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Monday, March 01, 2010

If You Work and Live In Salisbury – Don’t Run for Office

Debbie Campbell That’s the message from Salisbury’s despotic council majority. From moving council work sessions to the mornings to attempting to strip the two working members of council (Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell) of health insurance, the message is clear – working people need not apply.

Terry Cohen In reality, the message is that working people that won’t be lapdogs to the Barrie Comegys regime shouldn’t apply. Yet, somehow Campbell and Cohen remain the best prepared members of council. Yet, despite their having to deal with repeated attempts by Louise Smith, Gary Comegys, and Shanie Shields to sidetrack them with issues such as those mentioned above, Campbell and Cohen are still the only two members of council who actually worry about the taxpayers.



Anonymous said...

We're extremely thankful we have these two looking out for Salisbury's best interest. They deserve the biggest "Best public servant award" EVER!
I would not only vote for either of these two for Mayor...I'd door to door soapbox for them too!

Anonymous said...

I've been door to door for these two, and I'd gladly do it again. They're the only voice that the people have on the council.
Bubba is too lazy, Louise is coming apart at the seams, and Shanie is convinced that she only represents District One. These three must go at the earliest opportunity, to be replaced by people with no special interest agendas, unlike those we've suffered with for way too long.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, GA, I can't agree with you on this one. If they are "working members" of the council, then let their employers offer the health insurance. I can't support giving health insurance to elected council members.

Anonymous said...

There has to be a extremist sniper somewhere out there to rid of the worthless close minded chunks of lard.

Anonymous said...

No to Health Insurance.

G. A. Harrison said...

Anon 1235 -

With all due respect, I stated on the accompanying "Delmarva Dealings" piece that I can make an argument for not giving council members any health coverage. Despite my friendship with both ladies, I don't have a problem with that.

Here's what I have a BIG PROBLEM with. That was the deal when both ran for office. The only reason Barrie Tilghman, et al tried to take it away was because Shanie stopped getting her coverage from the city. It's the nastiest kind of petty politics.

As I also noted, the city should also take away all of Comegys's travel expenses for MML. What good does that do the average taxpayer? None; but it sure let's Gary be the big fish in the little pond.

Anonymous said...

Forget Tilghman and her cronies. Its time to move forward and be fiscal responsible. We can't change the mistakes she made.