
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Breaking News

Originally posted Oct 12, 2009, reposted by popular demand.

The Salisbury City Council have agreed to move forward with the new $900,000.00 Fire Boat. It has been reported that your Mayor stated that this would stimulate the economy and put people to work. Not here, you Idiot.

There's much more to come on this issue alone. Quite frankly Folks, I've now seen it all and the City of Salisbury flat out makes me sick to my stomach. There has yet to be one solid comment proving this is a much needed and or well received piece of equipment and I can assure you that EVERY single Fire Department throughout the United States is laughing their A$$ES off at the Taxpayers of Salisbury who fell for this idiotic scam.

Remember, YOU voted for Comegys and Shields, you deserve every ounce of what's coming. As for Hopes, at this point I can almost assure you Ireton will make him your next Fire Chief.

As for Ireton, your statement tonight has closed the deal on just what kind of politician you're going to end up being and quite frankly, you SUCK at what you do.


Anonymous said...

I had such high hopes for the new mayor.

What is it about salisbury politics that attracts people who lack the b---s required to do it right?

doug wilkerson said...

Thats one million dollars folks, these people are spending money on something like this when everything else is falling apart. You people should be ashamed of yourselves, I quess one needs dignity before one can feel shame. Like Joe said Mr Mayor YOU SUCK.

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here now dismayed and in freely the council spends other people's money for things they don't need.

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here stunned at how easily they spend other peoples money!

Anonymous said...

Oops no need to post my second post

Anonymous said...

WOW==A brand new fishing boat for the fire dept. I bet you will see them on the river everyday. Just wondering where they are going to dock it, does anyone know? Maybe in Parsons Cemetery! There will be no volunteers on board. Maintence cost, personnel cost and operational cost will far excede those lame numbers put forth.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to hear one person in the City of Salisbury complain about crime in this city ever again. You idiots. So now the Fire D@cks are going to put this worthless piece of equipment and run all around the place fishing, taking families out on a site seeing trip, watching fire works in Ocean City. Watch and see what happens. Mayor Ireton you suck.

Anonymous said...

yeeeeeeep, i can hear them all now. when it comes time for the new budget next year, im sure we'll have to hear them say that they dont have money for raises or any other city department. thank God i dont live in the city, but unfortunatly i work for the city. guess its gonna be another year of "you get what you pay for" for the salisbury taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

What in the hell does Salisbury need a fireboat for and how is this going to create jobs and stimulate the economy? It's just another waste of the taxpayers money at a time when they are talking about cutting costs because THERE IS NO MONEY. What will it cost to man, insure and maintain this thing? I'll bet nobody has thought that far ahead. What a bunch of incompetent, irresposible idiots. Sounds like the council has the same mentality as congress, and like congress they should all be fired!

Anonymous said...

WTH is a fire boat and why do we need one??

Anonymous said...

A fire boat for all the fires we have on the river,Didn't the last one sink ?

Anonymous said...

I am aghast! What the hell are they thinking? Just wait until they vote to buy the blimp.

Anonymous said...

What will it be used for? A fire on the Wicomico River?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Ireton was a ringer from the beginning. Seemed like he was a fresh face, ready to make changes. Now the truth comes out.

Pete Mitchell said...

Here is my question... If there is so much outrage in the community. Where were they tonight? Only two people spoke.. I lady from meadow bridge rd.. (I believe is in fruitland) and a mack truck salesman. Whom never stated where he lived... Where was the outraged citizens?

Anonymous said...

a**holes. they all make me sick

Anonymous said...

No, Joe, you suck at what YOU do. Bitch bitch moan moan, do nothing but rip apart people who don't agree with you. If you were a leader, or at minimum, a man, I would feel differently. Why don't you run for office so we could laugh hysterically at you when you get zero votes. You suck, Joe.

Anonymous said...

"As for Hopes, at this point I can almost assure you Ireton will make him your next Fire Chief."

I can almost assure you that the Local is extremely disappointed in Mayor Ireton. The Local is extremely disappointed in the actions of the mayor. The mayor that got overwhelming support from members of the career firefighters association. Members of the Local put their jobs on the line for you and now you are turning your back on us. The Local spent a lot of money on time on getting you elected. Mayor Ireton you need to do what you promised the citizens you were going to do.

Anonymous said...

Man! - what a freaking clown show!

This takes the cake!

Anonymous said...

How about the poor city employees getting no pay raises. It is just probably just a matter of time before they are furloughed and now these dummys are giving away another $900,000 to the corrupt and stupid fire department.

Anonymous said...

Ireton has been chanting Barrie Tilghman's name tonight on other spending push-throughs. Looks like we can officially call him a FOB.

Anonymous said...

Joe, if you don't like how the city is being run, leave...just like you instruct those who don't care for your site. Take some of your own medicine for once. Someone "sucks" at their job because they don't agree with you? How mature.

Anonymous said...

You knew going in that the deal was done. So why are you acting so surprised. The Chief may become the full time Chief, but he's done as far as the members are concerned. After his decisions since May and his connection with Gordo nobody respects him. When your Acting Deputy walks away from you there is something wrong. Lets see him begging for ambulances when they finish falling apart this year. We're sorry Chief but theres no money left. It all went to firetrucks and the boat.

Anonymous said...

3-2, 3-2, 3-2, 3-2, 3-2, 3-2, just hammer it on through!

D. Baker said...

Gary Comegy's has no business voting on a fire department issue. Gary is a firefighter which makes his vote a conflict of interest!!!! Shanana is to stupid to know any better.
D. Baker
Salisbury Md.

Anonymous said...

"Remember, YOU voted for Comegys and Shields, you deserve every ounce of what's coming"

Joe - Funny how you pushed hard to Ireton! Now you act like you didn't.

Anonymous said...

Council women Campbell and Cohen are hero’s in my book.

Anonymous said...

Stimulate the economy and put people to work??? Isn't the boat already built?

Wizzed in da bury said...

Joe?? You're a smart man. You couldn't see this coming from Ireton? He's a joke. Always was, and always will be.

Anonymous said...

I can't remember-- is this the deal where the Fire Dept. applied for the grant money before they even asked the council for permission to apply?

Anonymous said...

Hoppes actually said that the SFD had NEVER used the present fire boat in response to an emergency (fire)! And they only used the one they had before that once, but they were too late getting there with that one! THAT'S why we need to spend your Federal Income Tax on this, and your City tax to train crews, maintain it, and refloat it after IT sinks!

Anonymous said...

I belont to a service organization that donates money to all of the fire departments. I want to thank the Salisbury Fire Department for allowing us to give the other County fire departments more money. Salisbury FD can get theirs from the City, not from our organization.

Anonymous said...

why not spend that money on additional police officers patroling the streets, what with drugs, prostitution, gangs taking over the city. Everytime you turn around theres another murder.

Anonymous said...

it was a grant

Anonymous said...

I got a letter in the mail about donating to the fire dept. in Salisbury. I threw it in the trash.

Anonymous said...

like I have said many times, I sure am glad I live in the county and not Salisbury. What a bunch of losers lead by a sissy. lol

Anonymous said...

I think some of you need to educate yourselves as to how the city was given the money. It could not be used for just anything. Not city employee salaries. Not for additional police coverage. The city was just supposed to pass up this opportunity? Stop complaining, get involved.

Anonymous said...

Gordy has to go!!!!!! Get rid of this individual and you will see this nonsense come to a halt. Knowing this nut he lays in bed at night fantasizing his next circus spending act. Hoppes is way over his head. There may be some talent left at the SPD to take over the management. One time the Salisbury Fire Department had a proud and rich tradition.

Anonymous said...

Grants are from tax payer money, not pennies from heaven 9:38

Anonymous said...

It may be a grant but there will be insurance, maint., and a ton of other exspense. On the bright side there will be no charter fees for fishing. If they ever have an aqua parade they can use the boat. They can cruise the river looking at hot chicks.

Dont worry about abut crime and the fact S.P.D. is understaffed and over worked. The tight budgets we currently have.

Oh yae Jim likes Fireman. The Mayor can wear his spedo and the guys can cruise the river so he can get an all over tan.

Irreton I am disgusted with you to this point to say the least. Grow a pair I know you got em.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I can't remember-- is this the deal where the Fire Dept. applied for the grant money before they even asked the council for permission to apply?

9:01 PM

Yes, but that Pansy of a mare thinks it's a good idea anyway. He said in a previous meeting that it was a good idea to get the money while you can.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

it was a grant

9:38 PM

Yes it was moron, but you are to stupid to realize that someone had to pay for it. ME and other hardworking taxpayers!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ireton and city council
Don't dare raise our taxes or add any stormwater surcharges to us. Sell the damn boat to make up the difference, and save the maintainence costs on the boat.
Is there any government office we can appeal to to stop this travesty?

Anonymous said...

And furthermore: The letter I received about donating $$ to the fire department--


Not until I see some fiscal responsibility.

Anonymous said...


You are so lost its not even funny! This was a fereral grant and the money can only be used for the purchased boat, nothing to do with the police.

Before asking such a stupid question please do some research.

Congrats SFD for working towards gaining a nice peice of equipment!

Anonymous said...

Just last week I was saying how disappointed I was in Jim Ireton as our mayor, but I still had faith in him. After is Dog and Pony show tonight NO MORE! WTF is that RECALL petition??

Anonymous said...

Just exactly what is a fereral grant?

Anonymous said...

This is my take on what went down:

pitmaster said...

With this type of fiscal-irresponsibility, you know what I'm going to do with the letter from the SFD requesting donations!
The SFD & The City of Salisbury are STEALING from US taxpayers!!

Anonymous said...

Hey you guys calm down. This isnt just a fire boat, this thing has the technology built in that will detect IED's and Weapons of Mass Destruction. That's no lie, Debbie Campbell read it right from the specs sent in with the grant application.

SFD will be out blowing up the turds floating in the river and calling them IED's or WMD's.

I got a letter asking for a donation to SFD and I live in the county. Are they nucking futs? The only thing they'll get from me is a hard way to go.

Tee said...

wouldn't that have been enough money to build the new firehouse? I think I remember a pac14 where they said that's about what the new house would cost.

Anonymous said...

I think Jymmie Gurl is upset with Lady Campbell because she got more votes in her little district than the mare got city wide. Just like an office girl to get his panties in a twist. Get over Ireton, she is one of the only friends you have in this city.

Anonymous said...

To the idiots saying you can't use the grant for police...

Well, DUHHHHHH! It's the money AFTER getting the boat that could have gone for crime control, whether it's $25K a year or $100K a year.

Hoppes' numbers tonight were bull!

Anyone out there own a power boat this size? Yeah, dat'$ what I'$ talkin' 'bout, ye$$$$$!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice the massive collar pins on those ugly dress uniforms that Hopeless and Gordo was wearing at the city council meeting. By the way what was the purpose of them dressing up in those gaudy uniforms? I think some refer to it as LDS!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


You are so lost its not even funny! This was a fereral grant and the money can only be used for the purchased boat, nothing to do with the police.

Before asking such a stupid question please do some research.

Congrats SFD for working towards gaining a nice peice of equipment!

10:45 PM

Must be another stupid illiterate FARMIN!!

Anonymous said...

all you complainers and no one shows up at meetings u people have no balls

Anonymous said...

Whatever buildings on the river that may catch fire ought to burn to the ground anyhow, because there is nothing of value along the banks of the Wicomico River except the Market Street pub. Let your crappy buildings burn, Smallsbury, and collect the insurance. Put the fire boat on blocks and let the fire department's Dalmatians raise puppies below deck. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Some you people are so funny you shouldnt be allowed on the internet!! Sometimes you also Joe.
This is a Federal grant that specifies it has to be used as a fire boat. While I admit Salisbury should have asked for a Fedeal grnt for other things... when was this grant asked for? Was it on Iretons watch?
Grant reqeuests I am sure take a lot of time to be approved... Did Ireton ask for this?? I dought it.
BUT... if the Federal Govt gives salisbury that money for a boat... and can only use it for a boat,,, do they say no?? I dont think so.

So the big question is.. who asked for the grant... and why didnt they ask for a grant for more police or medical personel than a fire boat. I really dont think Ireton had anything to do with this other than say no I dont want the boat... give me something else... but in fact he couldnt get anything else. Could be wrong. He took what he could get.
And not sure where they will dock it. If at the City marina it will take a full time person just to keep all the bird crap off it.
Money spent better elsewhere... but then the city better look more into Federal grants like the FD did.

Jim R

Anonymous said...

Same old, same old. We need a fireboat like a rain barrel needs tits.
How many times did they sink that little "inflatable"...

Anonymous said...

looks like ireton is just another "weezie".

Anonymous said...

I have lost all respect for any firemen , and I mean any.How can these lazy a$$ people who are what they call firemen , justify this.
Firemen eat crap .

Anonymous said...

I spoke with some of the higher-ups in the city . This is what they said " We need this fire boat to help with the gang issues in Salisbury , we can use the hose to spray the criminals. Webster needs all the help he can get."

Anonymous said...

No donations from here either in response to their letter

Anonymous said...

Any bets on who is the first person captured on film with a telephoto lens from a riverfront house on a "joy" ride cruise to nowhere? Have those cameras ready folks as someone will get an embarrassing photo for sure as it's already been done on a private cruiser.

Anonymous said...

Recall petition now

Anonymous said...

Jim Ireton you have a lot of explaining to do to your supporters. You are the biggest disappointment this city has ever seen.

Louweasel Ireton I want my vote back!!

Anonymous said...

@12:09 those uniforms are like the wearers, a joke. If they want to be military they should enlist and learn how a uniform is worn.

They all looked like they were wearing their fathers jackets. If any of them stood in formation for inspection they would be working off gigs for months.

Their sleeves are to long, they are not supposed to reach your knuckles, on any suit.

The lapel pins are to large for the collar.

NEVER are ribbons worn on the right side. Just what were these ribbons representing? Certainly not combat related or even National Defense. Never are medals combined with ribbons. Never do you wear a cover in a building, unless of course, you are armed. The only thing these people were armed with was BS of the highest caliber. They do nothing but make a mockery of our fighting men and women that serve our country. They are a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

And these are the jokes that are going to protect us from terrorism?

Tax hike on the way in the next year or two. Thanks for nothing, Ireton.

4246 said...

Hoppes what a moron. He is the same guy who stood in a meeting the other week an said 10% of 700,000 was 50,000. And thats the guy Ireton wants as mayor. He also said for people to stop blogging on SBYNEWS well guess what FU.

Anonymous said...

please don't forget this new boat will also need a trailer and brand new 2010 truck to pull it. Captain Comegys,mayor, Hoppes,and the other 2 ladies on the council can ride on it during the next x-mas parade. always grows on trees in salisbury!!!!!!

16 volley said...

They get medals for ripping of tax payers. Just wait till medals day in may of 2010. They will need a wheel barrel.

Anonymous said...

will this boat cut into the gang problems we are having in salisbury? where can i sign up for the first fishing trip on this boat???

Anonymous said...


Look whos laughing now!pyrin

ken smith said...

The speed limit is 5mph on most of the river. If the need arises how long will it take to get to,say
the mouth of the bay?

If they go fast enough to get their in time they would likely damage every boat on the banks of the river and get tangled up in the ferry cables at Upper Ferry and Mt Vernon.


Anonymous said...

The only thing worth 900k on the river may be a couple of expensive homes.... If I lived in one of those homes I'd let it burn and take the insurance money and get the hell out of Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

You should have voted for Bob. When Joe had a forum here for all four candidates; I stated very clearly that Ireton reminded me of a typical politician with NO B*lls. Bob had the time and the B*LLS to make this city better. I bet Ireton is using this Mayorship as a stepping stone to Congress.

Anonymous said...

Kick this up to the top. After watching that circus last night, I woke up mad this morning! We need our car fixed and these guys are buying a new toy. Disgusting!

Orsonwells said...

It's about doing the right thing. Yes, this was started during Barrie's watch. That is your first clue. Second is that the present boat has never been needed for a fire response. Third is that the boat before that only went to one fire, which was out bu the time it git there. Boats are slow.
Before you go out and get a "free" puppy, one must first resolve to get it vetted, and have the means to do so. Then comes the kennel. Then the run, or fenced yard. The puppy must be properly trained, and the owner must get trained in how to handle the puppy. Then there is the food, water, and time to put into the dog. Exercise time is also a must.

And this boat isn't going to be "free". If we take this unneeded $900,000.00 out of the Federal tax base that all of us contributed to every day we work, there will be a $900,000.00 "hole" in the coffers that will need to be refilled. Where do you think this money will come from? YOU AND ME AGAIN!!!!!

Refuse the grant. Leave the money in the coffers. Stop the madness of "If we don't take it, somebody else will". If they have the spine that you would show by your actions, and follow your example, they, too, will leave the money in the coffers to build our country back up. That's called Faith and Example. Lead, you horses a$$es!

Anonymous said...

12:47 AM - It does no good to show up at meetings - either Louise will shut the meeting down or the vote is going to be 3-2.

Anonymous said...

A fire boat. So how many boats catch on fire per year vs officers needed on the street. They need to spend that money on getting Webster out! Now thats a million dollar investment!

dogg said...


I voted for Ireton thinking he is going to straighten out this mess. Instead he is making it worse. I want my vote back. Ireton SUCKS big time!!!

Anonymous said...

Why dont all the city and county employees stop showing up for work and see how fast these FOOLS get the message. Grants are not FREE, you people better start acting responsibly or something is going to EXPLODE.

Anonymous said...

Confucius says: Put a straight man on a pedestal and people will respect you; put a crooked man on a pesestal and people will not respect you.

Jim you should Follow Confucinism because you are not gaining respect as you encourage, support, and back these horrible decisions!

Anonymous said...

The only reason they would do this, when public sentiment has been "Hell No" is that they couldn't care less about what the tax payers in Salisbury think. I'm not a Salisbury resident or I would have my butt parked in the Mayor's office wanting answers.

Anonymous said...

The company building this boat is located in Ontario, CANADA. They also have a US office in Clayton, NY. Now where do you think they placed their order? I seriously doubt any of the SFD members have passports to travel into Canada. How many trips will we have to pay for so they can go to NY?

Anonymous said...

Mayor Ireton, veto that resolution!

Anonymous said...

Jim R.

Please consider the cost of upkeep maintenance and training for this boat. This is where the real problem lies. I mean after all Jim, it's free money right?

Obama got it from he stash right?

Anonymous said...

Joe, you have another comment saying it does no good to show up.

I don't live in your area, but I use to hear this excuse all the time where I am. One day, a bunch of people decided to stop complaining over coffee and raise hell.

Not just showing up once but many times. Letters. Phone calls.

It made a difference.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sick of local governments spending tax payer money (grants) on this type of foolishness. They always say that it is grant money and if they don't get it and waste it someone else will.

Anonymous said...

How many of these commentors are City residents? I bet not many; they just want to SOUND OFF.

Orsonwells said...

You don't HAVE to be a city resident, 10:48! What part of Federal money, Federal tax do you not understand? This is all of our money!

Sure, the city will be saddled with the upkeep, but it will cost throughout the county also, as that is the area it will serve... just wait and see! Nobody has crunched those numbers yet, as apparent at last night's meeting showed.

Anonymous said...

Two large diesel engines, two jet drives, someone better look at the cost to maintain. They will also want a $25,000 boat lift, or figure yearly bottom and hull out, paint etc. This is a joke folks, nothing is free!, the yearly upkeep will average two full time firefighters or police officers.

Anonymous said...

That whole meeting last night was a disgrace.

10:48, I'm in the city. But our new mayor is showing himself to be no different than the old mayor.

Many times I wanted to say something. But my wife is afraid they'll come after us.

First Louise Smith lied to get my vote. Now Ireton. I have zero faith in my local government thanks to them. Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen fight the good fight, but they are outnumbered, so we are all screwed.

Smith and Ireton have convinced us to move just as soon as we can figure out how to do it without losing our tails.

Anonymous said...

Orsonwells and 11:16 a.m. for Mayor and Council! Hurrah! Someone who gets it.

I worked at a yacht yard in my teens. That actor chief was flying by the seat of his pants last night. This is going to cost a lost more than Old WeSinkaLot.

The mayor doesn't give two ----- about crime, his top priority. He won't fire an incompetent chief. Now he's going to dump money into an unneeded boat so there is nothing left to fund police.

The council majority is a joke, too.

Anonymous said...

The smugness and arrogance last night was disgusting.

Anonymous said...

The Feds are making a ton of money off the heroin sales coming from Afghanistan. They have also reaped large rewards for taking Iraq's excess oil (their country doesn't need any oil, there is very little infrastructure left as a result of our precision bombing)and our banks are now fully flush with the cash we ordered them to print and agreed to make our great great grandchildren repay. Therefore, I see no reason whatsoever to forgo the spending of this federal grant money.

Anonymous said...

I guess some things never change,thanks alot Jim.

Anonymous said...

I'm not quite sure what the exact USCG requirements are to pilot a fire boat, but pretty much any operator of a commercial vessel is required to have a USCG Captains License. I believe that this fire boat would technically be operating in a commercial manner because of the way the SFD operates & the way it is structured thus requiring a USCG Certified Captain at the helm. Not to mention with a boat of this length, wide beam & inboard motors (assumed, hopefully they would get outboards so they don't sink it when they strip a shaft), you (the citizens) would want a trained captain to be at the helm so as not to damage such a hefty investment. Some schmuck with a basic boater’s safety course license that usually drives bass boats & duck boats is NOT going to cut it! I’ve been a USCG certified 25 ton Master Captain for 10 years now, & even I wouldn’t feel 100% comfortable behind the wheel of this boat at first.

That being said, I'd be willing to bet that they do not have any or enough Coast Guard certified captains over at station 16 to even pilot this boat so they are going to have to pluck out a handfull of potential boat drivers to go through the USGC captain’s course. In order to get your USCG captain’s license, you are required to log a certain amount of hours on a similar vessel in the territory in which you are going to utilize your captain’s license. The hours vary depending on the territory & tonnage. For example, for my original uninspected 6-pack license (within 100 miles off shore) I had to log a minimum of 700 hours of time on Coastal waters after receiving my TWIC card. So what does this mean? It’s simple we, the citizens of Salisbury, will be footing the bill for the fuel, maintenance & manpower to get these guys the necessary time on the water to get their captain’s licenses. It’s going to be just like the “training” on the Tower truck, only it is going to cost WAAAAY more in fuel since boats an nowhere near as fuel efficient & it’s going to take a whole lot longer! In addition, I honestly don’t think that there enough competent people over at Station 16 that I would even want behind the wheel of this thing. IF the City were smart, instead of training existing staff & paying for all the costs associated with the training, they would simply hire two 24 hr on-call master captains to be available when and IF the boat even has to go out.

I don’t think that anybody truly realizes the astronomical cost is takes to get 700 hours of time on a boat. I know that my Volvo Penta D6-310 Diesel burns on average 3.5 Gallons per hour & that is an EXTREMELY fuel thrifty engine. If they use Caterpillar engines, jet drives or outboards, they are going to be looking at using a lot more fuel. Oh, & by the way, the boat will probably have TWO motors. So let’s do a little math here based on the Volvo Penta motor: 700 hours (training) x 3.5 (fuel per hour) x 2 (second engine) x $2.60 (a very low average cost of diesel) = $12,740.00! It also costs me $154.00 to change my oil every 125 hours at so add about another $862.40 to the fuel & you’re at $13,602.40. Then we add the wages to it-I’ll assume we pay our firefighters at minimum wage (certainly we pay them more) so $7.25 x 700 = $5,075. And tack on the cost of the USCG Course of $750.00 & your grand total to properly & legally train ONE PERSON to operate this vessel will be a MINIMUM of $19,427.40! That’s also assuming that you already have a captain that they can get their on-the-water time under, if not it will cost you at least $25/hour to hire a captain to babysit these guys on the water. So essentially this “FREE” boat is going to cost a considerable amount of money to the tax payers & after seeing out the SFD operates with all their other toys, it’s going to be a lot more than that.

Anonymous said...

BOATS ARE BY FAR THE WORST INVESTMENT YOU CAN EVER MAKE! The only reason I have one is because I had the money to blow on it. They are one hell of a money pit to maintain and operate. It must make you wonder what the hell the Mayor and Council are thinking when they approved this thing-WE ARE IN A DEPRESSION-I don’t even call it a recession anymore because it is much worse than that! YOU DO NOT BUY TOYS AND NOVALTIES DURING TIMES LIKE THIS! We currently have a City administration that has no fiscal responsibility and it is going to really hurt us later, just like it has and is with the County! If I were you folks, I would be highly concerned about the operating expenses of this boat. Not to mention it only benefits a very few properties in the City-I can find out later, but I bet that this benefits less than 100 properties actually within the City limits of Salisbury. Way to go folks-vote for Shields, Comegys and Smith again…

Anonymous said...

You guys had your chance to prevent this...too late to complain now. What I don't understand is why Ireton is getting so much heat. What people don't realize is the minimal power his position has. It is, after all, a part time job. The position of Mayor is simply just a cheerleading job for the City of Salisbury. Manage the office, not the City, is really all he can do.

Anonymous said...

wow so now the fire dept are police officers to patrol the water ways

doug wilkerson said...

The elected officials in this country from the local to the top are going to continue to waste money until we as a nation are broke and collapse. It is going to happen and all of you will be held responsible. You better think about that.

Anonymous said...

anyone up for a protest march? i am.

Tee said...

just make sure that while the FF are not busy they use their dive equipment and scrub that bottom a couple times a month, see how quick they get tired of that big boat then... no need to pay them to set there when there's work needed, right.

Anonymous said...

At least Gordo didnt have to jump in and speak for the Chief like when See was here. He could at least ramble on with his own bulls##t figures and keep a straight face.
The publics image of the SFD is very poor. Its not because of the men and women in blue, but the leaders at the top. The wasteful spending and the arogant attitudes have ruined the reputation of the organization. Dont blame the lower ranking members for the wasteful spending in a bad economy. The blame should fall on the ones who have sought after and spoke on behalf of the SFD toys.
The day will soon come when the bottom will fall out and the piper will be paid. Where will those who supported this be ? My guess is nowhere to be found.

Anonymous said...

I don't live in Salisbury but what amazes me is
You don't show up at the meetings to voice your opinion and then you come here to Joe's blog and blast everyone for everything.
Sure, I agree, IMO Salisbury does NOT need a fireboat but you people really should learn what it means to be PROACTIVE instead of REACTIVE or NOTHING can or will change!

Retired Fart said...

Short on manpower and ambulances that run 12 to 20 calls a day and you want a fire boat. You gotta be kidding me. 5.3 calls a year vs. 8000 EMS calls a year. Your priorites are way off Chief.

Anonymous said...

Quit your cryin and accept it. Gordy and Hoppes are going to do what they want regardless of what you think. Blame the Muslim in the White House for puttin the money out there for such crap as this. Until you firemen speak up and say hell no the train will keep rollin. Its obvious they dont care what the public thinks.

Anonymous said...

This will another hole in the water. They went out and bought the trash skimmer for the river then sold it for the fraction of its cost years ago. It now has been restored and is sitting idle next to the Riverside boat ramp.

Richard said...

I still haven't gotten past this "Fire boat" being bought with a grant from "Homeland Security"! How does a fire boat qualify for Security? Someone said the Port of Salisbury is the second largest port in MD. Then I'm guessing Annapolis, Crisfield, Cambridge and many other towns must have changed States. But even if that were true, how is this boat justified? Is it truly needed to protect the "Port of Salisbury" which can be hit from both sides of the river from a truck! Well, maybe they are saying they can no longer guarantee the fire truck on the East side of the river since the bridge might be up! LOL

Wake up! The last boat was used so much they didn't know it was sinking until it was sunk! Maintenance will be costly, fuel isn't going to get any cheaper, and just like the ladder truck, the boat will be a toy rarely (if ever) needed. I heard a number 5.3 calls per year on the old boat. I would be more interested in hearing what those calls were. Actual fire calls, or did they just go out because they could.

Yes this is grant money, but this ads to my Federal Taxes, and the maintenance is always more than projected!

The Third Guy said...

Ill find them.

Anonymous said...

Want 2 Know what they r goin 2 do when we have a fire in the north prong and they have 2 wait 4 the bridge tender 2come in from home open bridge?

Anonymous said...

11:57 AM,

Excellent post!

Here's a couple of other things I thought of:

1) Those who obtain captain's certification will require more pay. That's not a one-time cost, but will be an additional burden in every budget from now until they finally wise up and get rid of the boat.

2) If a boat captain leaves the SFD they will have to go through the whole certification process again -- at $19,427.40 a pop (or whatever it will be up to by then).

Anonymous said...

Could they of got this grant for (port security) and turned around and put a patch on the policemans sleeve that said (port security) and used this money to hire additional police officers?

doug wilkerson said...

Salisbury has like many towns slipped into the abyss. She may be lost forever.

Anonymous said...

Isn't ocean city looking into a fire boat and only spending a quarter of that from the grant they got? Not quite sure but theres a place that has an ocean and a bay...sounds like a more strategic place to put a fire boat.

Flo Rida said...

Shanie no wha she talkin bout. All dem tearurist, I.E.D'S AND W.M.D 'S dat dem farmin has to deel wit. Salisbury is daingerus and we's gots ta make it safe. It free muny and I supports it.

Orsonwells said...

2;17, scary thoughts! and what do you suppose a used fireboat will sell for; and to whom? $5,000.00? To Snow Hill?

Anonymous said...

I didnt hear the Chief mention the cost of overtime for training sessions. All training such as this is done off duty and paid firemen are compensated with overtime funds. How much will this cost the taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

And we're still be reactive which is doing NO good.

Orsonwells said...

Part 1 crime is only up 10%, and others up 4%, there's plenty of time to worry about this later.

Right now, the City's priority should be on fire boats that have not been used in 10 years, but might be needed soon. I guess someone is planning that terrorist attack on America's most valuable resource, Smallsbury.

Anonymous said...

The only Weapon of Mass Destruction on the Wicomico river is the WWTP. We don't need a fire boat to detect that, we know it's there.

doug wilkerson said...

The country is in a depression(if you want to admit it or not) every penny should be saved and waxed if we want to pull out of this as a nation. Every penny.

Anonymous said...

What kind of BS lies were put in that grant application to qualify Salisbury for a fire boat over other locations in the country that actually have a qualified need for one?+

As others have said, don't come beggin for money salisbury fire dept, and mayor and council, don't start raising taxes and putting surcharges on us. City residents are sick of the crap that is going on here.

Anonymous said...

You people don't trust Hoppes and Gordy to do the right thing. They are well trained, competent administrators. They know what they need to do the job. How could you know if you have no experience in the Fire Department?

Learn to trust the leaders. That's why they are here.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, by the time the draw bridge gets open for a fire on mill or lake street the fire will be out and when the fire happens at the market street inn they only have to wait 12 hour for low tide. Oh well looks like by the time they get to use this boat the fires will be out.

Anonymous said...

How big is this vessel? Does it require a Captain's license to operate?

Anonymous said...

This money would have been spent somewhere else, so it is better we have it. However it could have been spent on something better. Like more man power. This 900,000 figure isn't going to be the final price of this boat. It will be another 100,000 plus for equipment, and 50,000 to 100,000 a year operating cost. One last thing would people not refer to all firemen as "farman". Many in the fire service have degrees and take classes. True there are some out there that don't shed a good light on the service, but when you call we always show up.

doug wilkerson said...

"The money would have been spent somewhere else", therein goes the problem.

Anonymous said...

How about we find out whose is giving out these grants and tell them ENOUGH. Stop giving away our money I dont care who gets it. This is only one case which grant money was spent and there was no need. How many other grants were given away and how much did that cost us?

HA verification word safty

Orsonwells said...

Thanks, Doug, therein lies the problem. They are not being responsible American citizens, looking out for their fellow man.

Unless that changes. we are going down the toilet bowl.

Anonymous said...

Im already swimming partner.

Orsonwells said...

ps, until they start acting like responsible American citizens, they will be called "farmin".

Anonymous said...

I don't know about you guys, but I am ready for a recall of our new mayor. Heck, I would even settle for Bubba Comagys. At least we know what we're getting with Bubba. Jim Ireton you are nothing more than an ignorant wannabe school teacher. Heck, if you were any kind of leader you would have made it higher through the ranks at the Board. Why aren't you even a principal? My guess is you don't qualify.

Anonymous said...

If you exploit the soil to point of no return, what do you end up with? A bunch of tractors and equipment you have nowhere to use.

Orsonwells said...

I love my country, and most of all, I love those who speak out to protect it. Thank you all for re- affirming my thoughts on this issue. Praise the first amendment!

Screw you, SFD!

Anonymous said...

Orsonwells, that is what I wrote on the donation request and mailed it back to them. SCREW YOU, SFD!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You guys had your chance to prevent this...too late to complain now. What I don't understand is why Ireton is getting so much heat. What people don't realize is the minimal power his position has. It is, after all, a part time job. The position of Mayor is simply just a cheerleading job for the City of Salisbury. Manage the office, not the City, is really all he can do.

12:24 PM

What an idiot!! Is this you Chuck? Ireton is getting the heat because he has openly supported this boat. He has met with Gordy and Hoppes on numerous times and approved them for this. You are a stupid moron to think that the elected Mayor doesn't manage the city. Get a life!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I didnt hear the Chief mention the cost of overtime for training sessions. All training such as this is done off duty and paid firemen are compensated with overtime funds. How much will this cost the taxpayer.

4:16 PM

That's because they have the mayor convinced it would be for the "safety of the firefighters."

Anonymous said...

The inflatable boat has never sunk.

Orsonwells said...

I'm not in the city, so I don't have to pay for the maintenance! But it's still my fed dollars that buys this crap! and are we to believe that this won't be a "shared" expense? And I'm sure they realize how much the maintenance is on this (15 years down the road) that the county won't be courted for some dollars. These people need to be "thinkin' with their dipsticks, Jimmy!" I'd be happy to show them how...

Anonymous said...

How many fires happen on boats in Salisbury anyway? Got that statistic? Any boats in need of Help? Got that statistic? A pontoon Boat with a motor would do just fine.

Anonymous said...

It is more than a little disappointing that Ireton hasn't reined in Hoppes and Grody and their extravagant spending. Does he not realize that he doesn't have to go through with things initiated by the former mayor? Expenses and department heads are his responsibility now.

Anonymous said...

My god I cannot believe I would ever say I would almost rather have Berry back. Our mayor is so lost and Jim if you read this the voters are very disapointed in

Anonymous said...

The police dept. has nine officers in the local academy. That is more then 1/4 of the road patrol officers that currently are on the road. No wonder there are issues. When they graduate, those nine will take over on the streets with no expierience. Will these be additional or will they take the expiereinced officers (less than 2 years on) and put them in cid. This city has issues on every side

Anonymous said...

If you all can run the fire department any better then man up and apply for the job. I wonder how many of these post are the same person posting over and over?
I a tax payer and I dont have a problem with this purchase.

Reality is if they dont have a fire boat and there is an incident on the river you will bitch that they are prepared for it.

Anonymous said...

what i want to know is who will operate this boat at 11 pm when homeland security or the coast guard calls. i wud like to see a list of names that can run a boat at night.

Anonymous said...

"As for Hopes, at this point I can almost assure you Ireton will make him your next Fire Chief."

Really? Hoppes doesn't meet the qualifications as noted on the Job Discription posted by the Mayor's Office.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You people don't trust Hoppes and Gordy to do the right thing. They are well trained, competent administrators. They know what they need to do the job. How could you know if you have no experience in the Fire Department?

Learn to trust the leaders. That's why they are here.

4:51 PM

Trained?? ROTFLMAO. You can train a monkey, but are the educated? NO! Are the competent? No. If you have so much faith in these two then why didn't you sign your name? Is it because you are either Gordy or Hoppes yourself?

Anonymous said...

I understand this boat will pump river water to fight fires or to assist pumper trucks. If so, will it filter out the turds before this water goes to the fire? Can you say $h!tstorm?

Anonymous said...

It's time for the citizens to put the heat on Jim Ireton. Time for him to Sh!t or get off the Pot. Can we get some help from AFP? I am ready to work hard on a recall petition if someone can initiate it.

Anonymous said...

The entire city organization is a joke. With the exception of Campbell and Cohen. I have no respect at all for Ireton either. He is just like Smith that promised alot and has done nothing but lie to the people who put him there.

Anonymous said...

The special operations team would be called out to run the boat in the event of an emergency.

Is it true they are donating the current boat to Parsonsburg?

Anonymous said...

Nearly a million bucks for this.

Nearly two million bucks for that "Bricks" thing.

Start screaming.

Anonymous said...

been screaming for about 4 years now.

Anonymous said...

poor Fulton Bagwell is probably doing back flips in his grave may he rest in peace...what a disgrace the whole sfd is and the mayor and city council shame on all of you