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Thursday, January 07, 2010

Breaking The Will Of The People: The Real Purpose Of Body Scanners

The clamor to ramp up airport security with invasive naked body imaging scanners has nothing to do with ensuring the safety of travelers. Rather it is part of an ongoing incremental push to break the will of the people and encourage mass subservience and meek obedience.

Perhaps the most alarming aspect of the body scanner push is that people are willingly accepting it. As Bloomberg news reports today, “Passenger acceptance of airport body scanners has increased following the failed terrorist attack,” with 92% of passengers at Manchester airport in northern England now agreeing to pass through the machines in a voluntary trial, compared with 75 percent before the incident.

The same report indicates that Around 90% of Muslims and Orthodox Jews were opting to use the scanners even prior to the Detroit incident rather than risking physical contact via pat downs and strip searches.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Don't see the problem with a scanner. There is no absolute right to travel on a plane. If you are that modest, then travel on bus, train, and boat. I will be flying in a couple of weeks and they can scan and pat all they want if it makes the trip safer.

Anonymous said...

yes, it's all another Obama conspiracy. Oh wait, if we weren't using scanners, it would all be another Obama conspiracy to help out his fellow Muslim terrorists to take over the world. Notice a theme?

Anonymous said...

If these scanners are effective, unlike the have-to-have puffer machines that were suppose to detect explosives but didn't, and speeds up the screening process I'm all for it. Anything that takes the detection of contraband out of the inept hands of indivudal TSA agents to tested screening technology is okay in my book.

Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding me. This is garbage. Get a life people and stop complaining about something to create better security for travelers. Some people just like to B*^!$ for the sake of B*(%$@#^G!!!!

Orsonwells said...

If every law abiding citizen was allowed to carry a handgun anywhere they wanted, 9/11 never could have happened.

Anonymous said...

It is for airports today. Tomorrow some stupid person will put a bomb in their underwear and ride downtown in a taxi cab. Next a young Muslim man will try buying a cup of joe at McDonald's while wearing an underwear bomb. Next week there will be a person with underwear bomb trying to buy a Nathan's hot dog at Sam's Club.

Think people.

We are Kings. Each and everyone of us are Kings. This is America. I am a sovereign.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how programmed we are. You don't see a problem with these folks exraying your underwear?

How about you bend over so the TSA can conduct a cavity search? Would that be OK? You have nothing to hide or do you?

What is wrong with people?

The so called terrorists really suck at their jobs. This guy is an absolute baffoon - but you are going to let the TSA search your body.

Wake up America

Anonymous said...

Americans deserve to lose their freedom. We are too stupid to be free.

Anonymous said...

Orson, that statement could not be farther from the truth.
Everyone carrying a handgun would not have prevented 911!
For one thing, you still would not have been able to have the gun on a plane!
Your statement is idiotic!
The scanners are a good idea. If someone is objecting to it then they should not plan to board a plane.
If you have nothing to hide, let them scan you. It's not only for YOUR safety but for MY safety as well.

Anonymous said...

"If every law abiding citizen was allowed to carry a handgun" then there would be anarchy. Of course, just as all prisoners profess to be innocent all citizens profess to be law abiding citizens. Does this mean we are safer? No. Does it mean that it is ok to discriminate against resident non-citizens? Most likely. Would justice prevail? Not by a long shot! No reasonable argument can be made to support the position that arming zealots would produce a safe community.

Anonymous said...

Our public education has become even worse that when I attended - graduated 1975.

Are these commenters Americans?

Did I eat a magic mushroom this morning?

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 11:09 and the rest of you finger phobic types, if the TSA has enough suspicion to want to inspect any area they should have that right. You have the right to choose not to fly. It is no more invasive that a dental hygienist cleaning your teeth for 45 minutes. One thing you must do for your health, the other for your safety.

Orsonwells said...

11:23 & 11:35,

I said nothing of zealots, I said law abiding citizens. You know, the ones with clean records. People with common sense. And to "carry anywhere" would include on the plane.

Don't you people READ all the words before commenting???

Anonymous said...

I did read your post before I commented Orson.
I don't want you on a plane with me with a gun!
How do you decipher who is someone with common sense??? OMG.
Think about what YOU are saying before you say it, please...because apparently YOU are the one with NO common sense. Hope you don't own a gun!

Anonymous said...

Infowars, a website from Alex Jones who believed 9/11 was an inside job, that pretty much should sum up how much we believe this article.

Orsonwells said...

12:22, I own many guns and carry and shoot them all year every year for the last 45 years and have managed not to kill any humans ever! What makes you think carrying a gun makes people shoot other people?

If you think that way, I sure hope YOU don't have one!

Anonymous said...

exactly. Jones' work is exhaustive and thorough. He is an excellent investigative reporter. Infowars is an excellent site for real information about our government.

Chimera said...

Are people chugging cough syrup or what?Just DONT FLY! Everyone is so concerned about terrorists and they should be but if you knew how old and decrepit some of these airplanes are,you would never want to get on one again.

Orsonwells said...

I'll even follow up on my comments, 12.22! Let's build a scenario that everyone, including the 2 hijackers on each of the 4 planes were armed.

First of all, the hijackers would have to be very optimistic that the two of them could prevail over 100+ armed passengers. Even had they tried their luck, all 4 of those planes would never have been able to hit their targets due the the ensuing fight. True, maybe one or two bullets may have partially disabled the aircraft, and there may had been some casualties; but not 3,000.

My money goes to all 4 planes would have made a safe landing somewhere even if the hijacks were tried, but more of my money goes to the hijacks never being tried at all and no bullets would have flown!

Anonymous said...

The only thing wrong with your scenario is that the government did 911. If you had guns, they would have known it (registered) and would have taken you (or me) down immediately.

The truth is that we don't really know what happened on those flights. The fake phone calls were an impossiblility at that time (cell phones don't work on airplanes). For all we know, the planes' inhabitants were incapacitated using sleeping gas. The planes were probably controlled by remote sources. The point is: we don't know and can't trust the media or our government to tell us the truth.

Bob said...

I'm with you Orson. If we were all permitted to carry everywhere. we would not have 10 % of the violent crime problems we have. Think about it from a common sense standpoint. If Anitra Pirkle were carrying and knew how to use it she would very likely still be here with us today. If those passengers were armed there is no doubt in my mind that 9/11 would have had an entirely different outcome. Now if you think I'm wrong, go at night and break into the home of someone you know to be unarmed, go into their bedroom, steal something from their dresser and leave. Afterwards, come to my house - or Orsons house - or a police officers house - or the home of anyone who is well versed in the use of a handgun, and try it. I promise you there will be two different outcomes. Common Sense.


there is no actual evidence al-Qaeda exists, unless you count the CIA and Mossad

Ironshire said...

Let me say this.... If I, and every passenger boarding a flight, had to strip butt naked to ensure that explosives were not being smuggled onto the plane, I wouldn't hesitate! I'd drop my pants in a heartbeat! This is not our "rights" being trampled, it's to keep the bad guys from killing us and what's wrong with that?
Orsonwells has got it right... don't be a victim, be prepared.

Craig Theobald

Anonymous said...

I think you may watch too many movies. It doesn't usually go as well as it does in the movies.
You're acting like there would only be a couple of people in the fire fight. I'd bet you'd have many more than that and you'd end up with some not only going after the hijackers but going at each other as well because then they would have an excuse, or so they would think they did. Oh, you stepped on my toe getting in your seat. Get it?
I'm not against law abiding citizens owning guns but I certainly AM against all of them being able to carry the guns at all times!

Anonymous said...

cell phones dont work on flights? thats weird. ive used mine before no problem.

Anonymous said...

sad, we know who the enemies are, mostly young men between 16 and 45 all look the same all have the same religion. so why are we trying to fool the american public with this dog and pony show. they make us do this when they could very easily address the problem! FU@k this government!
amazing how easily people give up their rights!

Anonymous said...

Good grief...I don't want any of you folks to carry a gun...not around me, not around my family, and not in the community I live. Just because YOU think you are safe doesn't mean I have to believe you, or anyone else has to believe you. Heck, people get shot, sometimes killed because of dumb things people do--and gun toting people are not exempt from the dumb things people do!

No guns... that would be a far more safe environment than a community filled with people carrying guns.

Orsonwells said...

Just look at Arizona's crime rate where all can carry. Look at facts. Don't speculate. Look it up for yourself! That's all I'm saying.

Orsonwells said...

.004462 per capita violent crime. everybody can carry there. argue this.

Anonymous said...

If you keep just one plane from being destroyed,you may scan my gonads from the inside.