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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bassett Furniture Store Update


I was just notified of a post on your blog regarding our store. I was hoping you would please correct it for me. The person obviously did not read our signs...We are having a Retirement Sale and closing the Bassett Home Furnishings name but we will be remain open as a furniture store under a new name. We are selling all of the Bassett product off our floor so that we can make room for the new product. Also one of the partners in the business is retiring and using this as an opportunity to do so.

Luckily, the "struggling economy" has not put us out of business as the blog post reads and business is good. I just want to make sure it's corrected that we are not going out of business as that carry's a bad connotation....

Thanks for your help.

Danny Harris
General Manager
Bassett Home Furnishings
Delmar, DE


Anonymous said...

You sent a flier to my home indicating a retirement sale. I went to the store to inquire, and guess what.... No retirement - no sale. If you don't want to be misunderstood - then be forthcoming.

ANDY In O.C. said...

The deal is that...sales ads, as well as salesmen's (saleswomen's) "promises" are VERY misleading. My wife & I recently made a VERY expensive purchase at Ashley Furniture where the salesman LIED to us. We TRUSTED him because he seemed sincere & trustworthy and even mentioned how he believed in GOD and that he would not feel good about himself and/or sleep at night if he deceived his customers.

Well guess what...he LIED & MISLED us on a VERY expensive purchase and it taught me one LAST lesson to not be GULLIBLE to what ANY type of salesperson "promises".

I HIGHLY recommend that salespeople focus on being "up front" and honest with their customers, rather than focusing on their commissions. We were prepared to recommend him to others, which would have led to more commissions but unfortunately since he was DISHONEST it let to this post.

I realize that the economy is horrific, but if salespeople continue to focus on their commission & misleading their customers...I GUARANTEE that their 'strategy" will backfire on their lives in their very near "unprosperous" futures.

Laurie said...

I went over to Furnitureland in Delmar and not only are they also misleading lying salesmen and women but the specific one I had was so full of herself it made me not want to buy a thing in there. Walking around trying to flaunt herself in skin tight and revealing clothes embarrasses a store like that.(and embarrassed her too even if she doesnt realize it) If they want to make sales they need to get rid of people like her. I know her name, but won't mention it, it's not like EVERYONE who goes there doesnt know who im talking about!!

Anonymous said...

I personally think the papers in the window are a little misleading. We rode through Delmar yesterday and it looked like they are going out of business. More and more stores are being creative in how they get customers to come inside.

Anonymous said...

Bassett and there special 13/16th plywood can K.M.A.

Anonymous said...

I am no dummy. I also received a flyer in the mail. The way it was worded, it appeared that they were going out of busines. I am not in need of any furniture, so was not planning on rushing out there. Whenever I receive something like that, the red flags automatically go up. Looks like I was right. These things always seem to be sohme gimmick to lure customers in for a "fantastic" deal, that turns out to really not be a deal. If they are not going out of business, and will remain open, even with only one of the owners, what is the need to try and present a flyer giving the impression of some type of major event. I hope they have to eat their furniture.

Anonymous said...

All the furniture stores around here seem crooked. At least Ikea brags that you are getting cheap crap!

And anybody who feels the need to "brag" about being a Christian has a long way to go with their Faith. Either you are a Christian and it shows, or you aren't. It's like when somebody says "Trust me..." and then serves you a big, steamy bowl of BS.

Anonymous said...

I guess the people that make some of these ads think we are all stupid. Many times you get an advertisement and you can see right through it. The ones I hate are the ones that say you can save 10% 20% or 30%. You never get the 30% then you are ticked off. I dont even go to those sales anymore.

Anonymous said...

laurie its sounds like you would like to have that figure to wear those clothes. suggestion get on a bike and maybe by summer you could be there. GOOD LUCK

Anonymous said...

Are they paying you for this advertisement??

smitty240 said...

Ask them to show you the "Bassett" furniture factory location on a map. They are trading on a once proud name in the furniture business, but I seriously doubt any of that furniture ever saw the light of day in Bassett, VA.

Anonymous said...

When a business changes names it is a good indication they have chapter 11. I noticed that they said struggling economy. You are right , the ecomony is as bad as the depression in the 30's. Of course the liberals won't admitt it or at least recogonize the fact that people are starving in this country.I will be 70 years old soon and have never seen the country in this bad condition. Thank you Mr. obama!

Laurie said...

12:20 I actually do have a good figure the difference is, I have class.

Anonymous said...

I own my own business and yes, this is the worst year ever in sales/profits. Barely got by after all said and done and living from pay check to pay check (sometimes do not even take one) but I am still surviving - barely!
Yes, Thank you Mr. Obama!!!! (NOT)

Anonymous said...

Some of us like women who look attractive and dress well. And yes, it is good for sales.

Sorry you disagree

Anonymous said...

I happen to know Danny personally. I think he explained the situation pretty well in the letter message he sent to Joe. Everyone still is trying to read too much into it. He specifically states that they will no longer be carrying Bassett furniture. It would be foolish and possibly not even legal to continue to use the Bassett name and not have any Bassett furniture in the store. I have not spoken to Danny about this situation so I do not know the details (why the decision was made to do this), but one possible reason could be to offer better prices by going with other furniture manufacturers. In retail the manufacturer charges the retailer a certain price and they in turn have to at least try to make their money back, usually hoping for a little bit of profit. Bassett Furniture is the issue here, please do not bash the people who work at this location because of bad experiences at other stores OR blame the management at a single store that charges the MSRP for a piece of furniture.

Anonymous said...

Looking attractive does help sales yes but i understand what Laurie means bc I know who shes referring to and shes attractive but more trashy than classy without a doubt. And "being full of herself" comment says it all

Anonymous said...

It seems to me too many people who read this post must govt. employees. Way to much crying and complaining about everything. If you don't like the hot girl at the furniture store, or the salesperson who lied to you, don't go back. What's the big deal? I would love to hear the salesperson's side of the transaction. I hope he made a huge commission. I'm sure you were a pleasure to deal with!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I road through Delmar the other day and saw the signs in the window. Very misleading since it appeared they were going out of business. In cases like this I tend not to go since if something is wrong and when the doors shut, there is no one there to help you out.

I have shopped around to get ideas on what I would like. Can't stand some of the sales people who follow you all around like you are going to carry a big couch out the door. This is one of the reasons so many people I know have gone to shopping on the internet and having items delivered to their home from North Carolina.

Anonymous said...

Buying furniture is not rocket science people. How do you end up getting confused/tricked by salesmen? Need a couch? Walk in, find the pattern you like, check the quality of the work, and get the price. Don't like the price? Bargain or move on to the next store. Sheesh...

Anonymous said...

Bassett Furniture Direct is a member of the Greater Delmar Chamber of Commerce.
If anyone had called the Chamber, or for that matter called the store directly, they would have known the store was not closing!
Some of you are just pathetic!

Anonymous said...

Bassett Furniture store in melbourne, Fl is going out of business per their TV ads and a flashes a GOB permit. I think it was closed before & re-opened. Does Bassett corporate monitor any of this? Is it ok to keep this GOB advertising scheme going if they just move stuff to a warehouse "re-open" and re-stock?