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Wednesday, October 07, 2009


To be fair, Liberal's not only fear Glenn Beck, but they also fear Rush Limbaugh. When Bill Buckley presented the Conservative view liberal's were not very worried. You see, Buckley was an intellectual and not too many Americans fit into the intellectual category. It was, therefore, more difficult to understand him. Rush, being a radio personality can not present visual evidence, but does a great job with words.

To Liberal's, Glenn Beck is the most dangerous man in America. Glenn not only speaks directly to the common man, but thanks to Fox, he is able to present video and other visual evidence to support his comments. What is making it difficult for Liberal's to destroy Glenn is he calls himself a "Rodeo Clown", he makes no pretense of being well educated, he is just a common man, asking questions.

Glenn is also a threat to elitist Republicans. Those Republicans that masquerade as conservatives, but in fact are only pursuing the same Liberal agenda. Ronald Reagan had the ability to speak to the common man. I am not equating Beck with Reagan, but both could ignore the main stream media and reach the people. I only hope a leader will emerge among Conservatives that can combine these talents.



Alex said...

Trust me, democrats do not fear Beck. He is simply amuzing.
He only demostrates how backwards right wing bible thumpers really are.
If you think that Beck, Limbaugh and Palin are your biggest weapons then I honestly feel sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

Glen Beck is an entertainer who uses frequent hyperbole and calculated overstatments of some facts while downplaying other facts in order to fit his narrative. When people stop thinking that guys like him, or hannity, or olberman, or maddow are quality sources of objective reporting, we may start to see some sanity enter into our political discussions.

NoName said...

Glenn Beck is a lying hunk of cow dung.

Joe, I've been reading your blog for years, as you know, but this is becoming a daily occurrence on here to bash teh librulz. Unfortunately, this is what it's coming down to in the country, a pissing match between siblings. It's not constructive, and in the end we're all going to just end up covered in urine. So Joe, I implore you, please stop feeding the fire between the political extremists.


Anonymous said...

Glen Beck is an entertainer. Much like Bozo the Clown he has a target audience. His target audience is NOT Democrats. More like wingnut nation.

jefferson said...

I dont' fear him although I do fear CLOWNS.....scary, tiny hands under those big fake ones..oooooo

Anonymous said...

Liberals dont fear Beck, they fear the "common man", as the writer of this piece put it, who actually fall for the stuff he says, which time and again can be proven false.

Anonymous said...

For all the libs that use the "wingnut" expression on all conservatives to whom on the left would qualify as a "Left wingnut" or do you just think that the likes of Ted Kennedy (do not rest in hell) Obama and Pelosi etc are just moderates?

Anonymous said...

DJ, Joe won't stop because "feeding the fire" is what gets hits (online) and improves ratings (on t.v.). No problem, as long as people call it for what it is.


Joel said...

I think the previous four comments prove the point. Not one refutes the evidence Beck presents, only the manner in which it is presented. As to 9:12 comment on quality reporting, if it existed there would be no need for Beck or Hannity or Limbaugh.

Anonymous said...

They fear the truth they fear goodness, honesty and integrity. The same reason why Obama and Hu fear the Dali and Tibet.

Anonymous said...

Nothing brings out the vile Obot comments like Beck and Sarah Palin.

Anonymous said...

You liberals go ahead and make fun of Beck. He is simply doing the job that the American Media used to do: inform the public of truth. Remember, you leftist girly men, it was Beck who brought America's attention to the Czars, including Van Jones. Van Jones did not resign because he was successfully serving all Americans. He resigned because Beck made it clear that Van Jones was valuable only to the imbeciles who hate the U.S.A. and worship Mother Earth over God Almighty. ABC, CBS, and NBC failed us here. Thank God Beck is around.

Anonymous said...


Do you watch his show? If so, what has been the topic of his show for the last two months? Why do you disagree with his position? What is his position, and on what topics?

Please enlighten me!


Anonymous said...

Joel, no one has time to refute all the B.S. that comes out of these guys' collective mouths. I think that is the real strategy; spout enough B.S. and something is bound to stick.

12:49, Van Jones made a dumb @$$ comment so he got the boot. I first heard the comment on CNN. And people have been complaining about Czars since Obama came into office. Maybe you should actually look at other sources of info. instead of relying solely on Beck.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:15,

What is the B.S. that is coming out of the mouth of Beck? Looks like you have time to refute him and his position, so I have to ask: What is his position? It is obvious that the President will not answer any questions, but what has he said that you disagree with? Details plaease!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There are very few Americans speaking up as Beck does. He is blessed with two great forums, radio and TV. He must have a certain degree of credibility or he could not maintain successful ratings for each, thus attracting large advertisers.

Another American with a smaller forum is James (Jay) Parker, but he promotes the same philosophy and concerns. I believe his organization is the Abraham Lincoln Foundation.

I SEE U said...

What A Clown

Anonymous said...

Believe me if what Beck is saying wasn't true The administration would be all over him. I admire the man for taking the risk to let the public know what is going on. Laugh all you want .... every day is one day closer to the next election and you won't be laughing then.

Anonymous said...

How about this recent gem from Glenn Beck: "The Vancouver Olympics lost billions of dollars!" Ummmm . . . unless Beck got in a time machine and went forward, how would he know that?

Anonymous said...

When liberals make personal attacks it's out of fear they're very weak people.

Anonymous said...

"When liberals make personal attacks it's out of fear they're very weak people."

How absout when this blog makes attacks? Almost daily attacks on liberals. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

anon 2:42

If you had paid attention Beck stated on TV that he made a mistake, and that what he meant to say was that Calgary lost money on the Olympics. He mis-spoke something that your boy Obama never does right.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:42,

If you truly watched the show and not the liberal blogs you would know that he corrected the mistake the next show. He actually opened the show with an apology.
I hope that is not the reason you disagree with him. By the way, what was the point he was trying make by that comment? Do you remember?


Anonymous said...

Hahaha, seriously? Glenn Beck got worked on The View. Enough said, if a man that you all put so much trust in and stand behind can get worked by a show that is just girls gossiping. then you are in big trouble. Hahaha, The View. And i will say that it is nice to see a lot of comments getting posted that normally wouldn't!

Anonymous said...

2:42 here. I cannot believe that you people take crybaby Glenn Beck seriously. Go check out his spelling of "oligarchy" and the wonderful lesson he draws from it.

Anonymous said...

This should be fun, Glenn Beck's Lies:
1) When he pulled the website for the cash for clunkers and said government was spying on everybody but was acutally the dealer website. 2) When he said no other president has been sworn in without a bible. (He said he checked) 3) When he said US was only country to have natural birthright provision. 4) How about how passionate he said he would be after private healthcare failed him 5) When he said white house Office of Science and Technology policy "has proposed forcing abortions and putting sterilants in drinking water" 6) How about when he said 1.4 million of stimulus money was used to repair a door at Dyess AFB. 7)etc, etc, etc, that guy is a tool!!!!

Anonymous said...

3:12 it's not an attack if it's the truth backed up by facts like Beck does everyday do you even watch the show !!! Watch and learn !

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck is feared and hated because he's an average Joe asking important questions the liberal fringe media refuses to ask. The bottom line is if the media did their jobs Beck would be unemployed .The media needs to ask tough questions of every administration after all it's all of our money that's being squandered !!!

Anonymous said...

Oh the misrepresentations by the communists replying to this blog are irrefutable proof that we did evolve from monkeys.

Attack the messenger not the message has worked so well for the guilt-ridden libz, why stop?

Glenn Beck is a danger to these dimwits because he tries to educate.

The numbnuts that attack him here are obviously too smart by half.

I can not wait until this country is cleansed of these weasels.

Anonymous said...

You Libtards out there are the ones that are funny.

"Liberals think with emotion and facts don't matter"

When will you admit that your guy in the white house and your people in control of congress are a disaster?

Oh, I can't wait, your going to blame this economy and situation in afganistan on Bush. Remember, the Dumbocrats have been in control of the congress since 2006.
Don't blame Bush, look in the mirror instead.
Anyone who votes for Dumbocrats is just plain stupid!

thomas augustus littleton said...

I honestly can't watch Hannity, Beck, Rachel Maddow or Keith Olberman. These diametrically opposed demagogues of "reporting" always slant & report, or fail to report, their version of the news according to their ideology. According to them, their side is always good & right and the other side is always evil & wrong. All four of them make me sick. No thinking person would base any decision based on their programs. Their programs should only be viewed as dark comedy entertainment. Anyone who really cares should study world history, social & economic philophies, and do their own independant research as to issues. Those who attach any objective political reality to "news talk shows" on MSNBC or FOX are deceiving themselves. There is no objectivity on either of these networks!

Anonymous said...

Why are libs afraid of Beck? Easy answer. They're afraid of everything because they're a bunch of yellow, needle d*ck cowards who only show bravery when they're hiding behind a computer screen in their momma's basement!!

Honestly guys, have any of you ever seen a liberal who isn't afraid of other men, war, girls, confrontation, the truth, girls, big dogs, little dogs, girls, the dark, the light, girls... You get my point, don't you? You lttle sissies!!

Anonymous said...

4:12 Where to begin.

You obviously only read lefty blogs about Beck. Nuf said.

BTW Glenn went on the next day and proved that Vancouver had already lost over a billion before the games had even begun on expenses being five times original estimates. Then explained that he did mean Calgary which lost billions.

Only the insane try to spend their way out of a recession it fails every single time it is tried. Thus why Glenn is against the Chicago Olympics that and the fact that Chicago and Illinois are flat broke.

I mean why can not this President at least try to fix the economy? The "Stimulus" has only spent 14% so far. Even if it would work do we not need it now instead of next year? But then to if it is spent in 2010 it could buy an election. Just like Nero he fiddles while the country burns.

Anonymous said...

Beck, Limbaugh and the others who are telling us the truth may turn out to be the people who save our country (if it's not already too late)! Call them what you want-I call them patriotic Americans.

Anonymous said...

Before you can answer that question, you have to start with the first question: Who said libs. were afraid of Beck?

Thats right, he said it, so it must be true....

Anonymous said...

TAL, with all due respect,

I read your post and can't believe you've ever watched Beck. The other three I agree.

Beck is standing at the front of the line, exposing the underbelly of the beast, and you say he's just entertaining?

When was the last time you did the same?

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:00 - People are afraid of voters like you who can't even have an intelligent debate on the issues. So instead, you call people names. You are a little man!

thomas augustus littleton said...

Thank you, but I am due no respect. All are free to criticize me with or without decorum.

You wrote:
"Beck is standing at the front of the line, exposing the underbelly of the beast, and you say he's just entertaining?
When was the last time you did the same?" Please clarify, when was the last time I exposed the underbelly of a beast or when was the last time I was just entertaining? I will attempt to do both in the following paragraph.

Yes, sir or mam, I have watched Beck, Hannity, Maddow and Olberman with much chagrin. They all do tell the TRUTH, some of the truth, some of the time! When Bush was president, some liberals said the same thing you are saying now. "MSNBC is showing us the underbelly of the conservative, Republican beast." I can't watch a supposed news program that is all for one side. I can join an organization of like minded individuals if I want to hear rhetoric. My political belief is accepted from the thoughts of a master political philosopher, Thomas Jefferson. "ALL government is a necessary evil.... The best government is one that governs least." (that would make me, TAL, very skepticlal of socialism) "ALL government seeks absolute power and will achieve it if left unchecked by the governed."
My belief is that the Republicans and Democrats both want to abuse & multiply any portion of power entrusted to them. No one in government is to be trusted as being good, but must constantly be held in check by the people. It's not objectionable to me that Maddow and Beck expose evil in the other side; IT IS THERE! My problem is that they say ONLY the other side is evil when, in truth, both sides are. It is a public service for both FOX & MSNBC to show faults of the other side. I just wish they would be objective and "out" the scoundrels & abuses of power in their own party, as well. The problem is that most viewers only view the network with the same political views they have. That is not a well rounded, objective, accurate view.

Anonymous said...

9:17, see what I mean? You call someone 'little man' while you're hiding behind a computer screen...little girlie man!

If you libs weren't so ignorant to the truth and only want to scream racist when we TRY to have an intelligent debate about your chosen one you would see that Beck DOES ask questions TRYING to have an intelligent debate. Listen to the questions, agree or not, and figure out for yourself what makes sense. See, easy isn't it if you would just be brave enough to step out into the real world and see what's going on.

obama has kept his word about ONE thing since last year, just one. He did promise 'change' and he's definitely kept his word on that!! Horrible, family destroying, country revolting change! Open your eyes and see the truth!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:17 - You get what you give with me. If you resort to calling someone with the opposite view of your own a name, you will be treated that way as well. Your post was absolutely worthless. Spew to someone who supports your views or be ignored if you have nothing of value to add.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:25,

Seriously, that was your retort, and you really believe that covered all the stuff that I posted or could continue to post that Beck has lied about. That I only read lefty blogs about Beck!! If that is all you have, then I believe I will crown myself the victor and Beck a disgusting human being. Think before you respond next time or was it confusing with Beck not filling your head with how to think and what to say!

Anonymous said...

3:45- 'your retort'...'crown myself the victor''ve proved our point exactly, thank you. A REAL man would never write that way but a sissy liberal would! Grow a pair and come play with the big boys girlie man.

Anonymous said...


A real man points out the failing of others and doesn't follow blindly. I do research and do not go left or right but follow what I believe to be correct. The only point I proved is that you all cannot defend the lies that Beck has told. I have given you ample opportunity but not one person has even tried. Scratch that, one tried and failed miserably. And yes I will say it again to you, your post skirted around everything and answered nothing. It is my understanding that only women wear skirts, so maybe you have this backwards. I have resorted to no name calling unlike you, so why don't you post like a real man and come with some facts!