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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Magazine Industry Rewards Obama Cult Worship

By Michelle Malkin

Every year, the Magazine Publishers of America rewards the creative talents who design covers for leading publications.

There are awards for sports covers, lifestyle covers, celebrity covers, science covers, and news covers.

This year, the MPA created a special new category:


The winner? Obama cultist Jan Wenner’s Rolling Stone:

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Just more confirmation, as if any is needed, that the media is soooooo in love with Obama.
Objectivity? What's that?

Anonymous said...

Obama was a big story and remains a big story. This is fact. Elections are big stories. Throw in the 1st black president and all the contentious issues, you have a media frenzy. The job of the media business is to sale ads which means they print what people are interested in seeing. It's not about idealogy, it's about the money and free markets buddy.