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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jon Voight Calls Out Barack Obama


Anonymous said...

Jon Voight must be having an extended flashback from his acid dropping days. What a moron.

Anonymous said...

The right usually calls these guys dumb elitist actors when they speak out; thats until they say something you agree with.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how when people can't argue a fact, they resort to name-calling?

Anonymous said...

but if it was cameron diaz touting the left anon 10:20 and 11:27 would be tickled pink!!

Anonymous said...

11:54 I view the statements coming out of an entertainer's mouth the same as any other citizen. My point is to call out the hypocrisy of so many on the right that devalue anything coming from an actor, except when that actor supports a conservative view.

Anonymous said...

10:20 Do you take pills to be such a fool or does it just come naturally?

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a well thought out opinion from a rational person . This is the difference between he and his leftist counterparts who just go on an emotional hate filled tirade with no basis . The left like name calling because they yell louder with the help of their lap dog media and stray away from a rational logical debate .

Anonymous said...

surprised how well he spoke the truth since must actors are very liberal and would not dare say such a thing. It is true the people will rise up if this leader does not stop trying to make the USA a socialist nation. Has he forgot how many have died to keep us free. I have not.

Anonymous said...

Spoken from the heart from someone who loves his country and has the courage and plat form to do so. He said just what every red blooded American is feeling but can't find a media person to put them on.

Anonymous said...

neither have I 12:20. You are in the company of hundreds of thousands who feel the same way. And what good company that is! Patriots! Champions of freedom and liberty.

Anonymous said...

Well let's compare actors statements without making generalizations.

We have a rational Jon Voight compared to a Sean Penn who says anyone calling Chavez a dictator should be jailed.

Anonymous said...

You guys keep screaming this "socialist gov. takeover" crap. Show me where you have less rights than you did 1.5 yrs ago please.

Face it. Obama and other like minded individuals simply believe that government should play a proactive role in maintaining the prosperity of the union. Most people would agree with this view. The argument simply revolves around how proactive the government should be and what steps should be taken. If you approach the debate in this logical fashion, you'll wake up to see that this president has done some good things, and has done some bad things. But ultimately, if we would all cut the fearmongering and false claims, we could enter into a lively productive debate that actually pushes the nation to develop good policy instead of half-baked partisan plans to appease either side of the aisle.

Anonymous said...

This idiot loves the country so much yet can't maintain a releationship with his own daughter. Please...find a working top actor that will repeat the same message. The fact is, is that this Country has gone from being about the people and for the people, to being all about fattening the pocks of few in spite of the many. You can call it capitalism...I call it Greed!

Alex said...

Excellent point 1:26, but in this forum you're probably just another "wet pants liberal". Extreme right does not like to discuss issues. Instead they prefer scare tactics. Well, when it did not work in 2008 election, they just started boiling with anger. They formed their Tea Party. Interestingly, only 12% of the Tea Party members realize that their taxes actually went down under Pres. Obama. So you have a movement named after a tax revolt which is full of people who do know anything about, get this, taxes.
They keep preaching about their idol Ronald Reagan. Well, based on his views, Reagan would not be allowed in the current republican party. He would probably be ashamed that his beloved party is now blindly following the likes of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. Heck, even newly elected Senator Brown chose not to attend the Boston Tea party meeting.
You cry about your gun rights, when Obama has done absolutely nothing to limit any gun rights.

Anonymous said...

Why is anyone who disagrees with your political stance considered "unpatriotic" or non-"red blooded" or no longer a "true American"? If you want everyone to follow your ideaology or else, then take your butt over to Afghan. and join the Taliban.

Anonymous said...

5:12 OK so were just supposed to follow Obama into at the very least Socialism ? NOT! we will resist him all the way, there are no free rides accept it .

Anonymous said...

7:27, please peep 1:26's comments. It's not about following Obama. In fact, it's about not blindly following anyone. Whether its Obamas message of hope or Palin's message of "evil government", you people need to argue against the issues, not simply spout a bunch of bs hyperbole about how your rights are being threatened. You know who else uses these tactics? Radical Imans who preach hatred for the US and recruit young guys to attack us.

Aleksey said...

7:27 and your likes do you even know what socialism is? Or communism for that matter!?
I lived in Sovied Union for 15 years and know it first hand! Let me know, and I will tell you some stories about socialism or communism.

Trust me, this is not socialism, nor is this President trying to guide us towards socialism. I wish you spent one week in USSR, I bet you would worship Obama after that.
You're simply underinformed, brainwashed, and probably uneducated white man whose only problem is the black president. You would hate him regardless of the policies. You should feel lucky to be born and raised in this beautiful country. Instead you what we call in russia, (с жирy бесишься). Ask your more educated (socialist) friends to translated that idiom.

Doubt this gets posted.

Anonymous said...

8:44 Your the first person in this country I have ever heard of praising Socialism . First off why did you come here if Socialism was so great second I think your lying and from this country .