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Thursday, April 08, 2010


Some folks received this solicitation in the mail this week.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, a high number of the unemployed will not answer this job offer because they would rather sit on their a$$ and do nothing and complain that they were laid off from their last job.
Get work where you can find it people!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding! Do you really think those on unemployment are going to jump at this when they can sit at home all day doing nothing on their unemployment benefits...that I am paying for?

Anonymous said...

I applied for this 3 months ago. They told me I had to wait 2 months to take a test. I took the test and scored well. They told me I would now have to wait another 2 months to see if I would be hired. I was laid off last year. I have been trying to find a job like crazy, I am overqualified for food service jobs but underqulaified for everything else. I have been back in school to get my degree to have a decent job but it will take at least another 2 years.... Love this economy...

Anonymous said...

I got hi with it at the zoo yesterday. A woman trying to find people to go door-to-door at $13.00 an hour but first you have to take a test. I have a copy of it.

No thanks!!

VoiCeChOIcE said...

....wonder how many BOE employees will be considering this after the conty doesn't meet the MOE for 2010-2011....

Anonymous said...

I received this in the mail at tax payer expence and I am a commercial refrigeration contractor. blp

Anonymous said...

2:46 Anon, guess you're one of those people I spoke of that would rather sit on their A$$ and collect the unemployment check.
I sure do hope the next job you find that you'll be forced to take because your unemployment checks will no longer continue only pays you MINIMUM WAGE. As I see it, that is the MOST you deserve!
I'm so sick of seeing all these people sit at home on MY tax dollars doing nothing!
Get to work wherever you can find it!
Most of them are probably stuffing their faces all day too and then we'll also be paying for their health care because they will have gotten not just LAZY but FAT too!
No wonder this country is going to he** in a hand basket!

Anonymous said...

Anyone collecting any kind of public assistance including unemployment should have to take a drug test. If they can afford drugs they don't need assistance.