Two vehicles collided yesterday on Rt. 13 closing the north bound traffic. Vehicles were being turned around and quite frankly it was a mess. I don't want to come off as knocking the Police on this one but there seems to have been enough room at one point to at least allow one lane of traffic to pass through. Vehicles were backed up for quite a few miles.
There was one lane passing through, and that was even as they were pulling a victim out of the car on a stretcher when I passed by.
OK Mr. Anonymous 10:29, when I was there, well after the person had been removed, they were turning traffic away and no one was passing through. Hence the vehicles making a u-turn on Rt. 13.
There was one lane open up until the tow truck came to get the car. The traffic was being turned around for safety reasons and due to the tow truck being parked in part of the far lane which would make it hard for bigger trucks to get by. It makes the job very difficult having traffic going by. As a cop, firefighter or ems provider you have to keep your attention or the patients and the traffic going by.
I went thru there right after the accident happened (although I was in the southbound lanes). There was one lane going thru initially-but as rescue equipment/police arrived they were making people detour and make a u turn.
We came up on that yesterday and I quickly made the decision to turn at the Walmart light and cut across to come out at the Dagsboro Rd. light.
When we were there, at the same time there was an rear end collision on the south bound side. We figured it was probably from the one driver or both of them rubbernecking!
They had one lane open northbound but with the amount of traffic coming north it was taking some of them 3 light cycles to get from the Walmart light through the light at Dagsboro Rd.
They need to close this crossover as well as the one leading into Barnes and Noble/Panera/Green Turtle. It is impossible to see around cars waiting to turn and ridiculous to think that four lanes of cars will wait for someone to cross. Makes a dangerous road more dangerous.
Actually I'm MS. Anonymous 10:29. I wasn't trying to be smart, I was just commenting that at one point there was traffic going through, probably could have been even better had the firetruck moved over a tad. Just was stating my observation, didn't know it changed when the tow truck came through.
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