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Monday, January 18, 2010

Anatomy Of A Meltdown

Anatomy of a Meltdown
by Victor Davis Hanson
NRO’s The Corner

Many saw Obama's polls dropping for a variety of reasons, and can anticipate what's next. People took the candidate at his word of bipartisanship, fiscal seriousness, and centrism, and from day one got instead shady Cabinet nominations of tax cheats and lobbyists, indifference to congressional corruption as symbolized by Rangel and Dodd, a whiny monotony of "Bush did it" for a year, a 1,000-page healthcare monstrosity, fiscal insanity, serial appeasement of enemies with conscious neglect of old allies, and on and on. No hope, less change.

And when the polls showed that almost the entire Obama agenda — more stimuli, more new government programs, statist healthcare, cap-and-trade to come, no gas/oil/nuclear promotion, apologetic foreign policy, "comprehensive" immigration reform as envisioned by the La Razistas — was unpopular and polling poorly, congressional Democrats, for much of the summer and fall, sighed something like, "Oh, no matter, the rock-star president's ratings are still untouchable and he can come in here and by osmosis put me over the top."

But not now. The former celebrity Obama has lost that luster, point-by-point over a year, bleeding by a thousand small cuts until he nears 40 percent approval. In themselves, the bad jokes like the flippant remark about the Special Olympics, the lunatic appointments like Anita Dunn and Van Jones, the serial untruths about airing the healthcare debate on C-SPAN or shunning lobbyists, the phony deadlines on Gitmo and the Iranians, the bribing of senators with hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayers' funds, the bowing, the snubbing of the British, the use of the race card against tea-party critics, the Skip Gates mess, the Orwellian NEA business, constant fluff photos ops, but rare real press conferences — all that in the aggregate brought Obama to his present state.

And now the question is not whether the president's charisma can save his unpopular agenda, but rather whether the president's growing unpopularity makes things even worse. This takes place, of course, in a landscape of 10 percent unemployment, a nearly $2 trillion debt, and rising energy prices. Somehow more deficits and subsidized wind and solar won't be winning issues.

An obvious prediction: The upcoming show trial of KSM, cap-and-trade, and amnesty are not winning issues — and will have to be Gitmoized or they will threaten to destroy the Democratic party for years.

Finally, how ironic — Obama was elected as a reaction to Bush's mistakes of deficit spending and big-ticket new entitlements that nullified his otherwise effective anti-terrorism war; instead, he took what people liked about Bush and ridiculed them, while trumping Bush's spending that had turned so many off.


Anonymous said...

Now that we have established that G Bush and Obama are a--holes , who will work to help the american people?
Maybe congress, hahaha

Anonymous said...

The American "citizens" will come together , they have started already. We "will" take our country back . This is not a complex issue , it is a very simple solution to this problem.
It may not be pretty , by it is going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Lets be more accurate about the history.
Bush had the largest single attack in the history of the U.S. and despite that we had 2 terms of near perfect employment, we had a good economy, and he was fighting a war on two fronts the whole time.
The Libs, being the honest nice people that they are, just hammered away for 6 years on all the major media outlets of how terrible Bush was to the point that people started to believe it and elected Democrats to the majority in both houses of congress.
Starting in the fall of 2006, right after the Dems took control, and Pelosi announced that "there's a new sherrif in town" The economy went off the cliff.
Remember the $4.00/gal gas, and Pelosi shutting down the house and refusing to vote on drilling?
Poeple had choices of either buying gas or paying the mortgage and Pelosi went on vacation.
You libtards, I NEVER FORGET!
Obama was elected because he had the backing of the News Media and because he systematically played the race card anytime someone questioned he dubious background.
Now the reality has set in. Obama is the worst President in the history of this great nation. Even beating out Jimmy Carter for that distinction.
Obama can't honestly defend his policies, because they have been a total failure. Instead, just like yesterday in his speech for Coakley he outright lies about his record and blames his own failed policies on Bush. Remember all those jobs created in fake congressional districts. Obama can't speak the truth about his record because the truth hurts.

Anonymous said...

6:11. I listened briefly to a speech he was making somewhere for MLK day. I had to turn the channel because I really didn't want to hear about how "we all thought things would change when I (Obama) got elected but sadly they only got worse". I mean is he for real?
The first black president of the US should be praising americans for their integrity and desire to be a race free nation.
Instead he blames his failed POLICIES on racism.

Anonymous said...

6:11, you are full of crap.

#1 Ever heard of economic bubble? The prosperity we saw during the Bush years (and I'm not blaming Bush) was based on a flimsy foundation that crumbled under it's own weight, not because Dems were elected.

#2 Obama consistently downplayed race; every comment he made he stated that he wasn't running as the "Black President". Every time he was asked he stated that yes there are those voting against him because of race, but there are also those voting for him because of race.

#3 None of you conserves can tell me how MSM is in the tank, when Fox News is the #1 cable news network and Conservatives run talk radio (by your own admission). I think you guys are mad because of the story line during the election: "1st black/woman President". It was a moment in history, deal with it.

#4 at 1 year in, you can't label anyone "worst president" accurately. How about you measure this president by unemployment #'s, status of wars, GDP and other key factors in 2012. I'll be the first one to join in your Obama bashing if the numbers support it.

Anonymous said...

7:39 is exactly right.

we are 1 year into his presidency- nevermind the fact that by every historical account George w Bush was the worst president ever- I mean, he LET 9/11 HAPPEN! C'mon...