While I expect to get a Press Release later today, the Sheriff's Department was in a brief chase with another vehicle where the suspect started throwing what is suspected to be many bags of cocaine out the window and onto the highway.
K-9 Dogs were brought in to help collect as many bags as possible but we're told vehicles riding over them may have destroyed much of the evidence. More to come.
betchya it was more than a marijuna cigarette! Read and weap MSP
Cocain will kill you.
Where's my Straw !
Why aren't they wearing safety vest? Anyone working in the right-of-way of a federal-aid highway must be wearing high visibility clothing (23 CFR 634). This is very dangerous especially when wearing dark uniforms. Thousands are killed each year on the highway including police officers. Yet they still decide not to wear one. A couple months ago I saw Dorchester County police directing traffic at night with black uniforms. How much sense does that make?
Anonymous 4:21 - You seen like a smart person , however I believe the post said ROAD CLOSED .I think that means no traffic RIGHT !!
its bright day light dumb@$$
Shut down a highway to look for a few bags of coke? Rediculous.
4:21, Did you not READ the post? Go back and just read the big words at the top.
The heck with all that pesky fine print.
Thank You... DUH!
Someone always has to b%^&* about some irrelavent detail. Quit b^&**!!!!! There's no traffic, the highway was closed!
The entire road was shut down. NO TRAFFIC comming through.
But Cops can get away with anything, even crooked ones...
That gives a new meaning to that old joke about the white lines on the road disappearing when a Delorean rides along
Tried to get fuel at Royal farms on my way home the store was open but they blocked off all fuel pumps.
ok they found the coke, did they catch the guys that tossed it out the window?
4:26 & 4:39 Did you read the post? ?? It says "Rt. 50 East Bound", therefor the highway was not shut down. The officers are walking in the median of the highway between two lanes that are closed and two lanes that are open. Look at the pictures. How about the cops who are directing traffic? Do you think they had a safety vest on? Look, I'm not trying to bash cops. Alot of my friends are Troopers and I get on them all the time about this. I work along the highway and wear my vest all the time. I'm aware of the danger that's involved working around traffic and the idiot drivers. You wouldn't believe the stuff I see. Just pointing out that they should be wearing a safety vest and they are required to. I don't like the regulations as much as the next guy but they are there for a reason. I bet each one has a vest in their car. If not, it would cost $20 for a vest and about a minute to put it on and off. Not a big price to pay
4:28 that doesn't mean squat
4:35 the chase started for more then the drugs. Your a piece of crap.
4:58 Where and how did that stupid thought come from. I will stero type in thinking you are a dealer and have been arrested and are bitter for being a loser.
If your stupid enough to throw it out the window and have it land on a deputies car then add the freaking charge of littering.
Anon: 4:07, I mean Wicomico County Sheriff's Deputy. If you are going to make a dergitory comments about the troopers why don't you just post your name. By the way go back and check the state police website. How's about 13 killos of cocaine on one stop or $353,000.00 seizure on one stop. That is one of many that are made every week.
Criminals defending criminals glad to see they stick together.
I am so thankful for the economically sound and productive war on drugs.
I imagine some crackhead is probably walking up and down rt 50 as we speak. Should have used one of them, and saved the dogs the trouble!
Hope everyone realizes these are not cops arguing these are criminals making these statments to attempt to cause police to not get along thinking they will not do thier job. Only criminals would make these statements on a public forum and remain anonymous. If by chance you are a person that wears a uniform (not a real cop) you are sad.
OK vests aside....where are their HATS??? Somebody (taxpayers) paid good money for a hat for each deputy (you can't believe how much) and NONE of them have one on!
I'm glad they are making an effort to secure the crime scene and gather the evidence to get these dealers/users off our streets! Also, would you want these drugs getting into the wrong hands again? Thanks MSP! Keep up the great work! And be safe working around those crazy drivers out there! I think the vests are a great idea w/all the pedestrian accidents lately and people texting.
OMG..I cant believe most of the posts on here...Negative comments while these men and women risk their lives everyday to protect your azzzes...The suspect ran from them throwing out cocaine..to be distributed out to kids or whomever!!!.....How about a little praise and stop with the NO Vest, Not wearing hats etc etc BS!!!!!..IF you all can do a better job...Get off ur azzzes..take the test, go thru the academy and take a walk in our shoes....U cant handle it!!!..
***Great Job Wicomico Co S/O and any other agency that assisted...Cont to kick the bad guys azzes out there..Keep your streets and Kids safe!!!!******
Thank You Joe for this report Good Job!!!!!
You are all unreal. Congrats to the Law Enforcement agencies. This is a win for you all.
7:17, you should just stop while you THINK you are ahead!
You should ask your cop friends how much those vest cost! They are A LOT more than $20.00! IDIOT!
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