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Sunday, January 03, 2010

Someone Show Her To The Door, Please

"The system worked.."

Not only does her department oversee the Transportation Security Administration, but her initial claim last Sunday that "the system worked" was widely ridiculed and interpreted by critics as a sign that she's in over her head.

Some Republicans, who've taken issue with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano in the past for calling terrorist acts "man-caused disasters" and other remarks, started calling for her ouster in the spring. The failed bombing on Christmas Day revived those calls.

Now Democrats have joined the chorus.

New Jersey State Senate President Richard Codey, a Democrat, wrote a letter to Napolitano this week calling on her to step down. He said Napolitano, an attorney and former Arizona governor, does not have the experience for the post she is in.

"We should have someone who doesn't need to go in there and learn about terrorism, learn about security," Codey told Fox News. "How close were these 300 people on this plane from losing their lives because homeland security broke down? Boy, it was really close."

Democratic strategist Dan Gerstein also said Napolitano's response to the incident should be the last straw.

Republican Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., said Napolitano does not have the experience for the job, and her remarks only prove that she doesn't take the terrorist threat as seriously as she should.

"She's not doing her job," Burton told Fox News.

Former New York Republican Sen. Alfonse D'Amato also said Napolitano should resign.

The administration says it has absolute confidence in Napolitano.

More from Fox News..


Anonymous said...

Could have just as easily said, "The system worked except evryone died"

Just another complete incompetent surrouding the biggest incompetent of them all......Obama!

Anonymous said...

At this point, I'm sure sure how much weaker we could look.
Worse case scenario for a "man-made-disaster-engineer" is to sit in a heated, comfortable, clean building. Much more comfy than a cave or mud hut. Get fed all day long, shoot pool, hangout, pray and whatever.
these disaster specialists will be tried as a regular criminal and I can't wait for the witness protection program to kick in.
I'm gonna have a real problem when "John Smith" and his camel move in next door......

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I guess I would make that same comment if I was a socialist too and wanted to defeat America from the inside! Just who's side IS she on???? Nevermind, I think we know that answer

Anonymous said...

Right up there with Bushie's "Mission Accomplished."

smitty240 said...

Ahhh, the Obama health care program has successfully cloned Janet "Butch" Reno.

Anonymous said...

1:15 Bush never said Mission Accomplished it was the sailors on there way home after their mission was finished that hung that banner .But the main stream media create their own facts along the way and made a propaganda piece so their zombies could gobble it up .

Anonymous said...

The last sentence says "The administration says it has absolute confidence in Napolitano". I'm sure they do because they are all cut from the same mold. They all want to weaken America and destroy us from the inside out, so in the eyes of "the administration", she is doing a wonderful job. How's that hope and change working out for you?

QUINNY said...

what I'm really worried about is in 1 year when the dems legalize 12Million illegals to keep them in power who else is going to vote Dem in 3 years Kids, illegals etc
God Save US

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and the guy in the pic behind her, ya can show him the door too.

Anonymous said...

1:15...actually,at that point in time the then defined mission had been accomplished.