small businesses and make Maryland more competitive.

2. Federal Take Over of Healthcare/Health Care Freedom Act Failed - On the heels of Federal takeover of our health care system, Annapolis failed to protect our rights and liberties pertaining our health care choices.

1. NOvember is Coming - The election is getting closer and without proper representation the same failed liberal solutions will keep holding Maryland back and fail to provide a true opportunity for Prosperity.

By all means get involved in a campaign of someone who reflects your values and who you trust.

Without proper action in the political process we will keep spinning our wheels.


Anonymous said...

If you go:

Be sure to demand that Pollitt terminate the "public information officer" position on his staff.

Anonymous said...

Woke up this morning and got myself a gun.

Anonymous said...

This is from the "Tea Party Patriots" this morning.

Tea Party Infiltrators -
Lions and Tigers and Bears...
Oh My!!!

Many have asked about the news that there may be "infiltrators" at tea parties around the nation. A website ( was recently set up. The creator, though he tried to hide his identity, has been outed; his name is Jason Levin, and he's a middle school teacher in Beaverton, Oregon. He's on record saying that you might see some of his team in Nazi uniforms at your local tea party pretending to be racists and other offensive characters. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy doesn't it? And one has to ask the question; if tea partiers are racist, anti-Semitic homophobes, and it's so obvious, why does he need to plant people who pretend to be those things at your tea parties? Ah...leftist logic and tactics...there is no way to understand their twisted thoughts. But you do need to know what the left is up to.

And by the way, if you'd like to let Mr. Levin's school district know what you think of his behavior, and his potential influence on public school students in Beaverton, Oregon, you can contact them here. And you can reach the Principal at his school, Mr. Zan Hess, at this number: (503) 524-1345. If you choose to contact them, in direct contrast to Mr. Levin's behavior, please be polite. Remember, just because he's exposed himself publicly as a vile, indecent human being who will stoop to Nazi symbolism, and the promotion of racism and bigotry to silence those with whom he disagrees, doesn't mean everyone in the school district is bad.

Anonymous said...

Playing a rally to an empty government building is not as effective as rallying at a city council or county council meeting and even speaking up on a specific issue. The big story of the day will be people rushing to post office to get taxes mailed too.