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Friday, March 05, 2010

Pathetic Situation

Wonder why this country needs a tea-party "revival"?
The abuse of political correctness?
Symptoms of Corrupting Sickness

It would be interesting to create a poll with these two photos and have people guess what's happening. Most would never assume anything close to the real story. It appears to be a joyous homecoming, a reuniting of mother and son. The truth is not so heart warming.

The lady in the picture is the mother of an American that was ambushed in Fallujah , Iraq . Her son was murdered. His body was dragged around in the streets of the city, then burned and hung from the upper trusses of a bridge. The murderers gathered to celebrate and have their photos taken with the trophy.

The young sailor in the picture is one of the Navy SEALs that later captured the leader of the band of terrorist butchers and brought him to justice.

If the story ended there, it would still be an acceptable feel-good, good-guys-win story. Unfortunately, that's not the case - this Navy SEAL is facing criminal charges.

Because, somewhere along the timeline of his capture, the terrorist murderer suffered a school-yard fat lip, his captors are now being charged with nothing short of war crimes and facing discharge and imprisonment.

So, instead of celebration of justice served and heroes honored, these photos record betrayal, compounded mourning and the effects of a corrupting sickness.

From SEALs assault case goes to court NORFOLK, VA "It's been very stressful," said Navy SEAL Mathew McCabe, 24, moments after his arraignment in military court at Naval Station Norfolk Monday on charges that he allegedly mistreated an Iraqi detainee.

The mother of slain Blackwater guard Jerry Zovko drove from Ohio to give each of the accused SEALs a blessed rosary and lend them her support. "These young SEALs are in this situation because they caught the mastermind behind the death of my son, and not only my son and his co-workers but also the marines who went into Fallujah after their death," said Donna Zovko. "I am very proud of these young SEALs and thankful to them. They did not do anything wrong."

May I ramble a bit? Think out loud, so to speak? I'm trying to make some sense of this. What title can I give to the mentality of a people that send their best to defend the whole and then betray them? To what shall I attribute the attitude of a people that habitually prosecute their heroes while defending their enemies? What creates a culture that allows people to vilify and isolate their most noble and deify their most corrupt?

I perceive more symptoms of a sickness, a corruption of the nation's heart and soul. I am tempted to label it 'liberalism' or 'progressivism', but those too are just symptoms of the infection. But this is nothing new, I recognized these symptoms four decades ago in the shameful treatment of our warriors returning from Vietnam, in the acceptance of Marines bombed in Beirut, in the ho-hum yawn of media coverage of Mogadishu (Black Hawk Down), in the return to mental numbness after 9/11, prosecution of the Marines of Haditha, assault of recruiters across the country, anti-war protesters at the gates of Walter Reed Army Hospital...

This sickness, this infection has gone untreated for far too long. Americans are a tolerant bunch. We've patiently waited for the ingrates among us to grow up and develop a sense of pride and awe in the greatness of America . It's not happening.

I'm tired of waiting. I'm fresh out of tolerance. There comes a time when the treatment for an infection cannot be postponed any longer, lest the patient die. Through history how many nations have habitually betrayed their defenders and survived?

Donna and I left our home at 4:00am, Monday morning and drove to Norfolk . We were in the company of four other patriots from the Raleigh area:Don Gray of Military Appreciation Day and NC Gathering of Eagles.Patrick Holbrook, NC Gathering of Eagles.

Russell Pope, Randy Dye, Randy's Right Blog and We joined a hundred or more others at Gate 5 of the Norfolk Naval Base to demonstrate support for Navy SEAL Mathew McCabe.


Anonymous said...

The murderous enemy has more rights than our brave military.
Of course we all support the SEALS.
Where to donate?

Shame on these "rules of engagement".
Now Gen McMullen is making the rounds giving speeches on ways to lower civilian casualties.
Maybe General, untie our hands and shorten the war.
Let us WIN.

Anonymous said...

Instead of capturing the sick bastards, it's a shame these Seals didn't just "off" the pieces of crap and save us all a lot of time and money. It's despicable the way this current Administration is treating our military heroes! Pray that common sense will prevail!

Anonymous said...

The SEALS involved in this should be given medals for defending our men, and protecting the nationals of that country from further hate from the murderers!!

Anonymous said...

If the SEALS hit this guy while in their custody, it is a violation. But these guys are in trouble for not reporting the incident and for trying to cover it up after confronted with it. If Nixon and Clinton taught us anything it's the cover-up that will uno you and not the actual crime itself.

Anonymous said...

I've read about this and it absolutely sickens me. Actually, it completely pisses me off! WTF! If the military and the police were allowed a little leeway the world would be a better place. If this crap keeps up who in the hell would want to take their chances of being a soldier or cop for fear of going to jail just by doing what they should be doing.

Darth Hurley said...

Lots of Merle Haggard songs come to mind. I'd like to see what constitutes as a war-crime, considering many things that are "crimes" are common place in war.

Anonymous said...

These murderers lost all of their "rights" when they killed somebody, our government has lost all of it's COMMON SENSE. Our Seals are facing discharge & imprisonment, they shouldn't even bother trying to capture people. The prisoner should be happy with a fat lip and not a bullet!!!

Anonymous said...

Blackwater employees are not military. They are paid mercenaries who do not give a crap about human life. They proved that over and over. So sorry, but I won't cry for them. They don't represent the America I know.

Anonymous said...

Blackwater employees are AMERICANS. they are just as pissed about all this terrorist stuff. I WIL CRY FOR THEM. you bleeding hearts are giving the bad guys too much ammo to kill Americans and give us a bad name. American is American. plain and simple. If I kill rough-up a bad guys for killing Americans, too f'ing bad. If I kill a bad guy for killing Americans, too f'ing bad. I cant stand you folks wwho chastize and hold back the ones who protect you.


Anonymous said...

to qoute a movie...."you sleep under the blanket of security that I provide and then you question the way I provide it."
American dissent can be found in the bad guys and the Americans who are too afraid to do what these guys do for you everyday. sit down,shut up, and let them do their job.


Anonymous said...

Joe - I read somewhere there was a discrepancy about whether the SEALS had done this, or if the guy did it to himself after left alone in his cell. Multiple people had been quoted in an article that there were no physical markings on his face when he went into the cell, but came out with a busted lip. The whole case is ridiculous, what happened to the rights of the people who were slaughtered? Makes absolutely no sense.

Anonymous said...

This makes me sick. I hope the people in the courts that go against him die in a car accident or from a heart attack. Because of this I will never go into the army. My great grandpa and grandpa were in the army and if they were alive they would spit on the the American flag which is made in China.