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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wicomico County Detention Center Buys $1,000.00 ea. Plasma TV's For Inmates

Hi Joe,

Just wanted to pass on something I have found out about. Everyone is pretty familiar with the fact that all Wicomico County employees had to take furlough days. That's a nice way of saying a pay cut. What's being done with that saved money you ask? Well someone within Wicomico County Detention Center has decided to buy 42" plasma screen televisions at $1,000 a piece, the kicker is they are for the inmates. Two of these TV's are in WCDC already, with more on the way apparently. Now never mind that 42" plasma screen TV's sell from $500-$800 at Best Buy (read: we overpaid). Never mind which County fund this money came from. Oh and never mind that the County budget is still millions short and more pay cuts are coming. Whoever authorized this insanity needs to be fired immediately. There is not one reason on this God's green earth that inmates need to have 42" plasma screen TV's. And anyone who can even come up with a reason for this, I would love to hear it. As the jail churns indeed.


Anonymous said...

I agree-fire the person or let him/her pay for the TVs. How ridiculous...political correctness strikes again! Maybe we can organize a Superbowl party for the inmates next year LOL.

Anonymous said...

if this is true it is just another shining example of how thr criminal justice system coddles criminals. they should have been out shoveling off the snow from all the about that...God forbid we treat them like criminals, or worse yet make them pay for their crime.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me where to sign up for that program? I have been watching a 19" TV since my old one went up 2 years ago. Starting to believe I should give up on my masters degree and just shoot for criminal status, after all the criminals are living a way better life than I am!

Anonymous said...

Don't try to blame the inmates, they are not the ones that ordered the TV's. Put the blame on the ones in charge where it belongs.

Anonymous said...

Just a note. I spent 40 yrs in the MD. System. There is a provision in the system that allows for the purchase of items from a fund that is generated by the inmates.This includes profits from Inmate telephone calls to familys,profits from recreation actitives that the inmate pays for.Profits from inhouse washers/dryers. This revenue helps to off set a lotta money coming from each operating budget. This is mandated by law. If this is not correct in todays time then I stand corrected. However one cannot change the system that coodles these criminals and believes in setting them straight.Its not gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

This was not purchased from the inmate fund. Sorry Charlie. You should see their gym. Employees can use it as well but few choose to do so.

The gym can be therapuetic but the Televisions? No way.

The detention center has a library with donated books. I suggest that instead of buying T.V.'s, invest in Barnes and Noble and put a reading requirement on them each week.

Some of the prisoner's that have taken advantage of their library have learned the love of reading.

At least they are exercising their brain cells and realizing that there is more to life than the unrealistic world portrayed on T.V.

KTS said...

Where is RICK!

Anonymous said...

I hope Leggs doesn't get one!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rick is popping popcorn for the prisoner's next movie watch. It's probably a porn movie too...fitting for the environment.

Anonymous said...

J H. where are you on this one lol Must be waxing your stache

Anonymous said...

I don't even have a plasma or flat screen TV. I can't afford it, so I'm stck watch my 19 inch as my main TV and a 13 inch in my bedroom.

Plasmas in jail is just as bad as the government issued cell phone

Anonymous said...

This is just another move by MD government employees.
Remember when these "furlough" days first started?
Employees at MVA were given the mandatory furlough days and low and behold the next week they had two whole new computer systems to call out the numbers and either LCD or Plasma screens!
I even said to one of them, "so how does it feel to be forced to take furlough days to pay for the new computer system?". They were not happy about it.
Now, I see they have new computers at their stations with new software.
We can't afford to pay the people who do the jobs, but we can afford to frivolously spend all this money? Give me a break!!

Anonymous said...

The lady you had on awhile ago in her welfare inherited apartment oughta demand an upgrade immediately!!!!

Anonymous said...

I work for the WCDC and happen to know these televisions are not for inmates. There were not a "bunch" of them ordered. There were two. One is going into the jail and one is going to the courthouse. It is so that the judges can do tele-bond hearings I guess on the internet or something. The WCDC will no longer have to cart the inmates around back and forth between buildings. This means more staff in the buildings, less manpower wasted, less gas wasted, less wear and tear on the vehicles, etc. It is a smart move. The person who sent in the original message is someone who knows nothing and is trying to incite unrest amongst the public. And Joe, you should know better than to post this kind of trash. You pride yourself on investigative reporting, but you didn't even look into this. This is one thing where the county is trying to save money and not waste it.

Anonymous said...

One more thing on this.. The County didn't overpay. These aren't regular televisions. They are special devices for the video conferencing system.

Anonymous said...

How can they even say profit from phone calls and such? If there is any profit for them put it towards taking care of these dirt bags. This is total BS. While many can't afford to even have cable or get medical care or even feed their families these people are sitting on their a$$es living the good life. They were put in prison as a PUNISHMENT!!!! How are they being punished? They get betters things than those that are out working. They want to work out? Give them a shove or rake or hoe and let them raise their own food. One prison could be making clothing, another could be raising food. Make it so they are not such a burden on tax payers. MAKE THEM WORK just like we have to do.

Chimera said...

Let them watch 19 inch sets!Better yet,cut off TV altogether.Instead of UFC and Judge Judy reruns make them actually READ books.If they cant read teach them how but plasma TV ?Just send in some strippers too.

Anonymous said...

Can someone seriously get to the bottom of this? Get the name in the open and we'll make sure theres enough fuss.

Anonymous said...

These folks should not even have the a tv. They are in jail to be punished. What fool wouldnt want to lay on their asses and watch tv. They dont want to be out in the cold working . So why dont we all commit crimes so we can get new tvs.

Anonymous said...

you know this pisses me off, i have to ask my doctors for samples of meds. can't afford some, but all i have to do is rob a store ,get myself in jail and i get everthing, meals cooked for me, new t.v.'s, game rooms crap i will even get some money,if i need a liver, i'm at the top of the list.and your tax dollars will take care of me,wonder what store?

Anonymous said...

12:05 - if that is what they are being used for, I have no problem with that at all. Anything other than that, I do have a problem with as I don't believe prisoners should be sitting around watching tv.

Anonymous said...

3:11 is the only one who knows how to read. Stop complaining about it being unfair the inmates are getting HD televisions. They aren't. It is so the county can save money in transportation costs for inmates to be seen by a judge.

Anonymous said...

ANON 9:52 I am not Charlie and if those inmate funds were not used then the ADMINSTRATION must be held accountable. The gym and library are the only viable programs in the jails and you will never see the convicts assisting government enities on the local levels anymore. The admin. believes it is below their dignity to do manual labor period! The one in cxharge now notified Ricky before the purchase and got it approved.

Anonymous said...

They need those large screens so they can watch Masterpiece Theater.

Unknown said...

Even if these flat screen plasma tv's are going to be used for tele-bond or video-conferencing with the judges on the internet, like 12:05 anon claims, is irrelevant. You do not need special tv's to do the magical video conferencing thing. You need a computer, a video camera, internet connection and a monitor or tv. You do not need "special" 42" plasma tv's that cost $1,000.

12:05 Anon is right about the money that could be saved if WCDC used video-conferencing was used instead of driving inmates to court everyday. I am fairly certain that WCDC already has video-conferencing equipment since I have witnessed them going on in the past.

If these plasma tv's were absolutely necessary then sell all the regular tv's that the inmates have currently to pay for them. Do not tell all County employees they get a pay cut and then go do stupid crap like this. Video conferencing does not cost this kind of money, ask any techie.

Hopefully this story will deter or at least delay the inmates getting to enjoy 42" plasma television. Books are so cheap in comparison and hard to smash like a tv. We should get rid of tv in jails and put money into reading material. Anon 5:18 right about that.

Time will tell, as light will uncover darkness, so to will truth and righteousness prevail (translation=if something foul is afoot the people are gonna know about it).

Caliph said...

Get over it. Not everyone in wcdc is a murderer. So whats a 800 dollar tv? You're servicing alot of people they need a decent sized one. They don't sell the old console ones anymore so plasma/lcd is the best value. Good stuff. at least those that are well behaved will have something to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

Our jails and prisons have become a buisness, why not make them more accomaditing to the people. The people should be asking why has this bacome a buisness. Jails and prisons are supposed to be part of a recovery not a place to just throw people into so someones buddy gets heavy pockets. Last time I checked it was something like 80% of inmates, once released commit another crime. Doesnt sound much like a recovery to me, like I said sounds like a buisness. We really need to fix our legal system and stop throwing everyone in jail just so when they get out they commit another crime. Not to mention the TAX dollars being spent. Like I said just another way to make someones buddy pockets heavier.