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Monday, January 18, 2010


Have you noticed the silence on this since this blog broke the story that certain Wicomico County officials, including the “public information officer” were actively encouraging a “grassroots movement” to promote higher property taxes in Wicomico County? This past week that silence was broken, and not just by the news that $3.5 Million in available county funds have been found to spend on roads.

In a public statement Rick Pollitt announced that he has no plan to raise the tax rate to generate more revenue “during this recession”. He was speaking in regard to the recent reduced property values in tax assessments, which reflect and are based upon the declining sales prices of property during the past several years. Under the “revenue tax cap” it may possible to actually raise the tax rate to some extent as long as the total tax revenue does not exceed the “cap”.

Although Pollitt did not specifically rule out asking for a tax increase in the budget to be adopted this spring, it can be predicted that he won’t ask the Council to do so because both he and the Council members must stand for reelection in the fall if they want to continue in office. No doubt he has already ordered Fineran and others in the administration to stop trying to organize a movement to “kill the cap”.

But what if this were not an election year – and what about future years? The property value assessments are likely to continue to decrease for at least 1-2 more years, which could result in a possible tax rate increase even greater than this coming year.

There has been no permanent reduction in non-essential services or employees, such as parks and recreation and the public information officer. And future spending by the County proposed by Pollitt is still in an expanding mode – for instance the plan to purchase another 10 acres for parking at the Civic Center in the capital improvement plan that he recently issued. You do the math!


Anonymous said...

I love people like you who distill life down to the almighty dollar and could care less about qulaity of life.

Tell the kids who paricipate i recreation programs that Park and Rec isn't "essential".

Tell the people at the West Side Community Center that it's "not essential"

Take a good and honest look at the economic benefit derived by the county and city from the Civic Center.

You like to refer to yourself a a "journalist" are no such thing..... in reality you are a partisan hack who likes to take cheap shots at people trying to make a difference in this community because you think it helps your "hits".

You have credibility with about 100 people ..the other 99,900 of us see through your nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Reference 9:35 Posting

First off you are entirely out of order.

Haven't the taxpayers expressed and questioned the necessity of maintaining the Civic Center time and time again. Where have you been? In fact, our County leaders still don't even know how much our County is currently paying in rents for housing the following agencies:

1. ES Adkins facility - Health Department, Shore Transit
2. Former Second National Building on Phillip Morris Road
3. Wicomico County Liquor Board Headquarters in City of Salisbury - (Banks Building)
4. Lower Shore Sheltered workshop
5. Countless liquor dispensaries located throughout Salisbury Wicomico County areas.

and many many more. The taxpayers deserve some relief especially in light of the above.

I suggest that the Planning Department be tasked immediately to ascertain this fundamental budget information so that our taxpayers can see what the County has expended over the past decade. I'm sure the figure is staggering.

Solution: Convert the Civic Center to a County Government Headquarters. Repeal the hotel room tax and return it to the taxpayers. It's a no-brainer.

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:35 I will tell them enough is enough, if you want to come here and spend money try spending your own first.

Anonymous said...


How does buying land for more parking for big name entertainment at the Civic Center benefit real recreation or parks?

It does not.

The Civic Center yields little or no economic benefit for the County.
If local restaurants and hotels like it, then let them contribute -- more than just the room tax that is passed thru to the customers.

Anonymous said...

Put those $500 metal trash cans in the lobby at the CC and let the courthouse crowd use the plastic kind like every other office.

Anonymous said...

I'm so tired of hearing about the Westside Community Center! Have those there be a volunteer dept like other parks & rec depts in the area. Have more fund raisers. You can find a way to work it out. If you are that concerned about the kids instead of putting money in your pocket you will continue to work with them no matter what happens. Do you have to receive money in order to have anything to do with the people in that area. Paying Ms. Sherwood is a huge waste of funds!

Anonymous said...

Pollitt will be mum about raising taxes until after the election, but then it's "Katie bar the door," sports fans.

If questioned during the campaign he will offer mush and avoid the fact that he's totally against the tax cap.

Anonymous said...

Does this announcement surprise anyone. I thought he was going to start his re-election cammpaign sooner. Rick thinks he will be re-elected and is putting everything on hold. He has tested the waters on his projects and found out where he has to alter or modify them so they can be implemented IF HE IS RE-ELECTED.

Anonymous said...

We need a REAL county executive. Not some little town guy who can't do the job. Hopefully, the dems and repub's will give us a better choice in the next election. Mr. Pollitt ran on the family coat tails. We need more than a good ole boy next time. Don't be fooled about taxes either. He can't wait to take all of our money!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Pollitt:

On radio last week you said the Civic Center makes millions and millions for the County businesses each year.

That's BS!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Pollitt:

Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick.

Start looking for another place to nap.

Justin Case said...

Maybe there needs to be a move back to our old form of government without an executive. Can we afford this form of government now?

Anonymous said...

1:39 I would say how can we go backwards. BUT, it looks like putting in the County Exec at this point was a MAJOR STEP BACKWARDS! Maybe you are right. One thing is for sure, with this guy in office we truly cannot afford it. So, let's move forward and get the former form of government back. Great point 1:39!

Anonymous said...

Didn't I fire Rick last week?

Anonymous said...

So now those of you who supported the executive form of government can see all the extra tax dollars being spent to support it. Start signing the petitions to get rid of the executive's office and staff and send Pollitt back to Fruitland. It looks like the fine folks of Fruitland are letting goofy stay long enough to keep the manager seat warm until the election. Then Pollitt can go back there and nap.

Anonymous said...

how did you fire Rick

Anonymous said...

2:33 That's funny! Fruitland doesn't want him back. Salisbury can keep him!

Justin Case said...

Let's Roll!!!Put pressure on the council to put this on the ballot for this year.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the FOB could pick this up and do the campaign. They would then only have to deal with one body. And maybe then we would get Leops

Anonymous said...

We will know whether Pollitt wants to be reelected if (when) he fires Fineran.

Anonymous said...

He can't fire Fineran. He won't be able to speak for himself. He won't be able to blame someone if the message is not accepted. How much do we pay this guy anyway? Fineran? How many cops could be on the street? How many trash cans could we buy? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Pollitt has to go and I am also tired of hearing about the westside community center. If someone really wants to help out the west side they would start a little LLC and make a pitch to the county council to privatize westside, but of course that would require work from those that would prefer to drink the milk.