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Monday, January 11, 2010

Confusing Legislation From Wicomico County Council On New Animal Laws

133-2 – Definitions

"Weather ConditionsAnimals cannot be kept outside if the temperature is below freezing or above 100 degrees and they are not a type of breed acclimated to such severe temperature extremes."

NOW, after seeing such information, one would think that this is enough to actually pull an animal from a property and bring it back to the Humane Society. However, that's NOT the case.

This is only a definition, not a law. That being said, let's just say someone calls the Humane Society or Animal Control and demands the animal be taken in. Neither party by law is allowed to do so. This is what they call "Part A." Part "B" & "C" are what tells both parties what they can do.

Here's another example of just how messed up the new laws are. Let's say you have a dog at your neighbors home that barks all day and all night. The Humane Society does have the right to go and get that dog. However, they did not state in the law that the dog can ultimately be euthanized. What's the Humane Society supposed to do with the dog, keep it forever? There's no "B" & "C" to the legislation.

While I agree that good dog owners would not allow their pets to be outside in such weather, animal lovers need to once again confront the County Council and make this into law, not definition. Then they need to provide both "B" & "C" to that law instructing both parties what can and will be done about it.

The County Council went into a closed session when these laws were finalized, leaving the Humane Society and Animal Control OUTSIDE the closed doors. Their final legislation, (in some cases) is ridiculous. Mind you, I think we all knew more work needed to be done and much would be faced head on in a one on one case basis.

Go to work Folks. Right now there is language on the books for such a problem. However, there's no law stating what both parties can do with the animal. Common sense would show they had their hearts in the right place, they just never closed the legislation to fully protect the animal.


Anonymous said...

The law states that as long as a dog has shelter (a dog house) they can be left outside

tedh said...

Well figure it out. My neighbor has a nice dog that is never let inside. Its living conditions are a 12 x 5 concrete deck. I'm pissed but no one will do anything. I have talked to them but to no avail. The dog is there for security only.

Anonymous said...

Why did the council go into closed session to finalize the animal control laws? There are only a few enumerated allowances for closed sessions and this is not one of them. Well, if any of the animals were county employees I guess they could justify it that way. Or maybe if they were purchasing or selling property from/to one of the dogs that would count, too.

Anonymous said...

The closed session was perfectly legal because personnel matters are allowed to be closed. Everybody knows the County Council thinks its employees are sheep.

Anonymous said...

3:27 is right. No reason for this to have been in closed session. Time to redo this policy, and to get a competent county attorney.

Anonymous said...

One (1) year was spent 12 meeting each lasting approx. 2 1/2 hrs. to "write" those what was thought to be "new laws". OMG, I am in complete shock! Did Linda Lugo know? The county attorney was in on the final wording of each change. So, why didn't they pass it into law? I was "under the impression" they did form the committee to have hearings on vicious dogs or unruly dogs made up of vets, john q public, dog trainers,what has happened to that. I know they started that process. Inquiring minds sure want to know.

Anonymous said...

I had a dog that lived over 17 years and would not stay in the house. When I would bring him in he cried at the door trying to get out. I put heat in his house he would sleep outside. Go figure. I guess I would have a problem with animal control if I still had Jake!

Anonymous said...

This says "animals" not dogs specifically with a very wide definition. What other animals does this include?

Anonymous said...

I have owned dogs for most of my life and there has been only 1 time that a dog has stayed in my house due to her being a smaller breed of dog and not acclimated to the outside weather. There are many breeds of dogs that are bred to stay outside. What gives the Government the right to tell me how to house or care for my animals as long as they are healthy and well cared for ?? My pets are taken to a vet 2 times a year for shots and check-ups. People that have a problem with how other people take care of their pets, need to either , contact someone if the animals are neglected or leave the people alone due to it being none of their business. There are too many people trying to put their ideas and principles on other people that do not want their input on anything.

Anonymous said...

To 5:45 - I so agree with you! Many might choose to not have pets due to too many regulations and nosy fools. Should we bring in the squirrels? What about the poor opossums?

Anonymous said...

I'm in a situation where my two dogs have to stay inside all of the time. This isn't how we want it. A neighbor has taken it upon herself to feed every stray in the neighborhood. After a year of doing this the two strays have turned into many MANY more. These cats use my yard as their own to lay around, go potty, scratch up, etc while my dogs have to watch and bark from the windows. When I do allow mine out naturally they do whats expected, chase the cats. I do not want my dogs killed by running into the road because they are so busy chasing they aren't paying attention to their yard. The neighbor has a total breakdown crying fit when my dogs chase the cats out of THEIR yard. You'd swear she was five years old instead of her very adult age (50 something). She even talks baby-talk to these cats. She'd take them all inside but she's already got a whole houseful.

Before this situation came up my dogs went out all of the time and stayed in their own yard. Since when do strays have more rights than my own dogs on my own property?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with 5:45. I know a few species can't handle the cold but all the native wildlife does just fine outside all year round and so will most domestic animals.

Bob said...

This law is so ambiguous that it defies logic. What in the hell is Ed Baker doing? It appears he isn't earning his money. Below 32 degrees depending on the breed? What breed? Who decides that? The humane society? OH NO! WAY too much power and authority given to them. Take a dog because it's barking? What? WHAT? Issue a citation for a barking dog and let the owner take it to court. Take a dog for BARKING? For F**K sake give me a break. My dogs are in kennels. Another dog not confined as required comes through my yard and what do you think my dog is going to do? BARK!! Yea, you come and take my dog for barking you socialist SOB's!

Anonymous said...

In rural counties, especially Somerset, dogs should be allowed to run loose on ones own property. The crime should be having a stupid law that says dogs have to be either chained or in a pen. Animal control has nothing better to do then harrass people over a dog running loose. The animal control officer down their doesn't know how to deal with people and is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Anonymous said...

The bigger problem is does the City over-rule the County's bullSXXt rules of vice-versa. When you call the humane society they say if you are in the city call PD and have animal control deal with it. I have a husky that occasionally howls and my new neighbor complained. I told her to "F"-off. I would rather deal with a dog barking than her trailer trash kids that do not know what a garbage can is or how to use a sidewalk. Bottom line, if they take your dog it will probably be killed before you can get an injunction to stop it. The humane society is not the best run. And since animal control and humane society do not work together the likelihood of anything getting enforced is nill.