
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Boy Do I Feel Used!

While the Daily Times gets paid for every subscription, we sit here all alone today delivering news and information without collecting a penny from our readers.

You know the old saying, If I only had a nickel for every time someone did this or that I'd be a rich man today. Well, if I only had a nickel for every time someone clicked on Salisbury News I'd be a richer man today, that's for sure.

Our numbers already this morning went through the roof. Clearly whenever anyone on the Eastern Shore wants to know what's going on and they have access to a computer, believe me Folks, they come to Salisbury News.

This is what makes it all worth while. We never plan on charging our visitors to come see what we have available but to our advertisers, man are they getting a deal, or what! If you want to be seen and want so save a ton of money versus the MSM, contact me at and we'll get you set up right away.

Like us or not, everyone is coming here several times a day to see what's going on locally and nationally. Thanks for visiting Folks and if you missed last night's Nightly News, GO HERE to view it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joe, I have let all my relatives who have lived on the eastern shore and have moved either back to jersey or florida and madisonville texas about your website, so they can be in the know and not miss a beat. I along with many others appreciate you and your blog.