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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Snowe to Vote YES on Senate Health Care Bill


Liberal GOP Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) has indicated that she will vote for the health care bill currently before the Senate Finance Committee.

"When history calls, history calls," Ms. Snowe said in a statement. "I happen to think the consequences of inaction dictate the urgency of Congress to take every opportunity ... to solve the monumental issues of our time. There are many, many miles to go in this legislative journey."

With Snowe’s vote, Congressional Democrats and the Obama Administration will now claim that ObamaCare has “bi-partisan” support.  This will probably be used to help break loose moderate Democrats who face tough re-election battles in 2010.

from Delmarva Dealings


Alex said...

Good job Senator Snow. This is long overdue.

Anonymous said...

I smell a tea party at her office vote her out the people will be heard !!!

Orsonwells said...

336, JT, Is that you?

Nobody has seen this new one they're working on. It's a secret this time. last time they put it out on the table, they found people READING the damn thing! How do we know it's not the perfect solution this time?

We could use history to speculate, though.

Anonymous said...

Longtime Rhino. No surprise. Former gang of 8 member.

Anonymous said...

"Is this bill all that I would want? Far from it," she said. "Is it all that it can be? No."

Leaving that part off of the quotation has a large impact on the way people will look at her statement. It appears to me she is voting to move the bill out of committee more then throwing her support behind just this one bill. By doing this she allows the debate to begin in both the full House of Reps. and the Senate and not just in committee.

Anonymous said...

What a discusting turn-coat. Get her out of office!

Anonymous said...

She's toast

Anonymous said...

I like how you guys all thik you know more about her constituents that she does. Maybe she is representing them, maybe they want healthcare reform. Why the attitude that anyone who disagrees with you is automatically wrong?

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't she just become a democrat?

Anonymous said...

"Why the attitude that anyone who disagrees with you is automatically wrong?"

Simple. Because anybody that wants something but wants somebody else to pay for it is automatically wrong.

Anonymous said...

Get rid of the pig. Kind of reminds me of some of the RINO's on the County Council.

Anonymous said...

"Simple. Because anybody that wants something but wants somebody else to pay for it is automatically wrong."

-And anyone who thinks people should just get sick and dies if they can't afford health care is automatically a terrible person.

Anonymous said...

A bullet will change the debate

Anonymous said...

show me one person that has died because f no health care? it may take them forever to pay those bills but they do get treated. period....if you get sick and you dont go to the dr then its your own can go to the wont die if you will die however when you see the bills....we do need reform but im not so sure that they have the answers.....every time the govt calls themselves helping you ...yu better get ready because of the bul behind it almost isnt worth it...d your home work...there is more ppl(claims) turned down by medicare than my independent coverage....what will happen when the govt takes control? you may die then waiting to get into a dr and they may then deny your claim so agian you will die when you see the bill and again it may take you forever to pay it off.

Anonymous said...

The time for debate is over it is time to raise guns against the government .

Chimera said...

We need to remember who votes for this and vote them OUT next election.

Anonymous said...

A call to arms

Anonymous said...

4:03 Snowe's vote was not needed to get this monstrosity out of committee. It could have been done without her vote.

Anonymous said...

What country are you living in?!!
The insurance company death panels are sentencing people to death every day, by simply saying "that's experimental" or your coverage is maxed out.

You are an idiot. Avocating volient overthrow of the government just because the democratic process did not go your way. I hope the government that you want to attack has their eye on you, and we read of your arrest soon.

Anonymous said...

Earlier today I emailed the GOP with the following . . .

I just read a headline that said, "Senate Finance Committee approves the $829 billion, 10-year health-care bill sponsored by Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) with the support of a lone Republican, Maine Sen. Olympia Snowe."

Of course that's just in Committee, I suspect other RINOs will ooze out of the cracks once the bill reaches the floor.

How is it that anyone (for instance, Arlen Specter) can just walk in to the Party and claim "Republican" status?

Do you have any requirements to join this club? What if Barney Frank wanted to join? How about Fidel Castro? My guess is that you'd let them in!

Perhaps if you required "Republicans" to actually be Republicans then you'd get a little more respect.

I went to the RNC web site to find your email address, but all it wanted from me was my money -- fat chance. I'm now actively looking for a party that holds to my values, you know, like the party I used to know as the GOP.

I've not changed my values, it looks like the GOP has.

Anonymous said...

8:46 not only do I advocate it I demand it and will commit it the time for talk is over violence is what you people will listen to violence is what you get!!!

Anonymous said...

I read where the Democrats crafted a hypothetical bill aimed at Snowe which she signed but she also said she probably wouldn't sign the finished product.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like 9:18 needs to be interviewed... got his IP address?

Anonymous said...

6:48 I'll do you one better I'll come to your house and discuss the matter with you how does that sound ?

Anonymous said...

Please get some mental health counseling. Patriotism is not a synonym for criminally insane. And just what is your weapon of choice?
Deer rifle or fertilizer bomb? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who disagrees with you has a mental health issue ? What a pea brained idiot you are people are fed up with Obama shredding the Constitution and are outraged I completely understand. And left wing socialists like you just roll over for the Mack daddy like cult followers I think you and your twisted ilk need counseling !

Anonymous said...

No, not everyone who disagrees has a mental health issue, only the ones who disagree and then threaten me and the country with volience. Let the process work, or please use the gun on yourself.

Anonymous said...

Ever heard of the Boston tea party they were Patriots that had enough which led to a revolution . Your the one who implied a threat with trying get my I P number for an interview I just offered up a meeting and you take that as a threat ? What a punk ! If you don't want someone in your face shut your mouth.

Anonymous said...

9:43 ever wondered why we have the second amendment ? For citizens to take back their country from a government that has grown to powerful and is trampling on their rights.

Anonymous said...

I have family putting their lives on the line every day to protect all of America from threats, both from within and from afar. You and those that want to overtake our Democracy by volience will not succede. Regardless if you call yourself Al-Qaeda or NeoCon wingnut.

Anonymous said...

The attack is from the democrat Socialists party of extremists. And if you did have family in the military which is a lie they should knock some sense into your empty head.