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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why Obama Wishes He Were King

Or at the very least, he wishes he were Mel Brooks

- Responsibility without authority is a recipe for frustration. But popularity without power is a recipe for aggravation.

Consider Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States, a man who, by dint of his title, is deemed by the great majority of the population to have "responsibility" for the economy.

To any intelligent person, the notion of one man having "responsibility" over an economy the size of America's is a joke; and yet, a stunningly large percentage of the population will, nevertheless, grade Obama's performance as President largely on the basis of the performance of the economy over the coming months and years.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Here's why I find this very interesting . . .

1) We all know that Obama has MSNBC in his pocket

2) The Obama administration is constantly spinning that the economy is doing great

3) Most non-political economists know that we are not "doing great"

So, it now seems that MSNBC knows the truth -- that is, this country is continuing to spiral downward into financial ruin. What do they do? Release a story that says in effect: "When the economy fails, don't blame Obama, it's not his fault."

You know very well that if we have a big rebound in the economy that MSNBC will be giving Obama all the credit. Hypocrites!

BTW, the article says that Obama knows these are "events largely beyond his control." Very interesting -- because that's not what he said during his campaign. Hypocrite!

joealbero said...

anonymous 1:40, Does this remind you of anyone locally?????

tedh said...

He doesn't have to be king because he is revered as the Messiah by the liberals.

Anonymous said...

This column belongs in the gossip section. Everything the author speculates as being signs of Obama's weakness come off to me as signs of a healthy democracy (besides Blago and his boy).

1:40, ALL politicians take credit for economic success and blame others for failure. Welcome to politics. Step back from your idealogical prism and look at how the state of the economy has been expressed: technically the recession (economist's definition) is over. The economy is expected to recover slowly but steadily over the next couple of years. And we will be dealing with high unemployment until things turn around. I don't know a single person from the administration who has painted some type of "rosy" scenario that differs significantly from this.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Idiots, like Jimmy Carter, are making the Obama as supreme leader and dictator closer to reality.

Carter's racist response to a great patriot, Rep. Wilson laid the ground work to make Obama & his adgenda untouchable by political adversaries.

If anyone who opposes the president is quickly labeled a racist and discredited, the Democrats have created
a dictator who answers to no one.
Is that REALLY what you Democrats want? That is a travesty of American government and disaster for freedom.

With idiots like Carter leading the way, are we really that far away from the government decreeing that anyone who disagrees with the president is a racist and dragging them from their home & to prison or death? History is full of examples of this type of thing happening. Thanks Mr. Carter, you un-American moron!

Anonymous said...

It was ok to blame Bush for all the problems during his term, correct?

Anonymous said...

I have told you before , Obama sits on the right hand of satan!

Anonymous said...

Obama is not my president , he may be yours. He lies . he lies ,he lies. But of course , consider his
culture. Oh well!!

Anonymous said...

And it will be ok to blame Obama for problems caused by his actions during his term.

Obama has repeatedly refuted the "racism" claims. He cannot control what comes out of other politicians mouths, which runs counter to your "dictatorship" claims