
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Friday, March 05, 2010

Oh How I Love This Blog!


We just wanted you to know how very very important your blog is for our communities on the Eastern Shore.

Wednesday afternoon we inquired if you would please post a “lost dog” on your blog.

It was a Pug – Fawn in color with a black mask. He has been our family pet for approximately 12 years. To you, we would like to thank you ever so much for posting this notice on your blog for us. To the gentleman who found our pet, we can’t thank you enough. He not only kept the dog, he bought food for it and kept him out of the cold. We do not know his name but he has made my children very happy.

Your blog is the most well read, newsworthy publication in our area. It really puts the DT to shame. Again, thank you for posting and the gentleman who found our pet.

From here on out, I will read this blog faithfully.

Thank you!

The Ennis Family


Anonymous said...

Once again, fantastic news. Great job Joe. Your Mom is smiling down on you yet again.

Anonymous said...

Mr Albero, you are definitely an asset to our community, and we appreciate it more than you will ever know!

Anonymous said...

That puts a smile on my face! Great News !

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you got your dog back!

Thank you, Mr. Joe!


Margo Demers said...

I love wonderful news like this! Made my day.

Anonymous said...

You have a great success rate with these postings of lost pets! BRAVO, Mr. Albero!!

Anonymous said...

I'm happy you got your dog safely home; and happy Joe takes the time to post these requests. They really are important to the people who read the blog. You certainly won't see this in the Daily Dumb Times or on TV.

Anonymous said...

Dear 4:38 --

Your comment infuriates me. You are a fool if you think Joe's blog is comparable at all levels with what legitimate journalistic outlets offer. You are a pants-crapping idiot if you think otherwise.

The Daily Times, WMDT and WBOC are not some one-man operations where they can post whatever they feel like. They are news organizations with professional standards to uphold! Lost dog ads are not, by their definition, newsworthy. Neither are nature photos, bawdy jokes, trivial fwd videos, etc. Therefore, you won't see them there, EVER! Also they have to check and double-check information before posting it online. Joe doesn't do that!

I am so sick of people ragging on legit news outfits here. I got nothin against Joe (I'm here aren't I?) but come ON, give the pro news gatherers some credit for crissakes!! AAAAAARGH

joealbero said...

anonymous 6:19, with all due respect, first of all thanks for visiting.

Secondly, the scope of news is changing, hence Salisbury News getting more traffic per day than the local MSM.

How you can claim we're not necessarily good enough, let me tell you something. The other day I watched the 12:00 News at Non, (obviously) and it was ALL SALISBURY NEWS ARTICLES.

I'm telling you, they copied our material to produce an entire show. Now, you may sit here and make all the claims you want about how we're not legit enough. Well, we were legit enough for WBOC to run every single story we had up earlier that day.

We're NOT the MSM, we're better and our visits prove it. Besides, even if they had run all these animals on their show, (which they can't afford to do) they wouldn't find their owners as fast as we do and they wouldn't have a 100% success rate. Remember now, the Humane Society had to STOP putting animals on Salisbury News because they RAN OUT of animals!!!!!!

Knock us all you want, we are the voice for the animals.